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Question about flow


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Hi, I have a question about flow in my tank. I have a 55 gallon and right now the only flow I have is from the return pump, it is a mag 9.5 and the flow is okay, but I want to add some more. I really like the nano wave box and want something that I can leave running during water changes (right now I have to turn of the return pump to do water changes because the water level gets to low to keep it running). I was thinking of adding either two tunze 6045's or a nano wave box or both? Any thoughts or experience on this type of setup? Would you do powerheads and then wavebox, or wavebox then powerheads? Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks

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I have a 58 gallon softie tank. I have a Tunze Nano wavebox, a Tunze Nanostream 6025 (660 gph) and just added a Tunze Nanostream 6045 (1,189 gph). I have a Mag 7 as my return pump. As I calculate it my water is turning 41 times and hour. :cool:

Unfortunately you will still have to turn your pumps off to do a water change. The water mostly will go below the waveboxes intake when you start removing water. I could be wrong cnoncernig the water level not knowing how you do your water changes or where your line break on your returns are located.


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James, good point, forgot to mention that eventually I would like to keep SPS, and maybe some LPS.

Dave, the water level drops about 3 inches when I turn off the return, and I mostly do my water changes by pumping the water out of the sump, and then replacing into the sump. I was kinda guessing that the wavebox might have to be turned off, but that the powerheads could continue to run. Guess there is not that much harm to the tank by turning off pumps?

Thanks for the responses!

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I leave my pumps of for about 30 minutes. This way I can pump out bad water and pump in new water. If it takes longer/or shorter I just hit the controller.


Cool, I was worried that no flow may cause harm to the inhabitants. It sounds like turning off the pumps is normal when doing a water change and should not wreak too much havoc.

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Hmm or instead of the wavebox and 6045's. Anyone got feedback on doing one MP40 on a 55? The cost would about the same, and the MP40 would probably take up less real estate, which is key in a 55. Sorry for all the questions, just trying to pick the best option.

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Personally I really like the look of a tank with a Tunze wave maker. There really isn't a "best option" whatever you decide on there will be animals that prefer something else so I would talk to people who are keeping the species you want to maintain.

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Not sure how you arranged your power heads and wavebox. I have my wavebox and the smaller tunze head on the back wall aimed at the front glass. I have my larger tunze on the right side glass panel. I can post a pick later if you'd like to see it.


by the way nice bike!

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Not sure how you arranged your power heads and wavebox. I have my wavebox and the smaller tunze head on the back wall aimed at the front glass. I have my larger tunze on the right side glass panel. I can post a pick later if you'd like to see it.


by the way nice bike!

Thanks!!! Yeah it would be cool to see a picture of how you have your tank setup. It is good to see what other folks have done, and what works well. I still have not added anymore flow to my tank, but I need to so I can start adding some corals. Do you keep SPS in your tank?

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I think a MP40 would be a bit much in the 55. I have mine turned down to about 20% on a 75.

Now, if you are planning on upgrading, then by all means it would be fine.

I do have to say that, although I love my MP40, seeing a wavebox on Mark's tank along with a MP40 seems a really nice way to go. Kinda pricey though.

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I've got the Tunze nano wavebox on my 90 and absolutely love it. Previously I had 2 tunze and 2 korali PHs and I can tell you that there is no comparison to the movement that the wavebox provides. Anemones and softies look great in the flow pulsing back and forth.

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Yeah, I like my nano wavebox. It even moves water between the rocks, which is the main reason I run it. I don't want any stagnant water. It makes softies and LPS look great with the back and forth motion. You can't really tell with SPS but I'm sure they appreciate the all over flow... I could give credit to better polyp extension but to be honest, I haven't paid attention to that.

I couple this with two koralias to keep my flow moving as it is suggested that the nano wavebox not be your only source of flow. It'll move everything back and forth and keeps things from settling but it still requires some type of laminar flow to blow everything away.

They have great customer service too. I bought mine used from another reef and after I quieted down my return flow, I started to really hear the nano wavebox. I figured something was wrong so I emailed customer support and he said to just drop on by (luckily the only Tunze distribution office in the whole US is 5 mins from my place) and he'll make sure there are the rubber 3m nipples on it to isolate on the glass (which they weren't there) and take it apart for me and take a look inside. That's amazing customer service, they really back what they sell.

+1 on the nano wavebox, though I am biased as I have never had an MP-40.

I wouldn't worry about the lack of flow, just don't leave it that way for like 4hrs! I usually just push my feed timer on the nano wavebox controller and presto, I have some time to do my water change without it sucking in air and blowing bubbles all over my tank because the water level is low. I do leave my two koralias on during the water change though.

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Dave thanks for the pictures of the 58!!! Tank looks great, I like the way that you have the wave box setup next to the overflow, every tank that I have ever seen that has one is set up in one of the ends of the tank.

Robb, thanks for sharing your experience with the MP40 in your 75... It is interesting that you have it dialed down so low. And yeah an MP40 wavebox combo would be a pricey, maybe that will be something to shoot for in the future.

Mike/Jeeper, thanks for sharing your experiences with the nano wave box in your tanks. Right now my only flow is the return pump and I really want to add some more. Sounds like everyone is very happy with their waveboxes.This has definitely been food for thought about what exactly I will add to the tank..... Thanks for all of your input!!!

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I was lucky enough to spend several weeks on the Great Barrier Reef two years ago (for school), and it was seeing the water motion on the reefs that convinced me I HAD to have a Tunze wavebox. It's amazing how even drab brown leather corals look so beautiful in the back-and-forth rhythm that a wavebox mimics.

That being said, my tank has no canopy right now, so the sound of the water sloshing back and forth gets pretty loud at night. That's why I decided to use the light sensor (btw, a very nice touch, Tunze!) and hooked it under my bedside lamp. That way, the wavebox turns off at night when I turn the lights out.

At that point, my flow comes mainly from a pair of big Koralias that are aimed at each other from across the tank (to make turbulence), and my return lines.

I'm no expert on flow, but it has been enough to let me grow SPS well, and the softer corals look amazing under a wavebox.

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Robb thanks, I will keep my eye out on RC for MP20's that is yet another option. Thanks for the idea!

Meteorflower, thanks for sharing your experiences with the wavebox. The motion that the wavebox produces is awesome. I love to watch the main tank at aquatek sway back and forth, could stand there for hours :doh:

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