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Everything posted by medi

  1. medi

    Vortech MP40W ES

    Pending big_pun. In regards to why I am switching it is straight up a cost thing. I love the versitility and looks of the Vortech, but I was still getting dead spots in my tank so I was going to need to buy a few new pumps anyhow. I bought my wavebox used for $200 and with the difference I'll be able to buy the pumps that I need to fix my dead spots. Hopefully with the wavebox I won't have any deadspots, but I don't think that is very likely. So far I am very impressed with the wavebox. I have a 100G 36x37x18 tank and I was able to tune it to get about a 2 inch wave rocking around my tank. As far as which one you should buy.....I really think they are two totally different items. If you want an awesome wave then I would go with the Tunze, but if you just want all around awesome versatility and flow with maybe just a little wave then I would go with the Vortech. Hope maybe this helps some.
  2. K, but if I turn change the pulse knob then I have to re-tune it every morning. Sounds kinda like a PITA. Isn't it good for the fish to slow down the current at night?
  3. I just installed my Tunze Wavebox which is awesome just in case anyone was curious. My question is what does everyone do with these things at night? Do you just leave a full wave going 24 hours a day? Do you put it on a timer so it is only on when the lights are on? Is there some way to turn the power back or just make it a steady stream for night time? I only ask because my Vortech had all of these options and I am hoping there is something similar I can do with the wavebox. Thanks
  4. medi

    Vortech MP40W ES

    I recently picked up a Tunze wavebox so I don't need my Vortech MP40W EcoSmart any longer. The motor and wet side are approx. one year old, and the driver and power supply are just over two months. Everything runs great. I'm looking for $325.
  5. I find that aquacave or hellolights has the best prices for new bulbs. Hellolights usually has free shipping as well. Aquacave usually has 5% coupons floating around on the internet. I have found several different ones by googling "aquacave coupons"
  6. Not trying to be "that guy", but I wish you luck with that system. I have a two year old Goodman system and it has been a serious POS. it has broken down three times in the past two years. I know 3 others with the same system and they all have had that kind of luck. One thing you need to make sure is that they put the "lined" coil in. My original coil rusted through in a little over a year. Two of the others I mentioned currently have leaking coils, but don't want to pay $1000 just to get them fixed so they keep refilling the freon. Like I said I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news I just felt like I should give you a heads up.
  7. Does the Iwaki have the Japanese motor or the American motor?
  8. medi


    I have both a canary and a six-line wrasse. Unfortunately, neither one of them will touch the flatworms. I'd be interested to know if a mandarin would eat them though. I hadn't even thought about trying one.
  9. Where is the best place north place to refill a CO2 bottle?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. medi


      Thanks. If you don't mind just send over a text when you find the name.

    3. Tavio


      "Air and Gas" is the name of the place I belive on N. Lamar

    4. JeffT


      Austin AirGas - 11111 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX 78753-3058

  10. Sad Sad day. first my pink spotted goby went floor surfing last night, and now I found my powder blue tang stuck to the side of my MP40. Poor guy was still alive. I pulled him off, but he didn't last long. :( You could actually see where the grates had sucked into his side.

  11. cool....I'm glad to hear it went well.
  12. Well I don't target feed. I just feed the whole tank at once. Maybe I need to try that. As far as lowering the temp to 75 that is not possible because I don't, nor do I plan on ever having a chiller. Hopefully target feeding turns this thing around.
  13. hmm...thanks for the info. My salinity is 35 ppm. Any ideas how to make sure this thing is eating. I have started feeding everynight in hopes it was just because the lack of nutrients, but I have seen no change in the coral. Also, it still inflates to three or four times its size, and I see no sign of tissue recession on the skeleton itself. It has lost its color very slowly. This has by no means been a rapid event.
  14. So my awesome wellso is not looking so awesome anymore. The majority of it has bleached almost solid white. I have never had a wellso do this before and am not really sure what is causing it. My best guess would be the water params are too good. My NO2 is 0, NH3 is 0, NO3 reads 0 or undetectable, KH is 9 - 10, CA is 450, Water temp stays between 78-80. Lighting is 2x250 MH with 2x39 T5 actinics. All bulbs are brand new. It is placed on the sand bed in the shade. I do feed when the lights go out, but I have never seen any tentacles come out of the wellso so I am not sure it is eating. Any other ideas? Attached are before and after photos
  15. Love the mini carpets. Tank is looking awesome so far. The only suggestion I would make is move the GSP off of your primary rock scape. If you don't it will take over everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. Give it its own little island in the sand where it can't reach anything. I love the way the stuff looks, but it is an extremely invasive coral.
  16. You could get one of the 50G drums from Austin Homebrew and cut it in half vertically. It wouldn't look very good, but it would be super easy to plumb and dirt cheap. I think they sell the drums for $10.
  17. medi

    Selling it All

    What kind of pumps are you selling?
  18. I can probably give you a hand unloading. Same thing just send me a PM with an approx. time.
  19. Look....I know I am just preaching to the choir, but you have got to be patient with this hobby. Your tank has been up for one month and you have already way overloaded that little tank. It looks like your trying to go in the right direction, but you've got to think about the stress you're putting your fish and corals through. You said your ammonia and nitrate are almost zero. That is NOT a good thing. The two things you HAVE to monitor right now is your nitrite and ammonia. Both should be ZERO before you even think about adding fish much less corals. Having a little nitrate in your tank is not necessarily a bad thing. It just means your nitrogen cycle is working. I know it seems like everyone is harping on you, but we have all been where you are and want to see everyone in this hobby succeed. Trust me it is a lot easier to do it right the first time than to try and fix problems later. Also, can you tell us a little more about your tank? What kind of filtration system are you using? Just in case you are not fully aware of how the nitrogen cycle works here is a very simple diagram that helps to explain it.
  20. medi

    LR from hawaii

    How did you get it back? That must have cost a fortune in airline fees.
  21. An Odyssey 48" fixture. I think this will work if I can find it hanging kit Jake at RCA is seeing if he can locate one, he said they have been impossible to find but the rep says that they are still being made. The Odyssey is evidently a rip of the coralife. I bought that EXACT same kit from Aquatek about a year ago. Straight out of their stock. You might want to check it out.
  22. How do you know how much water you are draining? I have been wanting to set something like this up, but I haven't found a way to precisely measure the water that is being pumped out of the tank. Also, you can buy any length of tubing at McCoy's building supply for a lot cheaper than you can at HD or lowe's. They actually sell the small diameter tubing by the foot. Aquatek sells replacement couplings for the pythons so you should easily be able to retrofit an extension for your current python.
  23. medi


    lol.... dang...I knew there was a picture I forgot to take while I was setting up the new tank. Think my kids would be "reef compatible"?
  24. Aquamedic makes a really nice low key hanging kit. My problem with most of the factory made hanging kits is that they always make the ceiling mounts huge and ugly. The Aquamedic is just a simple silver cylinder that is maybe half an inch in diameter. Great looking kit and it should be relatively easy to retrofit any fixture to make it work. What kind of light are you trying to hang?
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