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Ckyuv hijacking totally allowed and my thread. I'm a numbers guy. It boosts my post count on my thread. LOL

On a sidenote, since this has been going on I have been tinkering around with the idea of going to LEDs. Now would be as perfect a time as any to do it. Though I am kind of torn on what would be the best buy. One thing can be for certain I would need to have a buyer for my entire halide set up. I don't have the kind of spare cash laying around to just go out and buy a couple of kessils. Especially since I would want 4 ideally. The shadowing is nuts on them to only get 2, and at $1600 plus hardware. I'm clever but I can't sneak THAT size purchase past the wife. With my metal halide I am least told her that they came with the tank lol. They are interesting to me though as well as the ocean revive arctics also.

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Thought I would follow mannys footsteps. Kudos to ASD for delaying shipping a week due to inclimate weather in our area. Super responsible and excellent foresight on their part. Coming soon to a BPB tank near you. This ought to help cheer me up a bit from all the death and destruction.

Excited about trying some new Lps. Never kept a pagoda before and I love the color on this one. Also never kept a goniopora before either. Luckily this one had my favorite color on the whole sale and it was the cheapest. Probably the most excited about the toxic splatter goniastrea. My prism goniastrea (aka dragon soul favia) is doing super well and has gotten huge so I expect similar results from the new one.

Also deliberately using the acan echinata to not only look beautiful but hopefully kill my yellow polyps once and for all. I've specifically seen pics online of acan echinata consuming neighboring yellow polyps








Edited by Bpb
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I'm pretty dang excited. Ckyuv, you mean your acan echinata haven't behaved poorly, or haven't grown much? I have a friend with a humongous warpaint echinata colony that is surrounded by other coral touching it and it hasn't done anything aggressive the entire time. Other stories I read indicate that it makes hydnophora look peaceful

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Wow, very nice order from Will. I was looking at a lot of those corals. I ended up ordering 5-6 SPS from him. Perhaps I should add a few of those to my order as well.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. When you get back into SPS, swing by after you hit up Ty, Sam, etc. or I can bring some by when I come to CS to visit my in-laws.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow! Second page status. Better fix that.

After many inclement weather delays I finally received my ASD order. I bought mostly cheap stuff so frag sizes are pretty small but I can live with that. After spending a couple days in transit, then sitting in mannys tank for a week or two, then jumping to my tank, you can guess that colors are a bit faded and not as vibrant as in pictures. However, they're in their forever home and should perk up with some good food and light.

ASD also sent a couple freebies as well. Got a nice little favia (one of the streaky kind which I'm a fan of) and an Orange leptastrea. The leptastrea I already have a large colony of, so I'll either do the right thing and pay it forward, or do the capitalist thing, and sell something free for a small profit. Probably capitalist. I know lots of people who would love to have it for $10.

Unfortunately I cannot post pics where they're at. For some reason my algae magnet just doesn't do as good of a job down by the sandbed so the bottom 1" of glass, as well as the sides along the silicone seams are thickly encrusted with coraline. I hate it. I need a blade for my hammerhead float. Tank looks like it has that 1980s glamour shot vignette around it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Austin, we have a problem. I spotted this early morning what very well may be the source of much of my content. I believe I may have a large bearded fireworm in my tank. Spotted him twice with a flashlight. Close to pinky size in diameter and about 3-4" long. Every time the light hits him he slithers back out of sight.

Please advise

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I'm just at a loss on how it got in to begin with. I haven't added any live rock ever. Just what I originally started with 3 years ago. Any rock added since has been bleach or acid dipped, dried, and fw soaked for weeks before going in. And a worm that size doesn't exactly hide on the underside of a frag plug

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I'm pretty sure Manny is somehow to blame!

Once you catch it, document it for posterity!

Well my stuff is doing very well so this hot potato needs to fall into the hands of another. Sam you're up. Jonathan just recently got a ton of frags from him so let's blame Sam. Edited by Manny
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I'm just at a loss on how it got in to begin with. I haven't added any live rock ever. Just what I originally started with 3 years ago. Any rock added since has been bleach or acid dipped, dried, and fw soaked for weeks before going in. And a worm that size doesn't exactly hide on the underside of a frag plug

No, but a baby one can. Ask ty. I just gave him about 10 yesterday.

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I'm just at a loss on how it got in to begin with. I haven't added any live rock ever. Just what I originally started with 3 years ago. Any rock added since has been bleach or acid dipped, dried, and fw soaked for weeks before going in. And a worm that size doesn't exactly hide on the underside of a frag plug

No, but a baby one can. Ask ty. I just gave him about 10 yesterday.

Ah ha!!!!!! I must have gotten it from YOU on the montipora setosa. That's just enough time for it to get this size! Jklol

On another note. Thanks for not saying "bristleworms are good, leave it". I'm the biggest bristleworm proponent, and this ain't your common bristleworm. This thing looked more like a big fat centipede heck bent on murdering me in my sleep

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