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September BRS GB-The "forget the school supplies, my tank needs stuff" buy


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I've gotten a couple of requests for a Bulk Reef Supply Group order so here we go again!

What does that mean? That means I need a minimum of 10 people to be in on the order and then BRS will setup group order pricing for the people on the list.

If you want in on the group buy:

  • please first create an account @ BRS if you don't already have one.
  • Then, please respond in the thread that you want in.
  • Then, PM me your REAL NAME(first and last name- no handles/screen names) and email address associated with your BRS account.
  • Deadline for getting in is Monday, September 4th @ 4p. (Hint...that's labor day so get me your info now before you forget b/c its a holiday)

On Tuesday, September 5th, BRS will switch everyone's account who is on the list to group buy pricing. You'll have until Monday, Sept 13th to place your order.

Everyone's order will ship individually so if you want to save on shipping, find an order buddy!

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what about RODI?

If you are talking about the RODI unit itself, I got my BRS unit off ebay (from BRS) and saved about 20%. However, then I turned around and decided I wanted the filter canisters for chloramines and gave most of those savings back. The components do get a discount. Most of the individual items get between 10 and 20% off. It seems oftentimes the price they are quoting right now as "As low as" is what we usually get, once the GB go in effect.


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Count me IN on this one.

Is there a way to see what your savings will be before they convert us to group pricing?

I want in on this one. If anyone from the LCP area is also ordering let's go together on shipping.



I'm in Leander and can go in on shipping with you.

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Count me IN on this one.

Is there a way to see what your savings will be before they convert us to group pricing?

No, but you can guesstimate by looking at the lowest "Buy X and for $X each and save XX%" number.

Remember somethings don't get discounts like controllers, etc.

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Ok, Lewk told me you needed 1 more. Count me in, I can always find something else to buy!



cool...just send me your email and real name associated with your BRS account. Everyone's order will be turned over to GB status about 12 on Tuesday.

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