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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'd eat aiptasia too if I was hungry enough... [emoji12]
  2. 150ppm x 0.056 = 8.4 dKh Fixed!
  3. How do you know if you burned the tips of the acros?Clear white tips with no color on an acro, it's pretty obvious when it happens. Almost looks like a digitata or stylo with their white growth tips except it isn't natural.
  4. 7.5-8.0 dKh is where I keep mine. If you carbon dose at all (biopellets, vodka, etc) you want it below 8.0 dKh to prevent alk burn on the tips of acros. Some believe you will get better growth with higher alk numbers so they chose to run higher. Some believe you get better coloration at lower alk numbers, so they do that. Natural seawater is about 7.0 dKh. I've received acros direct before and the alk is usually at 7.2 dKh, though there may be some bacterial interference while being shipped. The most important thing is just a stable alk level, as long as it is within accepted ranges of 6.5-11 dKh.
  5. I would have to sign up for that one! You were the first person I thought of when I made that statement!
  6. And assume that Ty will be there no matter what. Only to grab pieces of equipment when you aren't looking Richard. Daddy needs him a new giant skimmer...an apex...a calcium reactor...
  7. Just out of habit now but more so when I put everything back in. It's been pretty steady for awhile now that I go about 2-3 days in between now. It's like the person who invented AC... I'd give my first born to him and my 2nd to the guy that makes me an alkalinity probe.
  8. We should make a support group for daily alk testers. [emoji17]
  9. Cycling is more centric around the nitrogen cycle. You're fine running carbon and GFO during that time in my opinion.
  10. I think it's easier to just set a date/time with Richard and let everyone know when it will be. Then if people are free, they can come help.
  11. I'm glad the fear and awe campaign against the red turf worked wonders for you. I'm sure you already ran across this article that discussed AragaMight but just in case: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/7/chemistry Just something I've been looking back over but over the years of no water changes, I've run a Triton test annually to monitor changes. I'm not going to get into the merits of the results of the Triton test but what I find interesting is how some of the levels have gone up in a year. With my only inputs to the system being foods, aminos, and my CaRX, it's interesting to draw some conclusions about the potential supplementation of some of these trace elements I may be getting from the melting of the CaRX media. While no hard conclusions can be drawn unless I completely isolate and test the CaRX media, but it's still interesting to see that my tank has kept or even increased certain elements such as K it Sr over time without dosing either. Something I believe you miss out on in a 2-part setup as you are dosing pure calcium carbonate in that scenario.
  12. Awesome! What's the Sony equivalent to the Nikon D3200 or the Canon Rebel T5 in your opinion?
  13. If you're asking for my use purposes, then yes, too limited. The main reason to get the camera was for the macro lens to take close up shots.
  14. Sadly I'll forget too! Old man trick, add it to the calendar! I'll have the calendar remind me to remind you! Yay google!
  15. Oh yeah! That would be awesome! How about I grab it from you at the happy hour next week?
  16. Pardon my French but.... DAM! That sump looks much better than that piece of junk eggcrate one you had first.
  17. Alright, looked up the Nikon 3200. Consider yourself having a willing buyer. Now hurry up and buy that full-frame camera Brian so I can get my picture-taking on!
  18. Oh, I should say I'm looking at $500 for a used package... not new.
  19. I think I was going to buy the Tamron 90mm macro lens anyways unless I can find a good deal on the Sigma macro lens. They are both 1:1 if I understand correctly. If I had a bigger budget, I'd run with a full frame camera but just can't allocate the money for thst now. Maybe I should chop up my Colorado Sunburst! [emoji4] I'm looking to spend about $500 alltogether for the camera and macro lens. I'll look into the cameras you guys mentioned. Looks like the Rebel T3 is not the best camera if neither one of you said the T3 plus Tamron macro lens for $400 was a good deal.
  20. So, I'm looking for a camera that will be able to take great stock photos of my corals...about the quality I see on most online retailers like AquaSD. The thing is I'm clueless with cameras. All I know is I need a DLSR and a macro lense. Also, looking for something that can take decent videos as well as I may want to record some How To videos down the line one day. Saw a Canon Rebel T3 with lens kit, bag, memory card, and Tamron 90mm macro lens for $400 shipped and was wondering two things 1) Good deal? 2) Would fit what I need it for regarding photo and video capabilities. I plan to also use this camera in a limited capacity to take some specific shots of properties that my professional photographer may have missed or that I want to highlight for MLS photos as well. Any input is appreciated or any points in the right direction to an awesome setup for a good price.
  21. FarmerTy

    Yellow Chromis

    Just make sure its Acme brand, that's foolproof!
  22. FarmerTy

    Shipping coolers

    Alright, I'm up! Mine are large, about 2' x 1', perfect beer cooler. I have 3. Let me know.
  23. You know me and water changes! Let me know if you ever want to implement some of what I do to reduce your maintenance tasks.
  24. Tank looked fantastic Kim this past weekend at the ARC meeting. Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it!
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