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Posts posted by wesreyn

  1. Its been a while since I have updated so I figured I would. I have just been on cruise control with this tank. Havent done a water change or anything to it really in about 4 months. Other than having to clean the glass about once a week and dump in a little 2 part every now and then for the SPS, it is pretty self sufficient. Here are a few pics, I will post more later.






  2. I certainly of the opinion that skimming is not necessary and Feldmans1 research shows skimming negatively impacts the bacterial populations in a reef system that uses skimming compared to what is found in nature. Is this bad? Feldman's comment in the conclusion of his research expresses it best "At present, it is not possible to go beyond speculation on these points - further research is needed." What I know is I do not need skimming to maintain a reef system for decades. A caveot is a friend of mine has been able to keep a cocoa worm in magnificent shape, growth and color for over 3 years using skimming, something I have not had success with.

    As far as water changes go when Delbeek and Sprung2 first wrote about Dr. Juaberts DSB research Dr. Jaubert had been able to maintain excellent water parameters for over 4 1/2 years without pumps or skimming. This was in 1990 and still, to the best of my knowledge, no one has been been able to maintain a system without water changes for nearly as long as with with water changes. The longest I've heard of is 7 years without water changes and with water changes it's over 40 years (search Paul B). There is still a lot going on in our aquariums we still do not understand and while I certainly support experienced aquarists "testing the limits" I am not going to stop doing my water changes on my tanks and I am not going to advise otherwise.

    One point that seems to get left out in these discusions is the biomass to water volume in our aquariums is A LOT higher than what is found in nature (I don't have any estimates but it's huge). It would be interesting to try Dr. Jauberts system with a more natural biomass to water volume ratio to see just how long a system could be maintained. I think though the vast majority of aquarists would not be happy with the stocking ratios. Something else that seems to be overlooked is algae actually makes up the majority of biomass on a reef, not fish, not corals (the lowest estimate I've seen is 55% highest is over 85% are algae species). Notably Dr. Moe's3 research for NOAA has shown the cause of the coral decline in the Caribean can be directly tied to the die off of Diadema sp. urchins which kept agaes under control so they would not outcompete corals.

    1 http://www.advanceda...011/3/aafeature

    2 C. Delbeek and J. Sprung. 1990. New Trends In Fish Keeping. Fresh and Marine Aquarium. 13(12) 8-22

    3 http://www.diadema.org/diadema-sea-urchin-research-synopsis.php

    Very good info. 40 years? Wow, that is amazing.

  3. I have to agree with Victoly here. People have been doing water changes since the beginning of reef keeping, granted everyone does not. I havent in about 4 months but im not going to come on here saying they are just a fix for a problem. Not everyone has or wants a lagoon tank full of macro. While you might like the look, I quite honestly do not. I do have chaeto in my sump but i dont litter my tank with every species I can find. While traveling to Caribbean destinations 1-2 times a year, I am going for more of the look of the reefs I frequently visit. The reefs are clean with well manicured rock from the constant picking by tangs and other algae eating fish and inverts. It is not crammed full of macros. You say use whatever method you would like but any time anyone posts about a different method, you chime in saying there is something flawed with every other method. Your way is not the only way.

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  4. I used webs.com for my site. Before I got started I had never tried to build a site in my life. It is a simple drag and drop for what you want on each page. I built this site partytimebooths.com without any experience at all

  5. What a stunning comeback after when I saw it several months ago. Things look great! Can you talk about what running a Zeovit tank really means in terms of product and work?

    Maybe do it in a different thread so your build/tank thread doesn't get littered up with zeovit discussions/arguments. I would be interested in knowing as well. Your growth is truly amazing
  6. Why don't you start a tank thread in the build section like every one else does. That way you don't have to start a new thread every single time you want to share something about your tank.

  7. No offense but I would cut that apart, clean it up, and start over. Did you even finger the silicone? I think you used way too much, I have never seen that much on any tank from a manufacturer.

  8. I aboslutely love my chevron tang. He is very peaceful and gets along with my Hippo very well. I HATE THE TANG POLICE. Its just people who believe everything they read without real life experience. Ive seen MANY smaller tanks thrive with fat happy tangs. If they outgrow the tank, it just gives you a excuse to upsize your tank.

  9. If you don't have the fish please don't post in my thread. Its a WTB thread, not a reef keeping advice thread. Im totally capable of doing my own research and making my own decisions. After 8-10 years of reef keeping I feel I am knowledgeable enough to make smart decisions. Over the years I have known many people with tangs in 90, 75, and even 55 gallon tanks. With most being members of this forum. This isn't a debate so if you think juvenile tangs are too small for a 110, start your own thread telling everyone what size tanks they have to have before they are allowed to have one.

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  10. I know this is a long shot but I was wondering if anyone has or know someone that might have any of the fish I am looking for, for sale. I am looking for a juvenile chevron tang, juvenile Achilles tang or a medium/large green corris wrasse? I can order them online or have them ordered from one of the local fish stores but I was wondering if anyone might already have any for sale in a established system. Thanks...Wesley

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  11. When I was snorkeling in Cozumel, we saw a yellow slug the size of a football.

    That's cool. In 3 weeks I'm going for 10 days. It will be my 6th time on the island. I have found some pretty awesome "hidden gem" snorkeling sites. Where were you snorkeling?
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