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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. Ok, I've got the details and they've asked that I not post them on a public forum, so if anyone other than the people above are interested, please PM me for details.
  2. Me too. Need to feed? Touch a button...done. Need to turn off my return pump for 30 mins to dose my RF Fuel...touch a button...done. Sweet.
  3. I have to say that controlling your tank through your iphone is very cool. Lights on! Lights off. Lights on! Lights off. All with a touch of my finger. Neato.
  4. I'm not versed on the reefkeepers, but I know the AC III/Apex/Pro can all be controlled and configured via your web browser on your computer (even works on macs). I don't know if you can do this on the Reefkeepers. The iphone app is only for Aquacontrollers.
  5. ok, I'll get with them to get the details
  6. dapettit saved the day. Update took 15 seconds. Now my iPhone app works with it! COOL!
  7. waiting for dapettit to come over. Unfortunately I was called away all day so I won't be able to update it till tonight. And I'm away from my tank all day so I'm crossing my fingers.
  8. neato! Dave's rock always looks good.
  9. Oh well, I appreciate it, but put your $ into the order! I enjoy seeing what everyone orders when I unwrap the box so I'd rather have people get more items! I do get the acknowledgement though, so it doest fall on deaf ears.
  10. Cyclop-eeze (food products) touched base with me and wanted to know if the club would be interested in a group buy of their products. I don't have what the discounts/prices would be yet, but I still wanted to see if there would be interested in a group by from Cyclop-eeze. Here is the link to their website where you can learn more about their products: Cyclop-eeze
  11. I did that...it just comes back to a blank screen. Neptune says I need to reinstall the firmware via option B so dapettit is coming over today to see what we can do with it. Cross your fingers.
  12. well I successfully bricked my AC III. It doesn't respond to any buttons and the display is stuck on the Mem Test screen. Great...now I get to wait prob 11am when their tech support open up. Anyone know how to hard restart/reset these things?
  13. I tried option A and option B. My next option is to buy a new one and forget all this update craziness. You'd think it'd be easier than this.
  14. I'd pass out after the first two sips. Hmmm..I guess I could unplug the head unit, but I wonder what the plugs would do w/out the head unit? I'd have to assume that if that there is no head unit, then the default mode is either "on" or whatever its current state was when it was unplugged from the head unit.
  15. well, still nothing. Perhaps its b/c i'm running a windows emulator on my mac. Anyone with a windows machine want to come by and give it a shot?
  16. Well, I will say that Neptune's tech support is fast, but their latest suggestion is to reboot windows into safe mode and try again. Again, why can't Apple make controllers b/c then they'd work every time... more to come.
  17. esch...the readme.txt says the firmware update should take 15 secs...still waiting. I'm on my 4th try. All I get is: AquaController Update Firmware starting... >> Connect...OK! >> Sent login...OK! >> Sent password...OK! >> Check version...OK! Version [3.300000] The webpage update said it should take 1 min..it took 5... why doesn't apple make controllers?
  18. tempting. I'd be interested to see if it did better than my vertex.
  19. I put a couple in my sump and they did that. They moved back to the water after a while and were fine.
  20. you upgrading or getting out? Nice tank BTW
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