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ARC's Bi-Annual Equipment and Frag Swap


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Yes, please bring the kids, Tyler has lots of things for kids to play with . The jumper will be up and of course the above ground pool is still up for cooling off. Please bring your own towels if you plan to get in the pool. We will also be doing hamburgers and hot dogs....please feel free to your chairs and whatever. Hope you all have good time.

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Does anyone have half a table that they wouldn't mind sharing? I will have my frag tank setup with me, but my table is huge and won't fit in my minivan.

We will find you a place to set up... I have three tables and Dave will bring some tables as well.

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I'll be binging 2 - 4' tables and 1 - 6' table. Let me now if we need to bring the card tabel too.


Yes please bring the card table as well would be nice to get a good card game going, LOL. Thanks Dave.

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Yes, please bring the kids, Tyler has lots of things for kids to play with . The jumper will be up and of course the above ground pool is still up for cooling off. Please bring your own towels if you plan to get in the pool. We will also be doing hamburgers and hot dogs....please feel free to your chairs and whatever. Hope you all have good time.

That sounds awesome - thanks for including kids!! We'd love to come, can we bring food? Anything?

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Ok, so I had cleared my calendar so i am planning on coming.

I plan on bringing a bunch of small Kenya tree frags that are attached to rubble and shells. I will also probably brings some chaeto. All of these are free to people starting tanks and who are interested (Kenya trees can be slightly invasive).

As for things to swap. I might try fragging some of my gorgonians this weekend.

I do have two grapefruit sized rocks with gsp on them I would be willing to trade. One of them also has bonus purple mushroom, Kenya trees and zoas on it.

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Yes, please bring the kids, Tyler has lots of things for kids to play with . The jumper will be up and of course the above ground pool is still up for cooling off. Please bring your own towels if you plan to get in the pool. We will also be doing hamburgers and hot dogs....please feel free to your chairs and whatever. Hope you all have good time.

That sounds awesome - thanks for including kids!! We'd love to come, can we bring food? Anything?

Feel free to bring chips, or drinks or whatever you would like. I will have some drinks here. thanks so much for offering. theresa

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I have an old canopy - seen many a soccer game and is dirty and faded, but it should still give some good shade if you would like me to bring it. My daughter has a small "princess" play popup tent that would be good for a couple of kids if there are going to be more "little uns". We can easily bring chips, or how about a dessert? Or will you have tons of those? We can make cookies, or chocolate cake, or a chocolate pie.....

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I am looking to trade/buy the following, just in case anyone has them:

purple hammer

mine field cyphastrea

sour apple seriatopora

pink zipper zoas

crocea clam

koralia nano or k1 powerheads

mag 7 pump

30" lights (prefer T5 or MH/T5 combo)

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I have an old canopy - seen many a soccer game and is dirty and faded, but it should still give some good shade if you would like me to bring it. My daughter has a small "princess" play popup tent that would be good for a couple of kids if there are going to be more "little uns". We can easily bring chips, or how about a dessert? Or will you have tons of those? We can make cookies, or chocolate cake, or a chocolate pie.....

The tents would be greatly appreciated, thank you. So far all I know of what is being brought is what Chuck and I are going so feel free to bring what you want. I will have hamburges and hot dogs. Once again thank you for offering.

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+ 2.5 smile.png

I'll be there with my wife and baby girl.

Will bring frags, table and tank. If anyone wants me to bring anything from any of our threads or website just let me know. I'll be bringing other stuff too not already listed smile.png

In the spirit of the frag swap I'll also be happy to make trades if you have something I want. I'm always looking for corals to add to our grow-out colonies.

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Lets all pitch in to help Theresa and her husband with food and drinks...please post here with what you are bringing or willing to bring. Theresa and her husband put in a lot of time and effort for these frag swaps that a little help from everyone will make things easier on them biggrin.png

Chad and Belinda - soft drinks and a case of H2O

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I spoke to Theresa earlier...her and her husband are providing some hamburgers, sodas, water and chips...here are some things that they could still use help with:




hotdogs and buns



Here is what we have so far:

Theresa and Chuck - hamburgers, buns, some sodas and some water

Rob and Raquel - plastic utensils, napkins, paper plates, cups

Chad and Belinda - soda and a case of water

JamesL - cookies

jbharlan91 - chips, a dessert, and some drinks, plastic cups

Chris - 2 cases water

mindflux - hotdogs and buns

Any help is greatly appreciated. If you plan on bringing something and haven't posted yet, please post on this thread so that as it gets closer, we know what is still missing.

Thanks all.

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