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Everything posted by polarbear

  1. well they are together and seem fine. they are keeping side by side
  2. so i put the big one in the tank in a bag to float him and the little one keeps attacking the bag. should i be worried yet
  3. Im not sure if there is a topic about this yet but I hope to get a few responses. I will be starting my 120 gallon long tank (72in L X 24in H X 18in W) once I move to San Antionio in about 3 months. I got a good deal on this set up (pictures will be added later) and it came with a 50 gallon tank to use as a refugium. I wanted to get some pictures and ideas from you all so that I can start to develop my own. THANKS
  4. i sent you a PM. if you can later can you send me one. thanks
  5. thanks for adding the price. sorry but do you have pictures? and are they $20.00 each
  6. i have another question i was hoping you could help me with. Do I need to trim back the macro algae in the refugium? I know everyone does it but is it necessary?
  7. Will this survive in my refugium? I have a lot of macro algae in there so I didnt know if it would eat it or if it wouldnt have enough room to move around. I should have done a little more research on it before i got it so I could have know it would eat the coralline algae.
  8. Its funny that you said this becuase I tried the mirror on the outside of the tank (a fellow reefer told me I should try this to get the clown use to having another fish in there) and the smaller one was doing the sideways shaking thing. The larger one didnt do it. How do I know which one is male and which one is female? also will it matter if the small one turns out to be the female?
  9. how long should i watch for this? ill have to put them in there together tomorrow night then ill go to bed then work. sorry for all of the questions but the wife loves the little clown and i dont want to have to tell her that the bigger one killed it.
  10. do you think 4 fish with all of the corals will be to much?
  11. i have a 29 gallon biocube which i have a clown fish, yellow watchmen and a pajama cardinal. i wanted to know if adding another clown fish would be ok. im not to sure on the max for fish with this size of tank. Also, in the pictures below you can see that the small clown thats in the 29 gallon biocube right now (picture 1) is hosting the brain coral. the other clown is larger (picture 2). i dont want them to fight and have a fellow reefer that is willing to hold him for me but i really want them together. what to yall thank? picture 1 picture 2
  12. polarbear

    kenya trees

    Does anyone in south or central austin have any for free or for sell?
  13. vinegar and water? if so what part vinegar to water?
  14. it has some sand inside of it but i can get that out with no problem. the thing is i wanted to clean it becuase im not using it until i move to San Antonio in about 5 months.
  15. no worries. how do i scrub the inside part, does the inside tube come out?
  16. How do i do this? do i use viniger and water? please comment
  17. here are some pictures. please remember that coral, fish and fan is not included. i will let the rock with the xenia and halimeda go with the tank.
  18. I need to sell this ASAP (as in today if at all possible). I am trying to get a larger tank and need the extra money in order to get it. It includes the following: 14 gallon biocube saltwater (water parameters are good) live crushed coral (has been in the tank for about 2 years) BRAND NEW lights (just put them in 2 weeks ago) biocube protein skimmer I currently have a clown fish in there and some corals that are not included (SORRY). I can leave the one piece of live rock in there that has xenia and halimeda macro algae growing on it if you want. I am asking $175.00 for the complete set up. I do have a stand that was built by my friends father. It looks great and is made out of 2X4's. I can sell that to if you need it. Thanks.
  19. did you get my PM i sent you and voice mail i left for you
  20. i know this may sound stupid to ask but is there enough water in the return side
  21. im not sure how much it goes for either. I saw you were from Kyle and thought i would check since everyone else that has rock lives north almost in round rock
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