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Everything posted by reefman

  1. Lurker, I PM'd you. Reeflover, I PM'd you too. Who is Captain Bob? I hope I don't see this system in a couple of weeks in their "consignment" area. Stephen
  2. Those are really gorgeous clams! How much do you want for them? Just kidding, of course. Seriously, I'm heading up to Steve's in a little bit to get some Emerald crabs, so thought I would let you know in case you wanted to holler at each other... Stephen
  3. Nora, Lauren, and I are all planning on coming. Stephen
  4. I am planning on coming. Stephen
  5. Where did you get the fishy decoration? Stephen
  6. Looks great James! Stephen
  7. I've read somewhere where duct tape is suggested for bristle worm spines too. Stephen
  8. I have nothing worthwhile to say, I just wanted to put something somewhere to try out my new avatar Stephen
  9. I have the Maroon Clown, Anemone, big Paly rock, and the Cabbage Coral. I was about to call Steve at Horizon Pets, but if you will get with me right away I will hold off. My # is 257-9550. Stephen
  10. Since no one has offered to sale or trade, I need to get rid of the following (for free): Cabbage Leather (around 6" x 3" - 4") Yellow Paly's (big piece, can be broken up) Pink Paly's (also a lot that could be broken up) Maroon Clown (unless I can drop him off at an LFS, you could very well save his life if you decide to take him)- (Maroon Clown currently spoken for by rocco_and_hermits, could change tomorrow after 11:00 AM depending on what they decide) There maybe be a long tenacle Anemone in there, but since he retreated under the rocks I won't know until I break down the tank One rock small rock (maybe 8" x 4") with small pretty toadstool, clove polyp's with green centers, and fury green mushrooms (currently promised to Headless Donkey, but he if decides he doesn't want it, it's up for grabs) Tons of mushrooms, mainly purple, but some blues. You will have to pick them off the rock. Please PM me or call 257-9550 b/4 10:00 or after 11:00 tomorrow. I'll be at breaking down and changing the sand on the corner tank all day tomorrow. Stephen
  11. Gabriel, I have used that accelarator on plastic models before but never on/in the tanks. Do you know if there is anything in it that would be toxic for the tank water? Stephen
  12. Hey Carlos, what are "Second Grade Acropora"? Stephen I'm really hoping someone doesn't reply with "not first grade...".
  13. Thanks Gabriel. That was the one I was looking for, but the other things Andrew described will be useful too, now that I know how to use them. Stephen
  14. Andrew, With everything else happening in my life right now, I don't think I can provide myself Saturday, but you are certainly welcome to use my tubs. I think I have 3 - 22g square tubs, and 2 - 12g (or 18g, can't remember) round tubs. We don't live far from each other (I'm up just off Oak Knoll) so we could arrange to pick them up this week, or if need be I could probably drop them off Saturday morning. Also, since the site has changed, I don't ever get emails telling me I have responses to threads I've joined. Could you send me an email letting me know how to set that again (I tried to find it myself but couldn't). Or do you have to set it each time on each seperate thread below? Stephen
  15. Just thought about this thread and thought to go look for it. Hadn't realized you had replied. I never got an email. I guess with the new site, I need to go in and change my profile again so I get emails. Anyway, I'll take a look at it, but I haven't coded in years and never did APs, but if it looks anyway sensible to me I will holler. Stephen
  16. James, Can you post the link to the thread on RC about converting the wireless router to a controller? Stephen
  17. hmmm... Gabriel, What time to you normally dose, and is it with lights on or off? Hey Joseph! Is the offer still open to lend me the Nutribrach to work on those Aiptasia's? Stephen
  18. I've been using B-Ionic for 2 days now, and it seems like both the Euro-Reef and the Deltec go nuts when I turn them back on (even after waiting about 30 minutes with them off) after dosing with the B-Ionic. Is this normal? Should I wait a longer period before turning on the skimmers? Since I don't want to leave them off longer than I have to, is there any reason why I can't do the DT's and any coral food at the same time? Stephen
  19. Thanks to everyone who replied. After pulling out about 90% of the rock and corals, we finally got him. He is now the proud position of a very nice young couple who is just getting into the hobby, and have no corals (they have a FOWLR tank). Stephen
  20. As I get the 130 shut down getting ready for the larger tank, I'm going to end up with more LR than my other 2 tanks can hold, and will want to use it in the new tank. What is required to keep this LR live? I figure at least a heater and pump or powerhead. Will I need to kept a light on it as well? If so, how much and how many hours a day? Stephen
  21. Well, Gabriel warned me, further confirmed by Brain and John, and now that we know what to look for there is no doubt. I have a BiColor Angel that is decimating my corals. I need to get rid of this bad boy, very badly. Catching would be preferred, but I need him gone, no matter how. While many of the fish in this tank will virtually eat out of my hand, this SOB is elusive and shy as you could get. He just sees me walk up to the tank and is gone under the rocks. Any (and I mean any) ideas would be greatly appreciated. Stephen
  22. This is pretty interesting. They may not throw the pretty colors, but might be great for a frag or growing tank. Has anyone tried them yet? Hey Mike. Saw where you said you were getting your 400g soon. Congrats! Stephen
  23. Someone on the other site said he uses lemon juice and its been 100% effective. Stephen
  24. Just used the last of my current supply. Is this still considered the best for Aiptasia and Mojano's? Stephen
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