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Status Updates posted by mcallahan

  1. c'mon another tropical storm.

    1. Brooks


      That would R00L

    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      uhh. no. this is Austin, not Seattle.

    3. Brooks


      Seattle is Seattle. Not Miami.

  2. needs more carbs.

    1. caferacermike


      I have a whole shed full of them. A lot of extra Keihin VNA 28mm flatslides. You want Mikuni, Keihin, Dellorto, Tilitson, Weber, Amal, Holly, Solex?

    2. mcallahan
  3. dang snoring pug.

    1. o0zarkawater


      Just put him out on the couch. Thats what my wife does with me.

  4. License and registration? Its on the bumper...

  5. I've decided the summer is not for making active income. Passive only. Now its fall...back to work!

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Karma was with you this summer, Bridger and all.

  6. Need a metabolically challenged person for a shoot on Monday. 250 lbs +

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Brooks


      That could work, Mike. Liposuction has a quick recovery time.

    3. fishypets


      No Mike, Mark already called dibs on you for his "Vivid midget project"

    4. caferacermike


      Hells yeah. I get to rock a Vivid midget? Dreams really do come true.

  7. Gettin' to be Vivid time...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mcallahan


      I knew it'd be you or Clint.

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      I left it alone, but since Mike will handle any "pipe work" you might need, I'll be set RN.

    4. fishypets


      I love Vivid videos!

  8. Westlake flooded...I hope Brooks is ok

    1. fishypets


      Come on Mark you know all the kids in that area drive ski boats when it floods. Geeez

    2. Brooks


      Meh. I'm fine.

    3. mcallahan


      no Clint, $100K wakeboard boats...

  9. funny what shows up in the rain

  10. Truth in Status Updates Tuesday: my snowflake morray eel I had in my first tank got out one night.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. caferacermike


      Wow, I didn't know you had a Dad.

    3. mcallahan


      Pettit is more than a dad to me.

    4. caferacermike


      Eww grossed out.

  11. Tropical Storm coming! Woohoo!!

    1. offroadodge


      hope we get a little rain outta it!!!

    2. August


      yeah I second the rain :)

  12. feeling the need to go under water.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laura


      oh!!! oh!! Pick me Clint!!

    3. fishypets


      Pick you Laura to pour the cement or tip him off the pier?

    4. lexiemc


      Your tank is not big enough?

      Can I just inherit a few select frags for safe keeping instead... ;)

  13. Magnesium mix is like hot dogs and hot dog buns used to be - a mis match between the two parts!

    1. fishypets


      What ever that means

  14. excited to see fishypets twirl his ribbon during the halftime show.

  15. can we have mornings like this every day?

    1. fishypets


      You should move some where nice. Try Southern Cal or other locations far far from here.

  16. yeah...rain! no yard watering for at least a week!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. August


      rain is wonderful and it makes it cooler... I LOVE the sound of rain and storms

    3. JamesL


      I don't water the lawn regardless of rain status :)

    4. mcallahan


      rocks don't need to be watered James

  17. getting to know what being a parent of a teenager is going to be like: watching people make the same mistake over and over again

  18. Might be working with "the Robb" again

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. fishypets


      I feel for this "Robb" guy.

    3. caferacermike


      If I was "Robb" I wouldn't admit it.

    4. fishypets


      Or change your name to "Bob"

  19. onto the next goal: find a client who has a private jet.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Ooooo. Lets make a custom plane. Hot tub, aquarium, wine cellar, stripper pole. What else?

    3. fishypets


      No but if Mark's flying it must have a mechanical sheep.

    4. mcallahan


      bull...mechanical bull..get it right and get your mind out of the gutter...

  20. truth in status updates Tuesday: I got my first saltwater tank when I was 10...20 years ago.

    1. JamesL


      10! Wow.. not bad. We had a freshwater tank when I was 10, but not salt till I got close to working at a pet store.

  21. muah....muah....MUAHHH!!!...MUAAAHHH!!...

    1. pbnj


      What plan are you scheming now?

    2. caferacermike


      Seriously quit wasting bandwidth

    3. lexiemc


      he's sampling baby food again...

  22. You spin me Round like a record baby...

  23. sushi sounds good tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OgreMkV


      No... the wrasse didn't mean to eat your SPS!

    3. pbnj


      Yum...Mikado? Is everyone aware that Mr. Saltwatertank eats sushi?

    4. lexiemc


      Have you tried SushiNini? Yum!!

      over here by the Louis Henna Target.

  24. I need an iPad...really, I do.

    1. JamesL


      Go get one. We just got one, and it is nice. Wife, kiddo, and I all use it.

    2. mcallahan


      I used my 5 yr old nephews and it was awesome. But, right now, its not a priority.

    3. Brooks


      Your 5 year old nephew has an iPad?! Wow! I play with my Dad's a lot... its so freakin cool!

  25. sponge, or squirt...hmmm....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pbnj


      The spectrum of sponge choices are so vast. Do sea squirts filter like sponges? If not, go with a cool-looking sponge.

    3. mcallahan


      yep...they filter like sponges.

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      This is a family friendly forum Mark, please treat it as such.

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