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Status Updates posted by Brooks

  1. Not being able to exercise in any form is KILLING me! This leg can't get better soon enough.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      What was the outcome?

    3. Brooks


      LOL, Mark! Seems like a good weight-loss regimen.

      @Robb, torn patellar tendon. Luckily it isn't fully turn, so no surgery required.

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Whew. I've been dealing with some patellar tendonitis this winter and can vouch that it's no fun.

  2. Not being able to exercise in any form is KILLING me! This leg can't get better soon enough.

  3. Messed up my leg. :( Nothing broken, getting an MRI in the morning.

    1. (Bio)³


      Ouch, what happened?

    2. Brooks


      Tumbling incident. Landed rather hard, then a sharp pain went down from my knee to the ankle. Then the leg went numb.

    3. DerrickH


      Sounds like a nerve thing, hope it turns out

  4. Content. Finally have a tank set up again. Small, but still going to be a ton of fun.

  5. You know, I could do a lot with a 5g Fluval... Thoughts? It can fit in a dorm ;)

    1. mcallahan


      get a brute trash can and rig it up as a sump...then you have a 40G!!

    2. Brooks


      Hahaha, good advice Mark. I think I'm going to get the Fluval Chi, and have some fun. Single Par 38 (high up, because that stuff is BRIGHT), and then place some Acans, chalices, and easy SPS in there.

  6. Will be attending the University of Texas at Austin in the fall! Hook'em!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brooks


      Thanks Bchap! I'm VERY excited. :) I'm actually trying out for their cheer team! I can't wait!

    3. JasonJones


      Congratulations. I think you will be very happy with your decision.

    4. diabeetus


      congrats buddy! way to go!

  7. Ugh. Having tank withdrawals.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fishypets


      You guys are welcome to come change my water, clean the skimmer and scrape the glass.

    3. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      Good slap of reality Clint. lol

    4. Demodiki


      Come on in where it's warm!

  8. Pray for the families in Steiner. If anyone needs a place to stay, don't be afraid to ask!

    1. mcallahan


      I've been praying, but the fire is still burning!

    2. Teresa


      Yes - Are there forum members that could use support? How can I help??

  9. If anyone has an iPhone 4 they aren't using anymore, hit me up! I broke mine, and need a new one... badly. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mindflux


      There's a strong likelihood that if you can afford a saltwater tank or corals you could afford an iPhone.

    3. JamesL


      It is just a matter of prioritization of money :)

    4. Brooks


      Clint, coming from the man who spent $1000 on a coral, I think you can afford an iPhone. Lol. :)

  10. Got my full layout :D (Its a back flip, with a full 360 twist).

    1. KimP


      Wow, that sounds incredibly difficult!

    2. Brooks


      Its the highest skill you can do before you start doing doubles (meaning a 720 vs. a 360)!

    3. Teresa



  11. A high of 60 degrees tomorrow! Wait... what?

    1. mcallahan


      and it still didn't rain!

    2. JamesL


      Boo to the lack of rain.

  12. 7 mile run... 7 miles of death.

  13. Twitter... What can I say? I gave in.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jestep



    3. dapettit


      I agree with MindFlux. I follow Photoshop gurus & tech companies, but it is a stupid name. . .

    4. Mr Cob

      Mr Cob

      I agree that the name is lame but....look at my company name..lol Anyways, Twitter is super useful for us as a business. I can send updates and quick notes to our website from my phone and link to auctions and important info for our customers from our twitter page. In short; I'm a fan of it's "usefulness".

  14. Any dentists around here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will


      Mike is one i believe, may be an ortho though

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Yeah, Mike is the one. Not ortho.

      He needs a tank in his office. Very happy with his services.

    4. mcallahan


      +1 for Mike_M! He does good work!

  15. Had my first every adult Seahorse death today. And it was such a good day, until I got home.... :\ RIP Larry.

    1. KimP


      Dislike :( Any idea what happened?

  16. I'm.... a cheerleader....?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamesL


      There goes my idea for next months photo contest...

    3. mcallahan


      I'm jealous if you get to work on your "lifts" of the cheerleaders all day.

    4. Brooks


      Hahaha I suppose a thank you is in order to James and Robb. And Mark, be very jelly. :D

  17. Hypermobility in my shoulders... Gymnastics all next week! Doctors: what to do?

  18. Brunch with Brad and Angelina.

  19. Standing back tucks have been mastered. Standing full, here I come.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fishypets


      Awesome man.

    3. mcallahan


      gymnastics always freaked me out in gym class. I couldn't get over the fear of wiping out.

    4. Brooks


      A lot of it really is mental. I'll ask my coach to "spot" me while I do something that I know I can already do without help, just so I have the comfort of knowing he's there to help just in case. When really, he just stands there.

  20. Water changes on all tanks.... check.

    1. o0zarkawater


      You missed mine. Plz fix.

    2. JamesL


      Seems to be catchy around here ;)

  21. So.. who is going to want some Seahorses in the next two months?! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brooks


      My 5-6 week olds are eating finely minced frozen mysis and cyclopees :)

    3. fishypets


      Can chalices eat seahorses?

    4. Brooks


      Chalices can eat feces of Seahorses.

  22. YES! Got the house we wanted!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. o0zarkawater


      So I have to move that hutch again?!

    3. mcallahan


      yeah~ I want the gate code!

    4. Brooks


      My bedroom has two rooms, sort of a little niche off to the side of the main room, and thats where all the fish stuff is going! And it isn't in River Place, but it is close... its in Long Canyon.

  23. Good algaecide?

  24. 150-200 fry... at least. WOW. WOWWWW.

  25. And we... have... MORE fry.

    1. Laura


      Luke...I am your fatherrrr......

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