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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. jk- They have plenty of the jokers so you'll be able to order them next week.
  2. I only see a revenge of the joker for $39.99 in the WYSIWYG section. Did I miss something?
  3. just make sure we both hide our brown frags from ATL corals....
  4. I need dapettit to come take a FTS for me. My tank has changed tons since the last one that got taken.
  5. not a the moment, I trimmed everything back about as far as I can. Glad the carpet is happy tho.
  6. If you still want it from Vivid, jknight1, let me know b/c they just listed it as sold for you.
  7. Yep...14th. I'd do it earlier but it's southsides b-day on the 13th so we have to wait for the birthday boy.,,
  8. I have tons. $5 a handfull.
  9. Might I direct your attention to this icon at the top of the screen...
  10. mike...um...put down the drink, breathe and re-read the post....
  11. at the last meeting, we had a petting zoo...there were 2 goats there and a dog.
  12. aren't you going to join the club and beg for something?
  13. I'm open Tues/Wed (post 7p) nights. The weekend is good as well.
  14. Let's go to MACINA and beg for frags!
  15. I liked the one that said, "I won't lie, I just want beer" At least he was honest...a nice change!
  16. I used to be a financial advisor and I had to work to not laugh when people would want help b/c "We just bought a house and we HAD to spend $15K @ Home Depot getting new appliances, new carpet, new tile, new fixtures, painting, adding an outdoor kitchen, etc...etc..." They thought I could wave a wand and I could make it all go away. Then they'd get mad when they'd realize they'd have to make some modifications to their livestyle if they wanted to not have the issues they had... So no one has any free purple monster? Maybe a free calcium reactor? C'mon...I want some free stuff!
  17. I too get a little miffed at the posts for people who are asking for free frags. Most members on ARC are very generous and once they see you aren't a person just looking for the handout, they will usually give you some stuff to help you get your tank going. The princer7 gave me tons of stuff when I first got my 55G and the mannings continue to be generous in their cutting of frags. We have to keep in mind that its an internet BB so people can ask/say whatever they want. So, Does anyone have a frag of purple monster or a 220G tank that is fully setup that they'd be willing to donate? Due to my $900/mo car payment, and me shopping at Whole Foods, I can afford anything for my tank...
  18. Mostly they are and its usually posted in the details of the meeting. If not, just ask dapettit.
  19. Wow...when are you going to frag that???!!! This post is hilarious
  20. You've set the bar too high! All we had @ my b-days was pin the tail on the donkey. A fish tank @ a party would be a HUGE bonus!
  21. Since this order closes on Monday, I'll send them an email on Thursday to get an idea of if the retros will be free shipping or not. I'll send a final request on Monday if our order changes a lot.
  22. Yeah, tell your daughter it's her party!!
  23. Seahorse wins. End the contest now, move on.
  24. mcallahan


    The damsels would make but you are right, you'd NEVER catch them.
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