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Need a pump recommendation


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My sump return pump burned up this weekend (Rio 2100). I am needing to replace it but would like to get a better pump.

Have been looking and settled between the MD7or9, or a Quiet one 3000 or 4000. This is on a 75gal tank but could be moved to a larger 90gal later.

Thanks for your input.

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if you ask me the big name pumps are all bullet proof now adays and yes people are gona say but I had blah blah blah and it failed all companys of mass produced stuff have failures.

I disagree with all pumps being bulletproof.smile.png Folk's say mag pump's are workhorses blah blah blah but seem's like every week someone is looking for one after their's fail. Quietones were good back in the day but a lot of the newer model's have restart issues after a power loss. I only remember reading maybe one post where someone had an issue with a older Eheim pump since I started in the hobby over 7 yrs ago and they are more efficient and don't add heat to your tank like mag's do. As alway's..... YMMV.smile.png


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I like the Mag line of pumps and have used them for more than 20 years. I especially like the fact that they can be used submerged or as an external pump. While there is much talk about excessive heating the water, I have not seen quantitative proof of this statement. Like many things in life, if you say it enough, it becomes true.


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The thing is with internet forums people only report when they have problems :) not when things are working fine. And I would bet there are 10 to 1 mags vs eheims out there so sure you will see more reports of problems with them,

but its like anything ask 10 experts and you will get at least one that says mag is best one that says mag is worst one that says ehiems are best and one that says they are worst err welll ok you would probly have a problem finding one to say ehiems suck other than cost.

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Definitely true. There are a ton of people using mag's and some of the other brands. Eheim has been rock solid in my experience for their canisters (less the Eco) and for pumps. However, if price is an issue, the mags should be fine. They wouldn't be the best selling pump if they didn't work.

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Wow Derrick, I think I could drain the entire pool in a matter of minutes.

I have ended up with a Mag9.5 and is working well at my price point. I do like the eheims, but the price was out of the bounding box. The other priorities for this were the availability of parts in a short notice. I havent seen too many Quiteone parts in stores.

This does not preclude I will not try one in the future as I am still open eared about opinions and experiences! Thank you all for a great discussion.

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I am using th QuietOne 3000. Happy with it so far (three months) It has a little more lift that the 2100 and is about the same noise wise. It is basically silent if you keep it from touching the sides (or it vibrates pretty good). I still have my RIO2100 in the spare bucket though. Good pump.

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