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Freakin Blenny!


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Despite all I heard and what they told me at Aquadome.... Blennies are not reef safe. I purchased a Blue and Gold Blenny (combtooth) on Sunday... today I notice all my monti's, caps, leng sy, etc have what look like small scratches or patches missing... I looked and wait and saw the bloody fish just nipping away at them... it wasn't easy to catch him, but I finally got him and put him in an isolation net... probably going to dump off at RCA... now to get my corals to heal!

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I think what's happening is the Blenny is trying to scrape algae off the coral, but it's damaging the coral in the process. I don't think it's trying to eat the coral.

In my case, the blenny was blatantly nipping at the plate coral flesh... no algae on it to eat :hmm:

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I will verify the tailspot's safety, and add lawnmower to the list.

Any herbivore blenny should be fine, maybe they can be irritants but I would say most blennies don't even eat meat. That said, the info I see says the blue and gold is a herbivore, you sure it's not damage from irritation or damage from skirmishes with other tankmates?

EDIT: Apparently what's commonly called the blue and gold blenny is different from the combtooth blenny. Combtooth blennies make up quite a number of species and are larger and not necessarily herbivores. Make sure the ID is correct and you've actually got a combtooth.

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I have to agree with JamesL... no algae on plate coral - he was just going to town on it.

I double checked his ID... he was sold as Ecsenius lividanalis.. which I thought was a combtooth blenny... this picture is a dead ringer for him...


I guess I should have checked here first...

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I'll tell you what, I have had that exact blenny in my tank now for about 7 months. I love it and wouldn't allow anything to mess with it. My tank is full of corals, all kinds, well 'cept softies. All it does is hang out on my corals, in my corals, around my corals, etc... Has never messed with a thing. It changes colors to blend in. Just to cool. Feel free to drop by to debate it further, but it has never touched a coral.

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Definitely a lot of variability in blenny behavior... I was actually talking to someone else who said their Tailspot was munching away on coral... I do wonder if the diet I was feeding was not sufficient and cause the nipping... mainly cyclopeeze and seaweed sheets on clips... they might just need more steady source of veggies like some flake food... or I just got an insane blenny!

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