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Everything posted by Rjohn

  1. Is there something on his nose? In the first pic, you can kinda see his scale outlined. Is he still eating?
  2. I had orange zoas and green zoas growing on the same set of rock. The orange ones all closed up but the greens are doing fine. My parameters are all fine except my nitrates are running about 10 or so.
  3. would a fresh water dip for a minute or so do the trick?
  4. Does the solana have the light, filter, and top all as one piece?
  5. Interested but what type of media is this? Is it wet, dry, what exactly? I saw a jar of this on marinereef.com for $18 and it said it would feed a 100 gallon tank for at least 3 months. Here is the link: http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem.asp...tegory=FIADSACS
  6. Nice to hear about a company that overdoes instead of just barely meeting requirements.
  7. Rjohn


    I have had excellent results from the peppermint shrimp eating aiptasia. I am not so sure about majano 'nems tho. I have gotten mixed reports about p-shrimp eating those. I am going to put the emerald crab to the test this week, assuming I can find one or two.
  8. Rjohn

    Bubble Algae

    I have a bunch of little bubbles over some pieces I cannot easily remove. I have a foxface in the tank. I have been having a nitrate issue. I'll have to work harder on it. I think I will begin the hunt for a couple of emarald crabs.
  9. I just discovered bubble algae in my tank. Short of breaking it down, boiling the rocks and sand, and starting completely over, is there anyway to control it or preferably, eliminate it? I have heard that emerald crabs will help. Any suggestions?
  10. Everything else is OK, I think. I won't worry about it.
  11. If long slimy-looking strings are coming out of a mushroom's mouth, can I safely assume that is not a good thing?
  12. I'd be interested in that as well.
  13. Austin Aqua Farms rocks! Matt has an excellent setup! However, you didn't mention Kingfish? Doesn't Kingfish do retail?
  14. I don't have any clams. I never had enough wattage to support a clam. I think I might have anough now tho.
  15. I have a Niger in my tank. He was one of my original fish. He is been fairly peaceful with the other fish. He has never bothered any of my corals or inverts at all.
  16. Dena, what's the height of the unit?
  17. What was the wattage on your T5's?
  18. Brooks, what type of lighting were you using before you went to MH?
  19. Also check with Tye at Clear Aquarium. http://www.clearaquarium.com/site/default.aspx I saw some very nice coraline coated rocks that he has for sale. He is in north Austin.
  20. What type of impurities and pollution? What about pumping it throught the RO/DI unit? or would that remove the salt as well?
  21. Gorgeous shots. Excellent color.
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