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need to plan summer accommodations


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So I'm thinking.. And next summer I don't think a SW tank will be able To survive the summer. I was pondering the idea of taking the inhabitants home. But I can't keep a 20 gallon here. My parents would flip. So possibly putting the fish, inverts, and coral in a 10 gallon. Then leave the live rock to fend for itself in the 20 gallon. Think this is possible?

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I'm thinking I'll take maybe 10-15lbs of the rock and put it in the 10 with the Clown, starfish, and any coral I will have at that point. I'll take the light from the 20 and use it with the 10. And put a less awesome light on the 20. Whatever is left in there.. Maybe just a few pounds of live rock, I think will be okay over the summer. Or maybe I can ask Patrick if he will keep the rock for me and I'll pay him at the end of summer. I'm mainly concerned about the fish, inverts, and coral. The tanks will only be visited once a week.. Max over the summer. With evaporation.. The salinity would get way too out of whack. Also.. No water changes or dosing anything over the summer. The fish get decent feedings whenever someone does go up there but other than that they fend for themselves with algae and some small feeders I throw in there on the last day of classes. The FW tanks do fine over the summer. Have yet to lose a fish. I'm super worried about the SW inhabitants.

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I'm thinking I'll take maybe 10-15lbs of the rock and put it in the 10 with the Clown, starfish, and any coral I will have at that point. I'll take the light from the 20 and use it with the 10. And put a less awesome light on the 20. Whatever is left in there.. Maybe just a few pounds of live rock, I think will be okay over the summer. Or maybe I can ask Patrick if he will keep the rock for me and I'll pay him at the end of summer. I'm mainly concerned about the fish, inverts, and coral. The tanks will only be visited once a week.. Max over the summer. With evaporation.. The salinity would get way too out of whack. Also.. No water changes or dosing anything over the summer. The fish get decent feedings whenever someone does go up there but other than that they fend for themselves with algae and some small feeders I throw in there on the last day of classes. The FW tanks do fine over the summer. Have yet to lose a fish. I'm super worried about the SW inhabitants.


No payment necessary. ARC members can seed rock here for up to six months, until I run out of room. Your rock may well seed other rocks.


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A 20 gallon isn't that much bigger and it's a good project you're doing. Have you talked to your parents about it? It seems reasonable if they'd let you run a 10gal why not a 20 instead, especially when it's only temporary. I would try to just keep it all together if possible.

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I don't see a problem with just one visit per week unless there is going to be a heat issue. One system I maintain because of scheduling issues often goes two weeks and even three weeks between any maintenance including top offs (no ATO) and just feeding pellets. I've had to use ATOs but most of my systems do very well without an ATO and just weekly top offs and maintenance and pellets in an autofeeder.

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You can put the extra live rock in buckets with water. As long as there is a powerhead in the bucket, the rock will be fine.

FWIW, if you have an ATO on the 20 and it's in a climate controlled area of the building, the tank will go a week at a time without a problem. Once a week you'd need to feed the inhabitants and refill the ATO. Although, between summer school and the fact the band only takes about 5-6 weeks off, it seems to me like you'd be able to access it pretty regularly.

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I'm thinking I'll take maybe 10-15lbs of the rock and put it in the 10 with the Clown, starfish, and any coral I will have at that point. I'll take the light from the 20 and use it with the 10. And put a less awesome light on the 20. Whatever is left in there.. Maybe just a few pounds of live rock, I think will be okay over the summer. Or maybe I can ask Patrick if he will keep the rock for me and I'll pay him at the end of summer. I'm mainly concerned about the fish, inverts, and coral. The tanks will only be visited once a week.. Max over the summer. With evaporation.. The salinity would get way too out of whack. Also.. No water changes or dosing anything over the summer. The fish get decent feedings whenever someone does go up there but other than that they fend for themselves with algae and some small feeders I throw in there on the last day of classes. The FW tanks do fine over the summer. Have yet to lose a fish. I'm super worried about the SW inhabitants.


No payment necessary. ARC members can seed rock here for up to six months, until I run out of room. Your rock may well seed other rocks.


Wow, Patrick, that would be a great deal of help! I appreciate it.

A 20 gallon isn't that much bigger and it's a good project you're doing. Have you talked to your parents about it? It seems reasonable if they'd let you run a 10gal why not a 20 instead, especially when it's only temporary. I would try to just keep it all together if possible.

You'd think they wouldn't mind, but I brought home a 5 gallon and my dad FLIPPED. So I'd have to take the 5 gallon with my betta back up to the school and exchange it for the 10. the 20 high s way too noticeable, and I have no solid surface that will hold that weight anyways :/

guess we'll have to see how things go up until next semester. If all fairs well over Christmas break, then I'll leave it there over the summer. Sadly, can't have access to the classroom over summer even with things still running. have no way of getting into the room. Mr Smith is the once who will visit and feed the fish.

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Keep in mind a lot of school shut off the A/C for parts of vacations when the school isn't being used. In the winter, it probably wouldn't matter, but in the middle of summer they might get toasty. I would check with maintenance staff to see if they turn off the A/C, and with what frequency. Just because the heat will affect rates of evap and salinity first, then maybe the inhabitants (including bacteria on the rocks) if it got TOO hot.

Edited by ClarkiiCircus
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I know for a fact that they turn off the A/C over the weekends so it wouldn't surprise me if they do over summer as well. all of the FW tanks hold over very well, but I'm sre the SW would be way more sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, which is why I'm still thinking about taking it home. Just going to be a pain to get it all home and set it up, then lug it all back the start of the school year. Ideally I'd keep it here at home, but I don't want to take the tank away from the students.

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RCA has a tank sitting service as well. They wil make the weekly or sooner visits and take care of business for you. Talk to Logan for details

That WOULD be a good idea.. IF they had a way of getting into the building lol

sounds like a lot of work for someone who already graduated. Surely the teacher can start picking up slack and begin to teach their own class?

That actually offended me just a little bit, as I know Mr. Smith does a lot for the school and for his classes. I'm not doing this because I have to. I'm doing it because I love it. I don't teach the classes. I help out where I can, and I take care of the fish. Originally I did this because I can't have a tank at home, and he said I could keep as many tanks as I want at the school. I've kept my Leopard Geckos there for a year, he took care of them for me. He does A LOT. He pays me back for every penny I spend, or tries to. Sometimes I don't let him. He's really an amazing teacher and I wish there were more like him. He basically dug the 2k gallon pond out back by himself. I really do love doing back up there. It's no burden to me. It gives me something to do :) Also I've learned that it helps with my depression, anxiety, and eating disorder. Since I've been with these fish and tanks, I've never been healthier :) And I'm proud to say that I have a responsibility that I've been able to handle mostly on my own. :D

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