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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Quick emperor color change update... it's like that mouth turned white overnight! He's also starting to get yellow on the top of his head and near his eyes.


Also, picked up a piece of the tubinaria heronensis coral as well from Aquadome after OU12004 posted that he picked it up. Can't believe I didn't make the connection that it was that coral when I first saw it at C4.

I've coveted this thing ever since I saw this Reefbuilder article on it:



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I felt ok about my tank until I opened this post. Your color is incredible!

Keep in mind I'm taking top-down pictures. My corals have decent color but I am taking pictures of their best looking side. [emoji4]
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I did. OR was running a 4th of July sale on a limited number. Absolutely the cheapest I've seen them go anywhere. I opted for the s026 since it's the same housing, drivers, heat sinks, and diodes, and I'll just keep the cords bundled up and plugged into a power source on top of the canopy, and just run that one single cord to the apex and just have them come on/off at an ideal blend. Basically have them operate exactly the same way the halides did. No blue/white staging.

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Forgive me, I've gotten a little picture happy after doing some rearranging with some corals.





FarmerTy Electric miyagi tort... even the hawkfish is impressed!

What does one do when he has a giant hole in the middle of his sunset monti colony? Why shove a tabling acro in it... of course!

Finally realized that browned out mini colony that survived the upgrade was actually my Frag Farmers Red Stag. Woohoo!

Purple efflo... I know it doesn't look like much now but I have a good feeling about this guy.

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Did a quarterly full run of tank parameters this morning.

Sal - 1.024

Ca - 450 ppm

Alk - 8.7 dKh

Mg - 1440 ppm

PO4 - undetectable

NO3 - 8 ppm

The 8 ppm of nitrates surprises me still as my biopellets, after making sure they aren't clogging anymore, should have squashed the nitrates to 0.25 ppm again.

My best guess is I've gotten a little aggressive with the PO4 removal thereby limiting the available phosphates for the bacteria in the biopellets to consume and reproduce.

I don't mind the 8 ppm nitrates as long as it stays under 10 ppm. It'll help with acro coloration a bit anyways.

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Well, it's not always fun and games. Had my tang go nuts on me and decide to shoot around the tank in a fever last night. Somehow he knocked off a giant colony of blue tip bottlebrush right on to a gold torch below it and knocked down my secret frag rack, spilling my precious cargo on the sand below it. Believe it or not, the torch lost on that battle.


Then when I was picking up the frag rack and frags, I noticed that a lot of carbon got loose in the media bag and shot into my tank via the return pump. Had to rig up a siphon hose to a pole and suck it all out of the system. It caused quite the mess.

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That sucks, did the torch make it? Hope so, I need a golden torch frag. smile.png I lost mine. I'm not sure that happened, I think that one of my two temporary holding bins had some major chemical warfare. No carbon or anything and most in that bin died or is now slowly recovering.

Odd when I first saw your post I did not see the pic of the torch, glad it's okay!

Edited by SChrisEV
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That sucks, did the torch make it? Hope so, I need a golden torch frag. smile.png I lost mine. I'm not sure that happened, I think that one of my two temporary holding bins had some major chemical warfare. No carbon or anything and most in that bin died or is now slowly recovering.

Odd when I first saw your post I did not see the pic of the torch, glad it's okay!

Someone else on the club had the exact same thing happen to them. Whatever bin he was using to move his corals from point A to B killed them all. Not sure if it was a chemical leaching or he didn't rinse the bin well enough from using it for something else.

My gold torch definitely got the bad end of that battle but it's not like the acro got out unscathed either.

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I wish I could afford photoshop... or a nice camera with a macro lense for that matter!

Luckily my tank in person doesn't live up to the pictures at all Patrick. [emoji13]

Tanks lookin great man, your getting pretty good with photoshop. Those colors look good. snack.gif

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Looking good Ty. Now I really need to come down and see the tank again. It has grown up a bit in the past few months since I have seen it last.

Come by at your own risk! I may push off a ton of frags on you!
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My wife is a pro at photoshop, I would be happy to take some of your frags home for photography purposes only.

I wish I could afford photoshop... or a nice camera with a macro lense for that matter!

Luckily my tank in person doesn't live up to the pictures at all Patrick. [emoji13]

Tanks lookin great man, your getting pretty good with photoshop. Those colors look good. :snack:

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Mental note, to export nutrients, you need to have your skimmer actually remove the nasty stuff instead of just dump it back into you system through the external port hole.

Looks like my tubing slipped off the port hole to the additional skimmate reservoir so my skimmer was just dumping it all back into my tank.

I wouldn't imagine for more than 2 weeks as I emptied an almost full reservoir at that time. I must have just knocked it loose when putting everything back together.

My reefer fail moment of the week. [emoji17]

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