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Cleaning/Curing Live->Dead Rock

George Monnat Jr

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About a week ago I removed four of my rocks from my DT that had bad dinoflagellates on them and stuck them on the back porch. They didn't have much on them as they were newer and in less light, so bleaching them was no big deal. I want to put them back in now to re-accumulate good bacteria, etc. but I don't know if the stuff that died on them will foul my water. I've seen various accounts of people using acids or other chemicals. Has anyone done this and can relate their experiences with Do's and/or Don't's?

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I bought 2gallons of vinegar from the dollar store and soaked my rock in it for about 2-3 minutes. Then rinsed with tap water and let sun bleach for a week. I wouldnt use anything like acid or bleach, Just vinegar. When you see what it does to live rock you will see what I mean. "Plop-plop....fizzz"

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+1 to what Derrick said. Harsh chemicals are not needed. Once the rock has dried out you can blast it with a garden hose to remove the majority, then let it soak in a bucket for a few days. Each night shake it vigorously and then let it sit again. Once the shaking ceases to release new material you should be good to go.

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The good thing with using vinegar is that it will penetrate all the nooks/crannies of the rock and force out some of the PO4 that has accumulated into the rock. The downside is that it is not that powerful of an acid to etch away some of the surface layers and get down to the bare rock like muratic acid will, but then again, muratic acid will eat your skin off. Might want to run the dead rock in a tub with a piece of LR for a couple of days afterwards so that you don't cycle your tank again with the introduction of dead organisms.

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Might want to run the dead rock in a tub with a piece of LR for a couple of days afterwards so that you don't cycle your tank again with the introduction of dead organisms.

That's a good idea. I bought two gallon jugs of HEB 5% white vinegar last night.

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Thats a stellar idea. I had two large pieces of dry rock for years. Decided to soak them for a week to see before I added them. Now 14 days later im rocking 2.5ppm ammonia in the tub from internal die off. Better to soak and test just to CONFIRM you wont have a cycle on your hands.

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