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AquaSD group buy


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pick up locations:

will accept package at her workplace and will be there until 4 pm. The
package should arrive at about 10-11am. After 4 pm items will have to be
picked up from her home. I'll let her post any other details such as
addresses, times etc.

Niko will pick up coral for Jimbo662 from mrshalls1027s home.

JCAB will pick up from mrshalls1027's work.

Mitch will pick the following member's items from mrshalls1027:

  • Mitch
  • etannert
  • SChrisEV
  • o0zarkawater
  • scubasteve92*
  • KKAAY*
  • mFrame*
  • crendon*
  • ct67stang*

Members marked with "*" will be brought South by scubasteve92.

mrshall1027: $170 – 15% = $144.50

B117 incredible hulk palys $20
047 yellow haze palys $20
p033 super grade maxima $95

aussie neon gold tip torch option 2 $35

scubasteve92: $305 – 15% = $259.25

ASD orange shocktart acans- 4heads $50
orange mauls- 2-3 polyps $20
4 head asd nightwing acans $50
purple tenius frag $35
cool breeze pastel millie $150

KKAAY: $100 – 15% = $85

A053 blue fin xoa $10
A045 kedds red zoa $10
A020 pink fire palys $10
ASD bob marley $20
fire and ice zoa $20

big Mohawk paly $10

candy striped pink Barbie acan $20

Jimbo662: $100 – 15% = $85

041 Christmas blasto merletti $20
blue blaze zoa (1" frag) $20
pink pokeball palys (1" frag) $20
WYSIWYG orange ice pop zoas $20
big frosty green aussie acans $20

Niko: $65 – 15% = $55.25

Highlighter Trachy $55
ASD Red Flag 1 polyp $10

crendon: $55 – 15% = $46.75
1 eye soul reaper chalice $35
blue rhino paly $20

JCAB: $165 – 15% = $140.25

neon pink rose tips anemone $75

A028 A025 A016 A029

A022 A042 A053 A049 A044 $90

SChrisEV: $55 – 15% = $46.75
B090 green galactus paly $20
RIC05 Ricordia duo $35

Mitch: $10 – 15% = $8.50
A046 yellow skirt blue Zoas $10

mFrame: $125 – 15% = $106.25

Soul Reaper chalice 1 eye $35
blue blaze zoa $20
yellow striping tiger anemone $55
Safe cracker Micro 1 head $20


replacement item $0 (Will’s Pick)

etannert: $20 – 15% = $17

B026 rainbowtastic enchinata $20

o0zarkawater: $80 – 15% = $68

B163 fairy tail $30
B156 sayan $20
a055 barney $10
c120 cali shade $20

ct67stang: $200 – 15% = $175

Dendro $75

Cool tri-color torch 2 heads $70
Marvin the martian favia $55 (2-2.5"size)

Bonus coral for coordinating group buy (Will's choice)

Edited by Mitch
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I may want in on this! I love what they have on the site but never have purchased anything. So when do you order and as far as WYSIWYG is there any way to reserve coral for the group buy?

Yes, you can contact them directly telling them you're part of the group buy and pre-pay for the item, they will hold the item for you and include it in the group shipping.

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Ill take a look around also. Will you be able to drop off in north Austin as you go by?

<br /><br />Yes i can make a couple stops where we can meet. Id like to deliver yours as well since we have an led fixture/beer meeting pending<br /><br />Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />
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I may want in on this! I love what they have on the site but never have purchased anything. So when do you order and as far as WYSIWYG is there any way to reserve coral for the group buy?

<br />Yes, you can contact them directly telling them you're part of the group buy and pre-pay for the item, they will hold the item for you and include it in the group shipping.
<br /><br />I had messaged Will about this but havent gotten a reply thanks mike<br /><br />Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />
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Hey guys i got a reply from Will from AquaSD here is what he said regarding choosing and holding coral:

We can hold a group buy order for up to 10 days. When you email me an order, please post it on the group buy thread (preferably in the first post if possible). Keep updating that post so people know what is taken. On my end, once I receive your email, I'll go ahead take them off the site.

Very important though, please make sure that when the member picks out a piece, that he/she does not change their minds. It'll get really confusing fast if a dozen people start to swap things in and out.

Another note, since some pieces might change color, get stung or even die (happened before), please let us know if it is okay to Substitute the piece (if we have something just like it) or if the member would like a refund. I will let you know when we ship on which piece/s are substitutes. We will only substitute if we have the same thing, just that the shape/size might be a little different from the picture.

Please email the lists to: [email protected] when you receive a request.

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i just got off the phone with AquaSD he wants to deal with just one person so youll have to paypal me the $$. as far as choosing the item and making sure it doesnt get sold online, youll have to go to the site choose your coral, post on here the name and cost and ill have to email him so he can pull it off of the site. i will not email him to hold an item until i have received your payment just to avoid any confusion. pm me if you have any questions thanks

edit- please reffer to post 21 before choosing coral. and you can start sending me the money and posting your items now so i can email him the items to hold

Edited by ct67stang
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