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FarmerTy's 215 build


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I looked into vinegar and sugar as well. All would do what I need but I've vodka dosed in the past so felt most comfortable applying it again in the new tank.

Yeah, that sweet blue tip tenius ol' aggie was taking care of me is now in a million pieces as I try to save at least a couple. The stylo took it hard as well with lots of base recession. It is recovering now but I may frag it up and sell it all off as well. With everything there is a good/bad. I am sad that some of my large SPS colonies have had to been cut up to save, but at the same time, this opens it up for me to add some of my coveted SPS pieces into the tank and have giant colonies of those instead!

The tank does look a mess right now but at least everything is on the road to recovery. I'll stop experimenting on it now and just leave it alone. Haha.

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Former mad scientist... I'm a mad Realtor these days! wave.gif

Never looked into LEDs. Just personal opinion but too expensive to replace for my setup and by the time I recoup my money with energy savings, they'll come out with newer and better LEDs with more appropriate spectrums and my setup will be just junk by then. Plus, I scored all the cheap MH ballasts and reflectors people were selling once they jumped to LEDs. My whole 3x 400-watt MH setup with lumenarc reflectors cost me $180 in used equipment versus one Radion at $500+/unit plus I would need to get 3, maybe 4 for my setup. We're talking $2,000 just to light my tank? For roughly the same results, perhaps even worst results for SPS than I'm getting with my $180? Even if I bought some cheaper Chinese knockoffs, I'm looking at $600 for 4 lights. Or would I rather pay $180? Again, that was a simple decision for me but again, it's just for me. If MHs were more expensive to buy still, then I would look more seriously into LEDs. I do prefer the look of MH but its purely a money decision for me... what lighting can I get that will give me the best for my money? That's why I also use the cheap plusrite bulbs @ $13/bulb. I could probably get better color from a $70 radium bulb, but I ask myself, is it $57 better? x3... is it $171/year better? The answer is always no, so I still use the cheap bulbs and I still run MHs.

Updated list of equipment just for Robb: grin.png

-3x 400-watt MH with lumenarc reflectors using plusrite 20k bulbs

-Reeflo Gold Hammerhead (5,550gph)

-Skimz Monster Series SM-201 (rated 550gals)

-2x TLF 150 reactors for GFO and other modified for biopellets

-LED refugium light (this one, the cost factor won out so I went LED doh.gif )

-blue Stunner strip (dawn/dusk lighting)

-Korallin C-1502 CaRX with 5lb tank and secondary reactor

-Apex full version with 2 EB8's

-2x WP-40

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Not that I want to stir the pot ...

For that size tank you would need 4-6 of the 120W LED units that I bought, at $150 a pop; for a total of $600-900.

Less $200 after you sell your current setup (or whatever, I just pulled that out of thin air without any thought or research going into the value).

Less $57 per year in bulbs.

Less $10 per month in electricity (at least!)

By my calculation it would take you 2.26 years to recoup the cost on 4 fixtures and 3.39 years to recoup the cost on 6 fixtures.

They have a lifespan of 10 years, so you would enjoy at least 6 years of useful life before they are said to need replacement.

Of course, even after having said all that, if you prefer the MH look over LED then the point is moot. I happen to prefer the LEDs over T-5's ten fold, but I've never rocked MH so I can't compare them.

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I actually prefer T5s for SPS coloration. I've never seen anything more inspiring than a 10-bulb T5 fixture with individual reflectors over a SPS tank.... gorgeous!

The scenario above would have me go with LEDs that are not controllable via my Apex and also with the assumption that next year or the year after that research doesn't indicate we need to add more full spectrum back into our lights, or we need more UV, or more green, or whatever and they change out all the LEDs again. It will be a continually evolving process with LEDs and for myself, I'm not interested in rolling with the changes on that one. Again, just personal preference. I've seen SPS tanks lit with the more expensive Radions and AI fixtures but haven't really seen a full SPS tank lit with the units you bought so the results are still to be determined on whether it would work for me or not. If it is the holy grail, be happy to hear from you and oogle your tank!

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My tank isn't worthy of your oogling, but you're welcome to come by. Though my tank is not likely to change your opinion. Maybe in a couple of years I'd have something that could impress one of you SPS guys.

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I'm gonna go LED, then T5, then plasma, and then bomb it with Acropower, Red Sea aminos, Brightwell Aminos, and Elos Aminos. If anything survives, I'm selling it as Ty's indestructible SPS! You can leave it out of water, boil it in acid, dip in it kalk, shoot it with a laser... it'll survive anything!

