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Everything posted by Lamont

  1. I thought UV was bad for the corals. I know plants need it, but could be wrong about corals.
  2. Sometimes my skimmer will do this after a water change. but it goes away after a day or so. When it does this I never get any skim mate . As soon as I see skim mate in the cup the bubbles go away. Maybe its a sign of clean water. So you might be right to turn off your skimmer until the next day. I also so use sponges wrapped around the output part of the skimmer to cut back on the bubbles.
  3. Here are some pics of my light hanging. The fixture i'm using did not have any pre-drilled holes. I went to the hardware store and bought a matching drilled bit and did my thang. To adjust the height is very very simple. There is a button you push to let it up and down. Easy and safe.
  4. I think that I remember warning you that might happen I know because it happened to me Yeah, you and others warned me but I had most of my corals epoxied down and did not want to move them. I found out the hard way! That was a lot of light for a breeder tank though. Even if i wold have moved them down in the tank or reduced my photo period i think i still would have lost them. the tank was to shallow with that amount of light.
  5. Congrats on the upgrade. I would get another actinic. i thought adding 2x65w actinics to my 2x250 Phoenix 14k MH's would be too blue but it turned out okay. Gkarshens also said that the corals need that supplemental lighting for good coloration. Keeping that 10k in there will throw off your spectrum. Also, RCA has two or three different suspension kit to choose from. i have my lights hanging also.(looks dang good) I wish i would have introduced my corals slowly to the new light. I went from PC's to MH's and lost my Torch, duncans, tri color acro. Good luck with the switch over.
  6. Thanks Don for the JG, Jade, reds and the extras. Looking forward to a few more.
  7. Thanks Chris! I was nice to meet you and your family. I hope you enjoy the digi.
  8. What type of sea salt did you use? When i switched brands of salt i had the same thing happen to me. Don't ever use the Petco brand!
  9. Your welcome Will. Just make sure you post a pic for ya boy!
  10. Thanks Troy for the macro! It was nice meeting you and your wife. Good luck with the green wrasse!
  11. Tank and Metal Halide sold! Thanks Will and ARC!
  12. Lamont - I believe he has a nice set up of T-5's. I don't know how nice it is but I am using a Current Sundial, 216 watts plus a 48 inch tube of LED's. If we ever get a PAR meter, I would love to have them tested. I was speaking more about flow. I believe PC's, T-5's, and MH's are all sufficient to grow monti cap. When I had PC's they worked just fine, but when i put more flow on the monti i noticed more growth. Now I have MH's and i still keep a lot of flow on my monti caps.
  13. Ric, when i was using PC's(192w) i had a similar problem. i had it high in the tank and the polyps would not come out. it was slimy at first touch. then i moved it in front of my power head(K2) and the polyps started to come out and it wasn't slimy until i held it in my hand for a while.
  14. I'm going to try it. Sounds interesting!
  15. I traded one of my best looking monti caps and it was already cupped and growing at a pretty good rate. Now I have a neon green frag and a red one.(4"-5") The only growth that i notice is on the rock that its attached to. I see alot of polyps growing on the rock and super glue. I wish i could see some outward growth. May have to pull out the ol' measuring stick. I heard if you place the caps sideways you may start to see more growth. I turned my red sideways and left the green one horizontal and will compare the growth in a month. If you want some idaho grape monti I think Hydro Innovations has some for sale at a good price. I may be getting some also.
  16. 40g breeder pending pick up from Will!
  17. Lamont

    Acan tips

    I guess people have been giving you different answers because of how there tanks are set up. I have tried a couple of different light combination and placements. Acan are willing to accept high, low and meduim lighting, but i have had my best results with high indirect light but low in the tank. When i used power compact bulbs i had it up midway up a breeder tank(10" away from the light) and they would expand and look very fluffy with good color. This was under a 50/50 bulb. Then i moved it under my actinic bulbs at the same height, in the same tank. it became even fluffier. I think it was expanding to filter feed because of the lack of light. When i got my Metal Halide fixture(250wHQIw/2x96w actinics) i moved it to the side of the tank at the same height! It wasn't as fluffy and it started losing color.(still healthy though) Then i switched to a bigger tank with 2x250 MH"s and put in on the sand bed(19" down) and to the side. they now have there color back and are not overly fluffy! I now have new heads on two different types of acans.
  18. Have you had any other type of bulb? What size is your tank? Are you using Mogul or HQI bulbs?
  19. That answers my question. Thank you Wayne! I was about to mix bulbs last friday,but was hesitant. i was going to by the ushio and try to compare the spectrums. i just ended up buying another phoenix bulb. Now I have closure! LOL
  20. If you want something to help you keep your zoas under control, you should try a "Lamont frag fish". It will take the zoas, cut them, mount them and the will magically disappear. Just messing with you. thats a pretty cool fish. I would like to see a video of it swimming pattern. I am also a Houston Texas Fan.
  21. Today i noticed that it stayed out in the open. It has not done this since it was in my breeder tank. it also was sampling the food(not eating it) When I fed the other fish it would suck it in its mouth then spit it out. I think it was doing this because i mixed Mysis with the brine shrimp. if i were to just feed mysis it may start eating again. What do you feed yours because i need some new ideas.Thanks for the offer. i will let you know.
  22. I had two false perc's, a tomato, and a saddleback in the same 40g hex tank. they all stayed to themselves. maybe because i had other fish in there also.(damsel, lunar wrasse and coral beauty) when i switched tanks i just decided to go another route. i think it does depend on the individual fish. i had this setup going for about two months. i had a post about it. the tank was called the exile tank.
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