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FarmerTy's 215 build


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How'd you cut that up? Band saw?



Hah nice. I thought about bringing in my bandsaw from my woodshop when I fragged my frogspawn. Mine's not near as portable as that one though!

The big worry I'd have with that is the rust involved. I've tried using just household tools and everything I use eventually starts to develop rust over time... even my dremel.

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Yeah, the galaxy note 7. I'm in love with this phone! 4k video, 1080p at 60 fps... nerd heaven!

That's a goniopora... most reefers have a hard time keeping these guys alive sadly.

Hey I know you love your phone but in case you didn't know...


You just want your corals to explode, not yourself.

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Yeah, the galaxy note 7. I'm in love with this phone! 4k video, 1080p at 60 fps... nerd heaven!

That's a goniopora... most reefers have a hard time keeping these guys alive sadly.

Hey I know you love your phone but in case you didn't know...


You just want your corals to explode, not yourself.

Yeah, I saw that the other day. I haven't received any official correspondence to do anything yet from Samsung. My hope is it blows a hole in my pocket and I get a big payout from Samsung for it that I'll allocate to my next tank upgrade. [emoji6]
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I made the decision to go ahead and frag my duncan colony and get rid of it. That is until the wife noticed I did that and made me keep the largest frag because she liked it. Sigh... doh.gif

Frags only 4-5 hrs after they were cut with the Gryphon Saw

I think you may have started a new trend...a duncan carpet.

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Yeah, the galaxy note 7. I'm in love with this phone! 4k video, 1080p at 60 fps... nerd heaven!

That's a goniopora... most reefers have a hard time keeping these guys alive sadly.

Hey I know you love your phone but in case you didn't know...


You just want your corals to explode, not yourself.

Yeah, I saw that the other day. I haven't received any official correspondence to do anything yet from Samsung. My hope is it blows a hole in my pocket and I get a big payout from Samsung for it that I'll allocate to my next tank upgrade. [emoji6]
I have the galaxy S7 and I had to trade it in yesterday on warranty because the processor was overheating so bad. I didn't want to touch it it'd get so hot. I was thinking of getting the note 7. Guess I can forget about that

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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I want one!! Do I have to go to SA to get it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Maybe I can do an open house one day where people who want frags can all swing by on that day. Or let's kick up another beer:30 meetup and can bring all the frags there. [emoji4]

i vote you take some to sept meeting!

I won't be able to go to the Sept meeting sadly. It's my niece's birthday that day. I have uncle duties.
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Had a good evening of testing last night. Everything looks good except my nitrates were too low so I reduced the biopellet reactor effluent and dosed some potassium nitrate to bring the level up to 4ppm of nitrates. This would explain my lighter colors I've been observing. I also dosed my Ca level back up from 390-420 as it dipped a bit when I was retuning my CaRX a month back.

Sal - 1.026

Ca - 390ppm dosed to 420ppm

Alk - 7.5 dKh

Mg - 1400ppm

NO3 - 0.25ppm dosed to 4ppm

PO4 - 0 ppm

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I also had the opportunity to plumb by new UV sterilizer in. I actually did it a couple months back but goofed and plumbed it backwards the first time. I had water entering at the top and flowing out the bottom. Bad idea! It caused air to build up in the bottom chamber and was really noisy. Add to the fact that I thought it'd be smart to bump up the flow and blast the air bubbles out of the system and all I really did was overpreesurize the unit and blow a quartz sleeve. That's was a fun $50 mistake. Live and learn.



Not the most beautiful plumbing work but I was just happy to finally get it done! It does limit my access behind the tank on the far end but it's mostly accessible from the front anyways so I can live with that.

Now its running nice and smooth with no drips or no sound. I think if everything is still drip free by this evening, I'll go ahead and kick on the UV again. That should help a bit with the pesky bubble algae I've been gifted with.

The hope is I'll also get some time to catch my regal angel out of the tank and start my fallow period over... take 3! I've left him in the tank a bit longer to fatten him up and start getting him to eat other foods than just pellets. He really hasn't accepted anything else sadly but he is not getting thinner so I guess pellets will do. I'll snag him out, run him through TTM, then put him in his own 30g tank. I'll slowly add the smaller angels to the tank with him once he gets accustomed to it and see how they interact. If everything goes well with the flame, potters, and majestic, then I'll add the emperor and see how it goes. If everyone gets along, then I'll put them all back into the tub with the regal in tow. I don't foresee any of the tangs messing with it, except maybe the purple tang but I'll take my chances.

One last update, I haven't gotten a chance to play much with the Cerebra but I was kind of waiting for them to kick on the cloud access before really getting into it too much yet. We are getting closer now and so I'll play with it more now. Otherwise, it's been doing what I need it to which isn't much right now with the fish tub but I hope to start playing around with its advanced options more soon.


I'll see if I can update with a schematic on how the UV is plumbed later this weekend for those that are curious and also some screenshots of the soon to be online functioning cloud setup for the Cerebra.

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We really need to do a comparison test on our Mg levels. I can't believe your Mg is at 1400 and I can't get mine above 1200 without daily dosing TechM!

Is there a reason you prefer dosing potassium nitrate to raise nutrients instead of dosing natural foods like zooplankton and phytoplankton? I know I'm pretty pro "all-natural" techniques in the reef, but I would think the corals would benefit more from catching their minerals and nutrients in a form they are accustomed to. I'll dose some reef nutrition at night whenever I'm home and I seem to get great growth and color in the following days.

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