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FarmerTy's 215 build


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No.... Jim! No more SSRs! [emoji30]

In the spirit of even more laziness for my new year's resolutions, I took in my old 20# cylinder and swapped it out while I was swapping the 5# one.

Might as well supersize my cylinder to match my tank while I'm at it.



That's a 75-gallon sump for size reference. Please ignore the jumble of wires. That's still on my to do list. [emoji16]

The best part is now I have a 5# tank ready and filled to hold me over when the 20# needs to be swapped... which at this rate is 2 years. [emoji41]

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No.... Jim! No more SSRs! [emoji30]

In the spirit of even more laziness for my new year's resolutions, I took in my old 20# cylinder and swapped it out while I was swapping the 5# one.

Might as well supersize my cylinder to match my tank while I'm at it.



That's a 75-gallon sump for size reference. Please ignore the jumble of wires. That's still on my to do list. [emoji16]

The best part is now I have a 5# tank ready and filled to hold me over when the 20# needs to be swapped... which at this rate is 2 years. [emoji41]

Your Sump Is The Size Of My Display Tank.
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They aren't the most photogenic right now. I ended up doing two Bayer dips over the break on all my acros because I saw what I thought were bitemarks. The dips didn't yield any dead flatworms though so maybe it's just my paranoia. You would be paranoid too if you had that many acros! [emoji40] The dips were well timed anyways as I have pretty much collected the stock of acros I have been wanting and just letting everything grow out now.

I just reglued everything back on the rocks yesterday so there is a general ticked off theme right now amongst my acros.

Here's the best I could do. I'll shoot some good ones in about a month when everything is back to normal.



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That lantana is really odd. First off, it's growing in the amorphous, random shape that all digitatas grow in... kind of a free for all of branches... but then it really hasn't grown much since I picked it up. The base color turned a mustard yellow which is good but only the polyps on top or at the base have turned blue... the rest of the polyps are brown. Odd little thing... maybe I need to move it to another spot.

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So when I introduced the flame angel, it had started a mini plight of Ich in my tank. Typically I see this and everyone recovers within a week or so. My concern is usually minimal for this but this time around, the powder blue seems to have developed a secondary bacterial infection along with it that is causing it to lose a portion of its tail and you can see redness in the tail as well. I'm a big proponent of leaving fish alone with ich but the secondary infection does warrant me to remove the powder blue for treatment.

I'm on a mission to catch him out. I have Tim's (wizard) old fish trap and drilled it on the far end away from the trap door so that it was easier to put food in the trap to bait it. Here's how it went. The trap had been placed in there for 1 day prior and this is the 2nd day of it being in there and the first day I baited it. Happy fishing!

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This is the perfect reason to start a bigger QT system going and as you catch fish you move them over. If he's the last one then a quick drain will easily catch him then a quick return of the water then switch everyone back over.

Or you can stop worrying about it since he's alluded you so far and he'll probably get better on his own.

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I'm only pulling him out because he's got a secondary bacterial infection that is rotting his rear tail fin. The rest are healing nicely as usual but the powder blue will meet his maker if I don't get him out of there to treat.

The quick drain... when you're talking 215-gallons... there's no quick about it. I'll need two 100-gallon rubbermaid tubs stat and a giant pump... wait... I already have one 100-gallon rubbermaid and a giant pump.... hmmm... I'll keep that as Plan C.

Plan A) Fish trap

Plan B) Lights on in the middle of the night and grab him before his eyes adjust

Plan C) Quick drain, catch, and fill 215-gallons of water

Plan D) JCAB is coming over for the ole' quick ninja nori net grab at the water surface

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to update my build thread, I'm adding my marine velvet treatment discussion:


All remaining fish have taken well to the chloroquine phosphate treatment and are symptom free so far. Two fish, the midas blenny and chocolate tang, broke out with a secondary bacterial infection during the CP treatment, and are being treated for bacteria as well with tetracycline. CP reduces immune system response in people (it's an antimalarial drug) so I'd imagine it would do the same in the fishes.

Casualties so far are my powder blue tang and two mandarin gobies... with a chromis dying but his death may be unrelated as he was not symptomatic of marine velvet.

I have a dartfish still left in the tank that has still eluded me to this point. The clock starts on the tank being fallow when he is removed.

After much thought and an ARC poll, I think I will be adding some fish stock to the QT tank to replace some lost fish. The goal is to to use the already iniatiated QT protocol on the current livestock and run new livestock conccurently in the treatment as well. I figured, might as well do it while I'm going through the trouble to treat my current livestock.

Goal of treatment is a freshwater dip for flukes, the CP to treat ich/marine velvet, and prazipro for intestinal worms. Tetracycline would be applied if any fish show bacterial signs of infection.

Thoughts of adding a regal angel have entertained my mind but realistically, I may just replace my lost fish and add two new fairy wrasses and call it a day for my fish stock.

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The sea cucumber decided to entertain me to distract me from the fishless tank I have.


The anemone has gotten huge now that it's two roommates aren't smacking it with their fins all day long.


The zoas have never looked fuller in a fishless tank!


KimP had asked if you can dose CP and tetracycline together. It worked fine for the two days of treatment for the midas blenny but the next two days after that looked like this!


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If I had a larger tank I would seriously consider a pair of hawaiian flame wrasses. Think some folks on ARC have been ordering directly from a collector ...

It's been very tempting... especially now that there is a second chance on the order!
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