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Everything posted by BobcatReefer

  1. I just use it to record my testing so I have a record of it. Easy peasy.
  2. http://www.aquaticlog.com https://itunes.apple.com/app/aquaticlog/id583895470 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=aquaticlog.mobile.android
  3. huh - so it arrives on a plug? I've never seen one on a clam at a local shop, so that never occurred to me.
  4. Is that epoxy under the clam? (I have no idea how clams get mounted/placed anywhere other than the sand)
  5. Will Palys always sting/attack SPS? and ALL Palys?
  6. Temp has about a 1 degree range between 77.3-78.3 Haven't tested for NO3, PO4 lately. Will do that tomorrow.
  7. Well, the Setosa frags are toast, and there's some spots on the mother...tiny, so maybe she's strong enough to fight them off? *fingers crossed* Looks like the Northern Lights is no bueno as well. Green Slimer and Garf Bonsai still look good. Can't tell what's going on w/ the Pocillopora as the bottom of the mother always looks like death, but the top is happy, not to mention, of all my oldest corals, this one has more babies around the tank than even the mushrooms (up until about a month ago when we've reached maximum density and had some floaters...) and they look good. This Purple Stylo was fat and happy a month ago. Today, I was only able to get 2 good frags off of it. Vid shows the difference between where it was healthy and where the evil dun got it. Sorry the vid is wonky. Right now my thought is to ride this out, salvage what I can, and not add any corals for a couple of months. Add a couple of new fish, and focus on them for a while.
  8. I can buy that. Now....how can I treat this!?!? About to get in and cut up that purple stylo tonight....
  9. Gold head sleeper Goby - I've always had Diamond Watchman Gobies to keep my sand turned over and clean, but wanted the GHSG because it's pretty. Unfortunately, he's not as hard a worker as his DWG cousin. Pretty, but not real functional. Kind of excited about my rainbow shrooms! After being 1 forever, 2 looks to be turning to 3 pretty quickly. Hoping they keep going and cover that ledge - I need more!
  10. Yessir. Have 2 frags of it cooking now. Want to wait and make sure they are healthy before I sell them.
  11. Looked again 3 minutes after I posted and it was 0. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. That's the only thing I can really point to as well, and I'm not doing a great job of keeping the Alk tight, but I really don't have the tools/time to do a better job. I check every 3rd day and adjust the timer 1 or 2 min +/- to moderate it. Ugh! FRUSTRATING! My nutrients are high enough to have had cyano for the last 6mos or so. Did trade out bulbs a while back, but no fixture change. RODI got new resin a while back, but that was straight out of the sealed BRS packet. TDS shows 4 in, 1 out.
  13. Well, I haven't figured it out yet, and it's getting worse. The red digi is a goner. Managed to salvage a couple of nubs from the rainbow stylo. The purple stylo is going now and I'll have to get in and try and save what I can there.
  14. Isaac, you've forgotten more about reefing than I'll ever know, but for the love of watching pots, LEAVE IT ALONE!! Let that sucker work for a week or two before you try and fix it!
  15. Ouch man. Hate to hear it, but curious to see if you can find the cause. I swear I live in fear of total failure all the time and stories like this only heighten my paranoia.
  16. Since FG kicking is about accuracy, I'm claiming my guy as best. No clue what's going on w/ Bailey but it was heartbreaking to watch last year. Here's to a better season next year for the Boys!
  17. That's great trivia! Love it! Playing along further...while Odell Beckham went to the same HS in New Orleans as the Mannings, he was still in college when the Giants won their last SB, but the best FG kicker in NFL history is from Westlake - Justin Tucker - and he has a SB ring from the Ravens win over the 49ers.
  18. Fun Fact: Drew Brees and Nick Foles are the only Texas HS QBs to ever play in the Super Bowl. Both earned MVP honors. Westlake holla! West side of Austin dominating the position this year overall, w/ Lake Travis QB Baker Mayfield taking home the Heisman too...
  19. Love the fish selection! Curious to see how the firefish progress, as I've seen the best way to keep 1 is to start w/ multiple.
  20. I've noticed Jolt w/ some "Do as I say, not as I do" posts lately...
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