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Everything posted by reefman

  1. I had ordered 3. The other two and the porcelin crab all seemed fine last night. I've only seen the porcelin today, but I assume the other 2 Emerals are okay as well. Stephen
  2. OK, I did both. I tried to call Mark this morning on his cell, but I guess he has already gone out of town. I can wait until the next order from them for a replacement, I was just worried about how soon they need to be notified. Stephen
  3. Mark, One of the Emeral Crabs is DOA. I just noticed. I'm still acclimating and they aren't even out of the bag yet. What do I need to do? Stephen
  4. Mike, What does the RANCO controller do. BTW, very nice rig. Is it wood, or metal? Stephen
  5. Mark, I'll call you this afternoon to get your address and come by. Stephen
  6. This was very interesting. Thanks for posting. Stephen
  7. Gonzobob, how does the 3X a week for corals working for you, and what are you feeding them? Stephen
  8. Mark, which reactor was it on Marine Depot. I might be getting another one for the Zeo stones I'm about to employ, and my 2 Little Fishies ones are getting a little worn out. BTW, until reef_pug mentioned the one he just got on MD, I think 2LF reactors are a great deal, still are. Stephen
  9. If I was 6'5" or better, I might want a taller tank, but 24" is plenty deep for me. Of course, it also depends on how high up off the floor the tank sits. Mine from top rim to floor hits me just about my armpit. I would not want anything any taller. Also, a 29" or taller tank just about requires 400W lights if you want to ever be able to grow anything. Stephen
  10. If anyone lives in the Cedar Park area, please let me know. Mark, Another alternative is my afternoon is mostly open up till 5:00. I could probably easily take off out of the office by 3:00. I'll PM you my cell, in case you don't have it any longer. If that works I could come by 3:00 - 4:00 and pick up the stuff. Stephen
  11. I have the same question about the 10% versus the unpaid box fee. Also, am I going to be able to come by after 8:00 PM tomorrow? I have work stuff running up to then (conference call). Stephen
  12. reef-pug, I forwarded the order confirmation to your PayPal email address, but it just got kicked back. Stephen
  13. Order has been submitted and I forwarded everyone that ordered the MD order confirmation. I don't expect to see it this week, but if I do I'll post and then we can make arrangements. Stephen
  14. I've gotten Mark's money and the listing from Z. Mitch S has also said he would send a listing. Just between Z's and Mark's, we should easily go over the threshod. I'll send another update later this evening and let everyone know when I submit the order. Stephen
  15. Whoops, hadn't gotten to the end of the thread when I made my post above. The question I had still stands, however. Stephen
  16. I just read on another forum that Great Stuff breaks down under uv light. Supposedly Dow (the maker of Great Stuff) suggests their "waterfall and pond foam sealant", which is fish friendly. So, would you use this foam as a way of glueing an aquascape together (like in between the live rock pieces)? Stephen
  17. If reef_pug gets the B-Inonic, about $33. If he doesn't, I'm about $63 shy. Stephen
  18. Haas, if you can come by tomorrow, I need to trim out my refuge and I'll give you a good sized handful. I have Grape Caluerpa (sp?) in it. let me know, otherwise I normally throw it out. Stephen
  19. Well, I'm at about $112 now, depending on if I get one supplement I'm still trying to decide on. How much would the B-Ionic add? Stephen
  20. I am ordering some supplements and other stuff from Marine Depot (drygoods only), and since I'm over half way there to the $175 free shipping thresfold, I was wondering if anyone else wanted to join in. I would like to submit the order by tomorrow (Sunday) night. Let me know if anyone wants to add in. Stephen
  21. I'll check in the morning as well. If I need to add to get us over the top, I will, but otherwise I would prefer to let it stand as is. Stephen
  22. If other people order or add and get you to within about $20 of what is needed, I'll upgrade the Joker Paly's to the larger frag (the $39.99 version). Stephen
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