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Everything posted by BobcatReefer

  1. That's the pipe from the #2 overflow. It goes into the fuge and I have the flow at about 25-33% (vs 75-66% on #1 that goes into the sump). Cap/holes is simply to keep flow gentle in the fuge. I have them set to alternate on 15s intervals. Both are brand new though (I just installed the 2nd one yesterday), so they run very smoothly - no noise whatsoever.
  2. Here ya go Christy: All in all, everyone looks pretty happy and normal after last night's hoopla. Now to get going on the water change and carbon swap. Yaayyy, reefing!
  3. Thanks for the offer Kim. I have some more carbon, but it will likely empty my tub and would have been much more convenient for me to screw all this up a couple of days ago before I made the order!
  4. Man, I JUST put new carbon in this week. And I JUST made a BRS order for GFO, but not carbon on Wednesday.
  5. Thanks Ty. I think Wally suffered when I cut back on feeding to control the algae. Dan gave me big wide eyes when he saw how much I was feeding! He was like...uh, no wonder you have GHA issues! Because I was feeding less, I started using the feeding mode on the powerhead to keep more food in the DT so at least the fish could get to it before it went over the falls. I didn't really account for the tiny guy not getting his share down in the sump. *fingers crossed* on what's going on in the tank when I get home. Hopefully any damage from the inking would have shown itself by this morning and everyone is back to being happy!
  6. Everything looks pretty decent this morning. Sea Hare is moving around w/ no issues in the QT, so I'll put her back in the DT before I head to work. She's been a beast vs the algae! Skimmer is acting right now as well.
  7. Had a heck of a night tonight. Needed to do an algae scrub and water change, was going to do a bit of extra cleaning as well (overflow boxes, back glass, sand line, light) and add another powerhead to the other side of the tank. Do 80% of the scrubbing, drain the water, and get to the last part of the scrubbing while at "low tide" and the light was off so I could get to the backside of the rock. Knowing darn well there's a well camouflaged sea hare somewhere nearby, I don't do a thorough check and make sure it's safely out of the way before scrubbing and sure enough...give it a solid poke. Enough that it starts squirting purple liquid - ink. Now I'm in frantic mode trying to get it out and into the QT in case I've killed it (I didn't) and put the dang tank back together so I can add the new water and dilute any poison badness. Somehow in that process, my Starry Blenny ends up in the small overflow (the one there's zero chance of getting my hand into), so I unscrew the union going into the fuge and put the catching net under the pipe exit, then flip the valve...but he holds his spot in the 1/2" of water, so I've got to try again. Close the valve, let the water fill back up in the oveflow, and grab a chopstick to chase him down the tube with. He's not having it so I'm working harder on the chasing and not the holding of the net, so once I get him down the pipe, he's in the fuge which is so hard to access. At least he's got algae to nibble on and plenty of room to swim. I'll worry about getting him out later this weekend. I've got another batch of water mixing so I can do another change tomorrow night to further mitigate the potential toxicity of the ink. Hopefully it doesn't kill everything in the tank by then. I'm already seeing some grumpiness. My skimmer is running too strong so it's just dumping back into the sump. Two weeks ago I couldn't get bubbles to breach the top of the neck, now I can't get them to slow down/thicken up. Wally passed away yesterday. I found him because I saw a shadow spinning in the body of the skimmer.
  8. There's not enough internet for me to answer this question.
  9. Thanks for the help y'all. I only have a 20g long tank to work w/, so not sure the TTM is going to work here. So working from Reburn's post: I have a HOB Fluval 50 w/ filter floss and some carbon in the media basket. I just need to remove the carbon and I should be good to go on that front. I have a small powerhead that I can add an airline to - will that work in place of an airstone? Don't have an air pump. Are Prazipro and Paraguard available locally or do I need to order those online?
  10. And anything I can do to my display tank to help it out? I'm already doing 15gal water changes every 7-10 days to try and fight the algae.
  11. So, question about QTing fish. I do have plans to add several fish soon and want to make sure I'm doing this correctly. Stealing from another post on here, making some assumptions, and curious whether this is a good way to go, generally speaking: Paraguard the first 3 days Water change Prazipro the next 5 days Regular water changes through 4 weeks Yes/No? Suggestions?
  12. Welp, may not have to worry about it anymore... No sign of him anywhere. Guessing he wedged himself back inside some rocks and is either gone or on his way.
  13. He was being an annoying punk kid today! Straight up refused to show me his right side! I was able to catch a glimpse and didn't see the same splotchiness. His overall color usually starts out almost white in the morning and colors up as the day goes on. As far as stress, I'm not sure what he'd be stressed about. He's the alpha of the tank right now, there's a ton of algae for him to eat ( he seems to be constantly grazing), and I'm not messing w/ him (other than to try and take pics every now and then). Pic of left side this morning - pretty typical for his coloring at that time of day:
  14. No sir. Clown and Orange Diamond are from the previous tank, Starry Blenny came in same day as Kole.
  15. No other fish showing any symptoms. 5+wks in the tank. Was not QTd.
  16. Maybe Brooklynella? http://www.fishvet.com/Brooklynella.htm https://www.google.com/search?q=Brooklynella&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS581US581&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig39zn0t3MAhXDNSYKHUd_DmIQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=brooklynella+tang
  17. Here's the best I have so far: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/36054-bobcats-75gal-first-reef-build/?p=296670 I am planning on giving the rock a good scrubbing this weekend, so maybe I'll take some more pics of the sides and top then.
  18. Thanks Reburn! *Those corals look good. I have some Candy Apple Palys and Candy Cane that are hating life after I went way overboard w/ H2O2 treatment on the algae. I'll post some pics here in a couple of days when they've fully recovered, as both look like they're going to. Sister has stayed at my house dozens of times over the years and never given my tank a second look. Kole has been in there 5 weeks. There are plenty of pics on the web of Koles w/ that lighter coloration, I guess I just want him to be redder.
  19. Duncan doin' dandy: Acans all fluffy and happy: Superman shrooms looking super: Big fluffy hammertime:
  20. My kole tang seems like he's not as red as he should be...
  21. OK, so maybe you'll find this funny too.... My sister got me the Dremel for Xmas and I asked for it because I knew I'd need it w/ the new tank build, and I was right - I've used it a TON on this project. So I thought I would send her a message and let her know I was getting good use out of it...
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