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I leave open opportunity to always find new ways to appreciate our hobby. UTreefers LPS and softie tank blew me away when I first saw it. Who knew someone could make something so simple to me, so amazing and hypnotizing. He had the perfect balance of colors and motion. I could have stared at it all day.

I appreciate all tanks Sascha! It may not be what I prefer to keep myself but I'll drool over any reef tank... that's why I'm always bugging people for videos! Haha!

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On the LPS softy tank looking nice...I agree. A well done Lps and softy tank is every bit as impressive to see and to me personally, a lot more difficult than an sps tank to pull off. SPS are easy. Just automate the system to keep parameters stable and you've pretty much got it made in the shade more or less.

Lps and softy tanks are harder to me. Gotta mind space between corals a lot more carefully, and chemical warfare is so much more prevalent. I recently had a Hollywood stunner completely killed dead by my dragon soul favia 6" away. I looked closely and saw a single lone sweeper tentacle stretched all the way over continuing it's assault on the white skeleton that was once the chalice. That and you've gotta keep your water dirty enough for the Lps and zoas to be happy, which then invites algae to overgrow the corals.

When I got into the hobby it was to so a zoa Lps dominated tank, I never could get it right so I decided to go the easy route with sps lol

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In many ways, I'd have to agree. SPS are easy, once everything is stable and you keep it that way. Honestly, that's why I stopped collecting zoas... because I got tired of them randomly melting on me. If the SPS are happy, you can keep it happy by leaving everything the same. I tried that with zoas and all I got were zoas that would be happy for years and then melt away with no changes to the system.

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Thanks for the equipment list.

I'm a bit torn on LEDs (cost to implement and the unknown going forward). I've pretty much ruled out MH (cost to implement, heat and potential need for chiller). I'd really like to keep with T5 but a good 72" fixture doesn't exist anymore that I've found other than used.

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Former mad scientist... I'm a mad Realtor these days! wave.gif

Never looked into LEDs. Just personal opinion but too expensive to replace for my setup and by the time I recoup my money with energy savings, they'll come out with newer and better LEDs with more appropriate spectrums and my setup will be just junk by then. Plus, I scored all the cheap MH ballasts and reflectors people were selling once they jumped to LEDs. My whole 3x 400-watt MH setup with lumenarc reflectors cost me $180 in used equipment versus one Radion at $500+/unit plus I would need to get 3, maybe 4 for my setup. We're talking $2,000 just to light my tank? For roughly the same results, perhaps even worst results for SPS than I'm getting with my $180? Even if I bought some cheaper Chinese knockoffs, I'm looking at $600 for 4 lights. Or would I rather pay $180? Again, that was a simple decision for me but again, it's just for me. If MHs were more expensive to buy still, then I would look more seriously into LEDs. I do prefer the look of MH but its purely a money decision for me... what lighting can I get that will give me the best for my money? That's why I also use the cheap plusrite bulbs @ $13/bulb. I could probably get better color from a $70 radium bulb, but I ask myself, is it $57 better? x3... is it $171/year better? The answer is always no, so I still use the cheap bulbs and I still run MHs.

Updated list of equipment just for Robb: grin.png

-3x 400-watt MH with lumenarc reflectors using plusrite 20k bulbs

-Reeflo Gold Hammerhead (5,550gph)

-Skimz Monster Series SM-201 (rated 550gals)

-2x TLF 150 reactors for GFO and other modified for biopellets

-LED refugium light (this one, the cost factor won out so I went LED doh.gif )

-blue Stunner strip (dawn/dusk lighting)

-Korallin C-1502 CaRX with 5lb tank and secondary reactor

-Apex full version with 2 EB8's

-2x WP-40

Actually TY the new radion pro cost over $700.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

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Sorry its a habit from boot camp. We capitalized everything. And I guess I saw it as am abbreviation and not a name. How insensitive of me. I will commit myself to a mandatory 28 hours of diversity training. For shame Manny.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

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Haha, I'll take any version of the truth you give me. I'm not picky!

I kept thinking you thought I had a name like T.Y. Hilton or something like that. grin.png

I'll start calling you Paris from now on

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Truth be told, most of the commenting I do is from my phone. My phone believes its title and therefore believes its smart. I type in Ty and it either changes to The or TY automatically. I guess I will have to add Ty to my phone dictionary.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

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