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2015 Meeting Discussion Thread


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My spouse helps me win prizes and doesn't mind chit-chatting with the other ladies there.

I would really like a meeting email at least 3 weeks in advance to plan and having one the morning of as a reminder would help as well.

I also think the ARC Facebook page has been lacking as the only time there is a post is whenever the site is down or for contest winners and the last contest winner was in dec.

If we post meeting info there as an event then we can let more people know of what's going on and have the RSVP taken care of.

I can post 100 pictures on ARC but when I post 1 picture on Facebook a friend of a friend has let me know they want to go salt then I can point them to ARC.

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OH lord, I hear you on the safety moments Wardlaw! My company requires a safety moment before any meeting can begin. I'm over here in the BP Refinery in S. Chicago and they made me sit through an entire day's worth of safety training just so I can renew my badge!

I agree though, we get a lot of new people in the hobby at the meetings and it would be good to run over the basics of reef keeping since so many people are clueless getting into the hobby. Not everyone should be required to sit through it, but it would be a good way to get the meetings rolling while answering a lot of questions people may have (or even clarify on things they thought they knew, but were actually wrong or out dated).

The promise of good prizes is what gets me in the door. I agree with Ty, knowing in advance is the best way for me to plan and prepare for a meeting, but location also plays a role. If there's a meeting way down south, or pretty far off the beaten path from the larger Austin roads, I won't waste my Saturday driving around town. Some people don't mind going out of there way and there's really no way to fix the issue to make everyone happy, but with my work travel schedule, it's hard to get out of the house when I'm home on the weekends.

It's also hard for me to convince my fiance to go with me, she was pretty bored last time I took her. And without her "permission"/(preventing her from getting upset that I chose fish over here when I'm home) it's difficult to go. Maybe have a little cocktail lounge for the wives/significant other to gather and talk about their spouses annoying obsession while they can mingle and do their own thing? noexpression.gifnoexpression.gifnoexpression.gif

... dreams, sweet sweet dreams rolleyes.gif

Being one of the n00b members I can attest that there is a great deal of anxiety with attending meetings at members houses. The one meeting I did attend it seemed like everyone knew each other so well and I was the one guy crashing a family get together. Having an "Ice Breaker" moment at the beginning to really get the n00bs involved would be a significant gain in terms of boosting future attendance.

I also love the ideal of a cocktail lounge for significant others of "Reef-Oholics". My fiancee has minimal interest in the hobby, but would love an excuse to meet some new people and knock a few back.

That said... our new house is actually going to be configured like this. We're putting in a bar up front, and then we'll have a main lounge/entertaining space past the kitchen. As soon as I convince my fiancee that we've actually "moved in" I can't wait to host one of the meetings.

We could do what I do at the first teeball practice of the season. New folks come to the front of the room, say their name and favorite X where X is a food, movie character, whatever. It's a good ice breaker for children and adults alike.

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I'll just throw this out there... Once our tank is running, I'm more than happy to host a meeting now and then. We're north, but not super north. (Off 360 just north of 2222).

If there isn't already, there definitely should be an introduction every meeting. Not just the noobs, but everyone should at least say their name, ARC name, and give a very quick summery of their tank related stuff. This way the noobs will feel more comfortable chatting and may be able to put a face to the username they've been reading on the forum.

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I'll just throw this out there... Once our tank is running, I'm more than happy to host a meeting now and then. We're north, but not super north. (Off 360 just north of 2222).

If there isn't already, there definitely should be an introduction every meeting. Not just the noobs, but everyone should at least say their name, ARC name, and give a very quick summery of their tank related stuff. This way the noobs will feel more comfortable chatting and may be able to put a face to the username they've been reading on the forum.

I've actually always found the "This is my name" bit to be really creepy. You're being put on the spot by a group of people you don't know.

I've had some luck in the past with puzzles/games. A crossword, or a puzzle, or something as simple as pictonary. Something where you can break into small groups for a little while and get to know 4-6 people without feeling like you're under the gun. Doesn't have to take a long time, but for those of us not familiar with people it's a great way to break down barriers.

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Nametags! Username... real name. Boom!

Yes, that's why our membership cards have the username/real name slots on them, and why they're cut for lanyards or badge holders so you can not only use them for discounts, but you can use them at meetings.

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One thing that I noticed when I got in the hobby and even still now a little intimidating going to people's houses that had full on established beautiful reefs. RichardL I'm looking at you :)


I wouldn't be ashamed to show your work in progress. Noobs can benefit to seeing a dry tank and the different stages a tank goes through to get to maturity. That includes dry stages and planning as well.

I like the idea of a cocktail place to have wives and husbands meet to discuss things other then reef.

Another reason I haven't attended is the meetings always seem to fall on weekends I have my daughter. As a divorced parent with small kids sometimes I have to make the judgement call not to put my kids in situations that they will disturb or otherwise disrupt. It would be nice to know if the meetings are kid friendly and if there will be other kids there to occupy each other. And when I say kid friendly I mean like a place to go play that they are safe and can't break anything and cause any trouble. A house with a lot of crystal figurines at waist high would probably not be good.

