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Everything posted by BobcatReefer

  1. Any progress here? I'm following along as I think I have something similar. vid:
  2. I don't have a doser. Just me and a syringe. DIY doser is on the list of wants.
  3. Hanna checkers - all I've used. No doublechecks. I haven't added Ca in a week and it's only dropped 30ppm. That seems pretty stable, no?
  4. Could use some guidance on Alk and Ca levels, both optimal and maintaining. Apologies for using PPM - I know most of you use dKH. I had been dosing Seachem Fusion 1&2 15ml every other day, but was kinda lax on testing and when I started paying more attention, I found my Alk was 124-136 and my Ca was up at 600. I've stopped dosing the SF1 and Ca was 600 on the 5th, 570 on the 8th. What should I be aiming for? Seems like I can maintain Ca a little easier by reducing to 3-5ml once a week or so. Alk is much more annoying. I'm testing, dosing 10ml, then testing 6-9 hrs later...results are less than consistent. Up a little, up a lot, down? Again, what should I be aiming for? Here's where I'm at the last 5 days: 139, 140 142, 161 156, 155 150, 157 148, 154 146, 164
  5. Have you plugged things in one at a time? It's always something, eh?
  6. Yes! Go to Ty's thread of nonstop ich treatment for that!
  7. I use the Prazipro/Paraguard method Reburn outlined earlier in this thread and plan on breaking down & cleaning the tank completely in between sessions. I'd use brand new sand and toss it after that particular session. But if it's no big deal, then I don't need to go through all that extra effort.
  8. Thanks John - Just going off that link, the OP put the fish in a 36g...not ideal. Still, I'm not looking to add questionable characters. Looks like the Dottyback and YCH might get crossed off the list. On the QT & sand for the GSG, I've definitely thought about that. Curious as to the effect of the sand on the meds or overall QT process... Can I get a ruling here Reburn/Dan/Ty? Potter's is so far away, I could change my mind 10x by then! I just look at the selection so far and everything is fairly small, so I'm looking for a larger, flashier fish to finish it all off. Might even give another shot to the Potter's Wrasse - such a beautiful fish!
  9. I'm curious as to what the actual mechanism that alerts here. Would a pheromone like scent work in that manner? Likely not. Do they have eyes or some visual receptor that caught the quick movement? If so, how are they identifying between food and flight? Super interesting Kim!
  10. Thoughts on compatibility here? Had someone on another forum suggest the Dottyback and Basslet wouldn't go well together.
  11. Not really worried about that. Planning on buying pods to start, and if it won't eat frozen or dried, buy more pods... Will they eat live brine shrimp?
  12. Seems like that means the process might look like this: Add Blennies and GSG to QT, but do not start med treatment. Couple of days later, add the Dragonet and begin treatment cycle. Something along those lines?
  13. ^^^ That's the piece I'm really interested to see in action.
  14. That's all good in the DT, but what about in QT? I'm worried about keeping them eating and alive in the sterile 20g w/ no sand or live rock or pods.
  15. My concerns: 1) Is that too many fish overall? If so, who gets the cut? Best 2 of 3 in that middle group? 2) Compatibility looks solid to me - am I OK here? 7 pretty peaceful fish (counting the blennies) and 3 semi aggressive, all added last. Going to do my best to acquire all as small as possible, w/o being ridiculous. 3) Nervous about QT for Goldenhead Goby and Ruby Red Scooter. How will the GHG handle not having sand to sift? How much am I going to spend on pods for the RRS? 4) What else am I missing?
  16. So I'm right about 3 weeks from introducing the clowns and firefish to the display. That means I need to start making plans for the next round of purchases, so I'm looking for some help w/ my stock list and order of purchase/introduction. 75gal w/ Helfrichi Firefish (2") and 2 Ocellaris Clowns (1.5") Striped Blenny Blenny - Starry or Harptail or Forktail Golden Sleeperhead Goby Ruby Red Scooter Dragonet (m) 2 of 3: Splendid Dottyback (ORA) Yellow Candy Hogfish Black Cap Basslet Potter's Angelfish
  17. Gonna need you to take those stickers off and re-take the picture please. (only sort of kidding )
  18. Big E Conch strrreeetchin out: Nem has been grumpy the last day or so:
  19. Surely you've seen the dozens of posts from others that have their pics posted sideways, yes? Rotation doesn't always hold from one format to another. I just hooked up an external hard drive I've had for probably 5 years, w/ pics going back 10+ years on it, to my laptop w/ Win10 on it...about 80% of the pics are back to the original orientation. Many times people rotate their pics and then upload them to a site like this and the edit doesn't hold. I can only speculate that's what is going on, and not that people are just saying "screw it" and uploading pics sideways.
  20. The problem w/ adding pics like that is that 75% of them get posted sideways. Honestly one of the only complaints I have about this site/software. Hotlinking eliminates that. As I look through the earlier posts in this thread, I notice something I've come across, which is being able to follow a thread w/o posting in it. On another forum I frequent, I can elect to automatically subscribe to any thread I post in, as well as subscribe to other threads w/o posting. That allows me to primarily follow my subscribed threads (I set that as my bookmark), and then look at new content. Here, that's 3 groupings instead of 2. Honestly not enough traffic here for it to be a big deal, but if that function exists here, can someone point me to it please?
  21. Do Emerald crabs molt? Saw an exoskeleton the other day and assumed one of the Mithrax had met his maker. Then this morning, this big boy showed up w/ giant shiny Popeye claws! Alas, he may have been going through some growing pains as he wasn't particularly quick or nimble and got tangled in the starfish as he tried to make his way back into the safety of the rocks. Not today, sir. Not today. Into the fuge you go!
  22. Yes sir! It turned out to be an easier set up to make work than I thought it would be, because I found *just enough* space to sneak it above the fuge. Thanks again!
  23. Thanks Kim! Wish I had a better camera - tank/corals look so much better in person!
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