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Everything posted by BobcatReefer

  1. OK, so this guy wasn't super cooperative and just attached himself to the tupperware while it was in the display all week. So I used a razor blade to slide underneath him and placed him in a perfect little pocket of a rock and moved him to the sump w/ a drip tube set on full flow. He immediately left the perfect home I gave him and while he does seem to have attached himself to a rock, it's a terrible spot for actually getting him into the display. Still not sure how to manage that transition as I kind of want him on a depression on a wall and I'm afraid he's going to settle in an area I have reserved for a bigger piece down the road.
  2. My oldest fishkid came out tonight. Probably had this guy 10yrs now.
  3. They went w/ the same answer as Ty. Still don't know if that one totally passes muster, but ok. Maybe I need to do a Ty-esque experiment? Configured each way, track how many days it takes for the GFO to settle. Seems like a lot of work though...
  4. Well, that's the question, HG! Chemically, I would have to think it doesn't. My guess is that Ty's explanation is closer to correct, but even then, flow rate is determined by the most limiting factor (whether initial pump power or smallest opening diameter) so there shouldn't be a higher flow rate in one chamber vs another. I'm going to ping BRS just to get an official answer. My prediction is that they come back w/ something along the lines of "Not critical, but suggested because _____________."
  5. Oddly enough, the GFO seems to be tumbling more than it does on the left side.
  6. Anyone catch this? I just did... Will it affect anything or should I swap them back?
  7. Thanks Jim! I have a tupperware bowl frag rack that I use for things like this, but everywhere I put it had enough flow to float that little guy right out! So I had to fashion a lid for it and jail him for his own good! I'll add some more pieces of rubble and see if he'll attach.
  8. Apparently the Peppermint Shrimp HATES Torch Coral, because I caught him going Edward Scissorhands on my new guy! I've been using these gelato containers for pretty much everything lately - transporting frags, feeding reef chili, rodi cup for rinsing or testing - so I grabbed one and used my new step drill bits (SO GOOD w/ plastics!) to make a protective cage until I can sell the shrimp. Also: Aiptasia (and Torch Coral) eating Peppermint Shrimp for sale, $5. Might throw in an Emerald Crab if I can catch one before you get here.
  9. I've had the Acans for a while now. The red one hasn't wanted to grow at all and has stuck w/ those 2 heads for months. Might be a new little one popping up though. Popped it off to move it away from a rapid grower. That purple/green one has been going crazy - my most active grower by far. Epoxy failed and it was in the sand the other morning. It kinda needed to be moved as well, so good timing.
  10. Ha! Here's hoping that it continues to work... Ok, some pics. On the phone where I'm a terrible judge of picture quality, so hopefully they are ok. The FTS are from a month or so ago. I'll try again tonight w/ the new app.
  11. Well dangit...now I've got to go search for that somewhere... Anyone have advice on how to get a rock flower anenome to attach? Got one yesterday and he's all over the place today.
  12. I'll get one tonight when the lights are on. Have them down to 1 channel the last couple of weeks to thwart the clear algae-ish stuff (mentioned it in hula's thread), and it's worked. Never really looks that good when I take one. Wish I had a better camera for tanks. Jolt - if you read this, you had suggested the Camera+ app, but I can't figure out how to use it to take better tank pics. Can you take a screenshot of your settings and post please?
  13. C4 reminded me that I haven't updated this thread in a bit. Things are happening! QT is O-V-E-R !! Fishes are in the display, happy and healthy. I had the opportunity to snap up a bonded Tiger Shrimp and Goby, so I did, but only had them in QT for a week. Firefish was hanging in this same 6" for the first week, and only out an hour or so the first couple of days. Seems to be feeling much more comfortable now and out in the open/front of the tank more now. The shrimp does cloud up the water every afternoon when he goes to work, but he's also the only one really turning over the sand and keeping it clean, so whatever. http://vimeo.com/179408505 http://vimeo.com/178726476 http://vimeo.com/179408476 Got my ATO and Kalkwasser drip set up. ATO doesn't work the way it *should* be working the way I have it set up, but I was going to have to try and fix it to work right, and now I don't. Seems to be working off of a single float switch - when it falls, pump on; when it floats, pump off. Not using the 2nd float at all. Keeping an eye on it to make sure, but it's working great so far. Kalkwasser drip is a bit of a PITA...can't get the right drip rate. It's either 120+ drips/min or 30d/m, and I'm targeting 60d/m. Did some cord organizing as well. Picked up some new stuff at C4 today, and have a couple of frags that need to be moved or had fallen. I'll give them a week or so before I decide on placement and epoxy them into their new homes.
  14. I think he means "Where on this planet might one find said coral lagoon pond?" I can't find anything on the googles that answers the question (I looked immediately).
  15. I have it on my rocks too, but it's much easier to see, and more dense, on the overflow box. Not nearly so much so on the rock. What worries me is that I haven't seen any pods since it showed up, which I find odd, and not particularly logical.
  16. Any progress here? I'm following along as I think I have something similar. vid:
  17. I don't have a doser. Just me and a syringe. DIY doser is on the list of wants.
  18. Hanna checkers - all I've used. No doublechecks. I haven't added Ca in a week and it's only dropped 30ppm. That seems pretty stable, no?
  19. Could use some guidance on Alk and Ca levels, both optimal and maintaining. Apologies for using PPM - I know most of you use dKH. I had been dosing Seachem Fusion 1&2 15ml every other day, but was kinda lax on testing and when I started paying more attention, I found my Alk was 124-136 and my Ca was up at 600. I've stopped dosing the SF1 and Ca was 600 on the 5th, 570 on the 8th. What should I be aiming for? Seems like I can maintain Ca a little easier by reducing to 3-5ml once a week or so. Alk is much more annoying. I'm testing, dosing 10ml, then testing 6-9 hrs later...results are less than consistent. Up a little, up a lot, down? Again, what should I be aiming for? Here's where I'm at the last 5 days: 139, 140 142, 161 156, 155 150, 157 148, 154 146, 164
  20. Not exactly livestock, but feeds your livestock. Bought this back when I had a bunch more fish and was overfeeding the heck out of them. Probably used 1oz of the 16oz pack. PM please. I can meet to deliver anywhere w/i: Arboretum > Parmer/35 > Ben White > 360 > Arboretum
  21. Have you plugged things in one at a time? It's always something, eh?
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