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Announcing the Jan 2014 ARC Meeting


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Thanks to all who came. This what makes this club work members like you. I hope you learned something either about David & Beth's tank or my meandering about smartphone photography. It was a great mix of new & old members. Everyone left with something in their hands.

Thanks to David & Beth for allowing us to meet in the beautiful home. Your tank is amazing. Thanks to Timfish for setting this up.

Looking forward to the February meeting a brian.srocks place!

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Thank you for the tips on photography. It is amazing the quality of the cameras that are on some of the newer smart phones.

I think another useful tip is if you are taking pictures to track something like growth, coloration, etc. make sure to use the same lighting conditions and settings on your camera.

Great meeting, it's always nice to meet new reefers.

Thank you David and Beth for hosting.

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I think another useful tip is if you are taking pictures to track something like growth, coloration, etc. make sure to use the same lighting conditions and settings on your camera.

Sound advice. . .

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Here are some iPhone photos taken by my son of our tank. Some where edited in PS Express or Snapseed, he also added a border to final pics. The last 2 shots I took using the Fisheye app (I suggest buying the Pro version) and the last one is with the built in panorama camera (notice the distorted hippo tang).






Fisheye Pro App & PS Express app to pop the colors: Should have used my own advice and cleaned the glass.


Panorama: Any I should have done this at night to remove the reflections


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And finally I was asked about HDR, high dynamic range, photos. This was taken with my Nikon D80 using my 55mm macro lens. The image was processed in NIK HDR Efex Pro then cleaned up in Photoshop.



I got HDR FX2 for christmas last year but LR4 won't run it!!!

what are you using to compress? I can't get my in body HDR shots small enough to upload.

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