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I'm not ashamed, there's just nothing to look at yet... It would probably be boring as the only thing to look at is just a bunch of hardware in boxes, and a few pipes in the wall. :)

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Well, if any of y'all are really bored and would like to see a blank wall with pipes sticking out of it, then come on over! Seriously, if you'd like to come chat, perhaps have a beer (or wine if you're like me) and just talk about geeking out over reef stuff then let's make it happen. Perhaps Saturday afternoon around 4? I suppose we should gauge interest? I can dispense my virtuous plan for the tank. LOL. :) I suppose it may be helpful to noobs as I'm in a weird noob yet veteran position. Lots of experience, but a long time ago. So it's interesting to see how much things have changed.

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mFrame, being that it is a 2 hour drive for me to get to Austin, I don't go to the meeting. But rest assured, after seeing/feeling the kind of environment we have here on ARC, I would love to be at every single meeting. If I was in town, I would make these meeting my priority but unfortunately this is not the case.

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I am a noob and was lucky to get picked up on the mentor program with Timfish. I am looking forward to start coming to these meeting. I scan through forums on here all the time and look up random stuff online. Though with being so new it only means so much to me and I much more prefer face to face chatting sometimes. I think Timfish and I got a lot more figured out from our early meeting we had, then all the online messaging at first.

For the football in the fall, I am a big fan too. I know a lot goes in to those days as well. Knowing this I would say maybe an early meetings during this time. Because if your anything like me, there is can mean grilling, drinking and watching multiple games and after could be close to 10 pm.

In the meetings I would like to also hear about someone’s fish. There are a lot of different species out there and I know people like to pick a rare or different one. To hear they differ and what you have learned pros and cons about that fish.

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Well, if any of y'all are really bored and would like to see a blank wall with pipes sticking out of it, then come on over! Seriously, if you'd like to come chat, perhaps have a beer (or wine if you're like me) and just talk about geeking out over reef stuff then let's make it happen. Perhaps Saturday afternoon around 4? I suppose we should gauge interest? I can dispense my virtuous plan for the tank. LOL. smile.png I suppose it may be helpful to noobs as I'm in a weird noob yet veteran position. Lots of experience, but a long time ago. So it's interesting to see how much things have changed.

Start your own thread. tongue.png tongue.png tongue.png

Another reason I haven't attended is the meetings always seem to fall on weekends I have my daughter. As a divorced parent with small kids sometimes I have to make the judgement call not to put my kids in situations that they will disturb or otherwise disrupt. It would be nice to know if the meetings are kid friendly and if there will be other kids there to occupy each other. And when I say kid friendly I mean like a place to go play that they are safe and can't break anything and cause any trouble. A house with a lot of crystal figurines at waist high would probably not be good.

Yes, all of our meetings and events are family/kid friendly unless we specifically mention that they aren't. There are at least one or two kids at each meeting, ages vary. I know that at several of the meetings our hosts have had the kids go play on swings out back. And if KimP and her husband are involved, he usually serves as a babysitter (he's awesome with and loves kids).

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I have really debated attending quite a few meetings but like Reburn I enjoy the time with my children especially on the weekends. I am usually doing some full day activity either Saturday or Sunday and the majority of the time the meetings are in far North Austin. And not just like north Austin but Roundrock Pflugerville area. Which is generally between 30-45 minutes on up to over an hour of travel time each direction. I know that I live far south but I would really like to see some more centrally located meeting places. A 2 hour commute just isn't going to get me to haul the whole family when we could be driving to San Antonio to go to Sea World or the San Antonio Zoo in pretty much the equivalent amount of time.

If there was some sort of frag swap setup or something of that nature I would be much more inclined to attend personally.

Just my $.02 on the matter.

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I have yet to attend a monthly meeting at some one's house for many of the above mentioned reasons (scheduling and preparation time) and I have kids.

Group meetings need to clarify if they are kid friendly...My first meeting can be described as showing up a perfectionist's house who was obviosly uncomfortable with children. So, we left after 5 minutes.

One of the gumption traps to me ever hosting a meeting is the lack of an RSVP system; I don't want too many people showing up and over crowding my home beyond a minimal level of comfort. I can comfortably host (sit) up to 12-15 people.

Gist of Comments:

1. Scheduling with enough time for preparation,

2. Children (yes or No),

3. Max and/or Min number of attendees...


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I vote for monthly but quarterly is ok. I think reminder emails might be a good idea, especially to the people who RSVP'd. I know I have had senior moments Saturday evening where I remembered that '****, the meeting was today. " An agenda is always good and pre-posting it here might help generate interest.

I went to a couple of San Antonio meetings at a Bass Pro Shop. Ours should be open soon.

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I've missed having a meeting the past few months. I know a lot of work goes into planning these meetings. It has to be disheartening for everyone involved that invests their time, energy, and $ into preparing, when only 5-10 people show up. Advanced notice is always appreciated, and helps me to plan my schedule so I can be there every month.

We've *finally* found a new place and will be starting to move this weekend, and will be up for hosting a meeting soon, too. :)

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