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Status Updates posted by mcallahan

  1. Mike M seriously needs to upgrade tanks. All who agree say "aye"

  2. Mike M serious needs to upgrade tanks. All who agree say "aye"

  3. Tunze osmolator hooked up. I think they are going up against Rosetta Stone with their multi-lingual manuals.

    1. offroadodge


      u will like it, i hv ran mine dry on a number of occasions and it still keeps workn

  4. I hate it when I forget to apply coupons before I check out!

  5. another vortec is inbound. mp10 moving to the Solana

  6. Tri-Tip sandwich for lunch

  7. Really diggin' my Solana.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamesL


      Yea, where are the pics? Or the TV show about it? :)

    3. mcallahan


      Pushy..pushy..pushy...I'm working on it!

      I don't have a still camera anymore!

    4. JamesL


      What?!? You are not a distributor for digital cameras too? ;)

  8. My green mandarin now eats live brine. That's a step forward. Now onto frozen

    1. JamesL
    2. mcallahan


      amazing what a water change will do

  9. There is too much good tank equipment out now. Every thing I'm reviewing I don't want to give back!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mcallahan


      ha! only if you promise to keep up with water changes!

    3. JamesL


      I think I could do that :)

    4. medi


      Hey if all it takes to get free equipment is to keep up with water changes then I want in too!!

  10. Launched a show on emergency planning last night. Check it out:

  11. Thinkin' a double double with cheese would be great

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Dan's/Fran's will be happy to help you with that.

    2. Whit


      I agree! Yumm!!! Pick me up one too!!

  12. It's nearly december and i'm wearing shorts...awesome!

  13. It's Parker Holderness' Birthday today! Happy 1st B-day

    1. dapettit


      Happy Birthday Parker!

    2. offroadodge


      Thank u. His BDay was actually the 23rd but doing it this weekend. gonna have a FULL house

    3. diabeetus


      wow, its already been a year?! awesome! happy burfday little guy

  14. Solana stand is together.

  15. Thinkin' Mangia Pizza...

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Like. Or, really, LOVE!

  16. It might be time for me to eat crow soon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mcallahan


      not sure about the wavebox yet. I haven't tested the wave mode

    3. fishypets


      Just wait until they start making noise, and rattling. The icing on the cake will be when you burn your fingers.

    4. dapettit


      I can make a house payment for the cost of one of those suckers. You can keep them!

  17. holy flow batman! I should have gotten 2xmp10's! This mp40 is insane!

    1. Brooks


      Mhm. What'd I tell you?

  18. frags from my show are up for sale

  19. I really need a personal chef.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mcallahan


      that's right! That kid better earn his keep!

    3. JamesL


      That is what I keep telling my 2 year old ;)

    4. Melissa


      now THAT would be my dream job lol.

  20. vortecs are INBOUND! We'll see what I think of these puppies!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. mcallahan


      actually clint has already spoken for them.

    3. fishypets


      I hope they rattle the false teeth outcha head.

    4. mcallahan


      the false teeth are gold so if they fall out, I'll come buy a 1/2" frag from you!

  21. Soo happy I don't have to commute to work - at least more than 20 sec to walk down the hall!

    1. Jakedoza


      you and me both.. :)

  22. Put this in your status if you are glad you don't have to buy a prom dress, AND pay for the wedding!

  23. Breaking up my zoa garden this week. Watch for them up for sale soon

    1. Viet-tin
    2. diabeetus


      yellow zoas for me!!!

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