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Wanting to get a camera


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I'll let others chime in but I use a nikon d5100 and the body w/ kit lens alone is $550 although I think if you get it at Sams you can bundle it with a bag and cleaning supplies for the same price.

This is going to be your best bet on lens for the price 50mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Nikon-f for that camera at $300. Just remember your going to need a good tripod as well.

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bumping this thread

I'm looking to get a new DSLR camera, never had one before and think it would be fun to play with. So far I'm looking at the T4i with lens kit which is running $650 on amazon prime. Thoughts and opinions?

Does canon or nikon or both have lenses that are all backwards compatible? I thought I remember reading somewhere that one of them made a switch so you cant use some older lenses, maybe I'm wrong here.

Lets get a conversation going!

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In general, most lenses will be backward compatible but not always forward compatible. There are plenty of old lenses, especially prime lenses (i.e., fixed length e.g. 50mm) that will work perfectly fine with new bodies. It tends to get a bit hairier when you start adding autofocus, but in practice people tend to stick with lenses designed for your body anyway.

The switch you are talking about is probably from the dx lense series from nikon where there were some cross line incompatibility when nikon introduced a lower cost consumer grade DSLR. This article should sufficiently explain to/confuse you for nikon lenses anyway.


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The Canon lenses are backwards compatible. I can't say anything about Nikon on that subject since I do not shoot with them and just don't know them. Canon vs Nikon.. You'll get a million different responses. Both are great cameras, but the way they function are different and the way they feel are different. try them both out and see what feels good in your hand. Canon is the only company that makes their own lenses and are a bit more pricey, but people will argue that they are way better quality when talking about the Pro lenses (L class Canon).

BE CAREFUL where you purchase your Canon camera. There are a lot of counterfeits out there. If purchasing on Amazon, make sure it is from a reputable shop. B&H is a great place out of New York. I would never purchase one on Ebay.. You can also check out CL..

There is a lot of good deals on there for cameras and lenses.

Edit.. Thanks Rob

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Here is some info on Canon lens compatibility, about a quater the way down(starts with "what is a ef-s lens?".


Also, it's B&H, not B&N.

Also, also: the Nikon DX lenses will work just fine on FX(full frame) cameras, albeit with vingetting induced. The DX line was made for the lower end camera bodies. One has to go way back with Nikon bodies to run into issues.

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The L series have always been awesome but man are some of them expensive. Not for tank pictures but their wide angle - low f stop lenses are incredible for landscape photography.

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Well my tax refund came in yesterday so I'm gonna get a new camera and new pistol to treat myself then throw the other half into savings. Gonna go this weekend and see how they feel in my hand, next thing I gotta do is find a beginer class so I can learn which way to point and what button to click. (Already know but I feel so lost when it comes to cameras)

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Gonna go this weekend and see how they feel in my hand, next thing I gotta do is find a beginer class so I can learn which way to point and what button to click.

Are you talking about the camera or the gun...?

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Talking about the camera :)

Guns are easy. I've been shooting since I was 5, got my first real rifle at 10 and used to go every sunday for shooting competitions with my dad and brother, plus hunting during season. (although if anyone has some property I can shoot on that would be amazing! I grew up on a large farm and could alwyas just walk out my door and unload whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, in a city I learned you cant do that :) )

The camera on the other hand, my first digital camera was when I was 19 (my newly adopted dog actually sniffed it out of the bushes and I contacted the owner, they wanted the pictures but not the camera so I kept it) Next camera was a nikon aw100 to have while in puerto rico so we could take it into the rainforest, zip-lining and into the ocean kayak tours without worry. Now I think its time for me to get a nice camera that will last me some time.

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I just got a canon eos T4i, upgrading from a Canon rebel XTi. Buy the better camera and the better lens in the beginning so you dont have to mess with it later. I messed up and tried to get a bunch of the cheaper lenses and get by with them. I now will be getting rid of some of these lenses and upgrading to the better ones, they make a huge difference

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