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The Madsalt 180


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I have not updated this thread in quite some time so I thought I would finally do it. I have had some coral ups and downs and a few fish changes along with some equipment changes. I have asked Ty (JeeperTy) to advise on taking my tank to the next level.

I am happy with the fish we have in it and we want to go softy and LPS with some SPS here and there. This isn't to say we won't go SPS in time.

The curent stocking list is as follows:

1 brown scopas tang

1 yellow tang

1 copperband butterfly

2 maroon clowns

1 red coris wrasse

1 green coris wrasse

1 leopard wrasse (when she decides to show herself)

2 pajama cardinals

2 squamipinnis anthias

1 bartlett anthias

5 red firefish gobies

1 scissor tail goby

1 bicolor angel

1 green anemone

Coral list:

2 toadstools

pulsating xenia

various zoas

pink birds nest

a few mushrooms

1 torch coral


180 gallon aqueon

Ecotech Radion Gen2 x 2

Reef Octopus 150 Skimmer

BRS Dual Media Reactor (Carbon and GFO)

Apex Lite Controller

MP40 x 2

BRS 4 stage RO/DI unit

So this is where we are right now. We are going to use this thread to follow the new changes to the tank.










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I was lucky to get the two lights i have at $1000 bucks. I am going to work on getting one more. With my tank, three lights will cover each 2 foot section nicely. For now I am going to have to strategically place corals in the best lit areas. The two I have now actually do pretty good.

For you Ty i picked up a Hanna Phosphate Checker, I am ready for this lol


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Well, looks like you already mastered the tank videos with crazy music so I can jump past that step in the mentor program! [emoji12]

Mental note... make another video and have crazier music than Madsalt this time around!

That was my first video and I decided to use that song called Devil's Den because that is what this hobby is like. Once you go into the Devil's Den it's all over.

I wil say though the tank has much better color than that. Hopefully as we move along I will be able to better perfect the video making process.

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So with this new direction and taking the tank to the level it should be, I wanted to put this out there. I was wondering if anyone out there wanted to take a stab at re-aquascaping my tank

I have included a picture of my tank for anyone who would like to take a stab at it and repost it here. My idea is a rock wall from one side sloping down with an island on the other. I would also like to find a way to cover the overflows in some way. Maybe build up rocks halfway up or even attach rocks to them. I have two MP40s and I want to make sure I can get flow with whatever design I go with.


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