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The thermostat for the heater of my daughter's pico reef aparently got stuck on....all night. :( after a water change...which is sad because the tank was looking amazing after the water change...this is what i get for not having a backup safety

Known casualties:

all inverts minus some zoas, palys, a chalice...and MAYBE her clam...all else...cooked.

Green-banded goby - dead

frogspawn - dead

Pom-pom crab - dead

monti - dead

Birdsnest - dead

Emerald crab - dead

Etc etc etc

I feel miserable ugh!

On a positive (if there is one....). I needed to drill it anyway. *sigh* FML

At least she is at her mother's next week...not that thay really changes anything....except my ability to break it to her softly.

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All crabs (hermits, emerald, pom-pom) are dead as the nessarious are eating them...the frogspawn melted. The chalice . And clam ($$$) seem to be ok...all other snails just moved to high ground. Most worms/hikers are shriveled up floating around looking pretty much like nassarius fodder

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Aww so sorry. :(

Kids are pretty quick to recover from these things at least (quicker than us "grown-ups" at least!). She'll probably be excited to buy new stuff before too long.

(I recommend a Yasha goby & randalls pistol combo... they look like cartoon characters!) ;)

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I have a brown/red monti cap as well as birdsnest if you'd like to replace. Also have some mushrooms and a couple other things I can throw your way. Hit me up.

Thanks, May take you up on it, trying to clean up the mess still. and see how things are when the sand settles.

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Really sorry to hear about the loss. The topic of whether or not heaters are really needed here in central Texas often comes up. The risk vs reward of running them if the tank is in a warm portion of the house should be reviewed.

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Really sorry to hear about the loss. The topic of whether or not heaters are really needed here in central Texas often comes up. The risk vs reward of running them if the tank is in a warm portion of the house should be reviewed.

And generally I agree, however with this little pico, it is very susceptible to outside temperatures due to sheer surface area exposure to total water column volume, it was sadly a necessity...on a plus...now that it is getting drilled....it shares total capacity of around 50 gallons...which holds temperature better

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Dang, so sorry about your week. My roommates heater went haywire and everything was dying. I reached in to test the salinity first when I quickly realized the tank was a warm 96 degrees. He lost everything and I lost some corals I was sharing in his tank. At least it offers the opportunity for a new beginning. Best of luck

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