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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. You might poke around some of the FW forums. I seem to recall folks setting them up 3-5 years ago on Cichlid-forum.com. Their search feature always works, unlike RC. I do realize there is some difference between FW and SW but there may be enough correlation to give it some more thought. All that said, I gotta agree with 'CR'Mike about simple.
  2. That was freakin' awesome timing Andrew. Cool fish.
  3. If you haven't seen this thread, you need to, not completely relevant to your question but sure as heck is entertaining. Here is a link to the relevant bits, about 1/3 of the way down. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1650383&perpage=25&pagenumber=16
  4. The real question is: did you get a dog and a snow cone?
  5. Bought a new house to go around the tank! I started with my 58 and wish I had gone bigger. I have a 75 waiting to be setup and that would have been a nice start. I also would have got my GFO/GAC reactor going sooner, like the beginning. I also would have drilled my tank. I really struggled with this decision and didn't do it out of fear of a flood. Of course, the 75 is drilled. I did a lot of research before I started so I learned from others mistakes regarding equipment and bought good stuff first(Tunze skimmer, Aquactinics, BFS RODI). My wife and pocket book weren't very happy but I didn't have to buy twice.
  6. Well, The Girl™ (my daughter) and I stopped by today. The shop itself is not too different than the one on Airport, and it looks like they still have quite a bit of setup left to do. They have some livestock and some drygoods out, but not many tanks yet. Their email from when they first announced the move said they were going to do 'eco friendly' SW. The forum on their website, amazoniaaquariums.com, says they are still planning on it. It's not up yet though. I didn't ask Carolyn about it as she was helping a customer. It'll be nice having them around again I think. I like that they are closer to me than my other 2 usuals. They were my main store until I discovered RCA.
  7. Anyone make it there this weekend? Planning on going today to see what the new setup is like.
  8. Robb in Austin


    Welcome! I think a few of us keep FW too. I do, but don't need a algae eater. Keep your FW going and get a bigger setup for SW!
  9. Sorry to hear about him dying. You will probably never know why he died. Maybe he got inflated and never got all the air/water out, maybe he was just too stressed from all the moving(not just your moves), maybe he had some type of infection.
  10. Ditto, thanks for the heads up though 'RP'!
  11. Hey Don, Check out Bulk Reef Supply's dual reactor. It's sweet, and not to expensive. It will last forever too, built out of RODI canisters.
  12. Yes! A 'fund' raiser where the funds are corals! Great idea Mark! Let us know when you get back and are ready Brooks. (Enjoy the Bahamas. We went 3 years ago and loved it, except the high prices. Definitely check out Atlantis; their ginormous tank is worth seeing just to see giant groupers!)
  13. Ditto MrsBigBird. I can supply a re-frag of your frogspwan, a nice lime green hammer, some zoas, and will give you a trumpet that is not doing so hot in my tank. And Xenia too if you want some. Sorry to hear the bad news.
  14. It's cool, but they have creepy eyes! Is that Kyle or Stan?
  15. Do you have a cover or canopy? Might want to get one if not, and cover the backside of the canopy if it's not enclosed all the way around.
  16. I think we should have every available emoticon available. I want to be able to make a post without typing a word!
  17. Awww, Dave. You're always fun!
  18. I seem to recall that someone on MAAST had a Gulf tank setup for a while. Might search/ask there. I think it would be cool to set one up. If you QT'd anything before adding it you'd be ok.
  19. DIY! I looked for a 30 long for my 75 for months and finally got one off Craigslist. Check there.
  20. If y'all are coming all the way to town, might as well make a day of it and hit the Dome, the Tek, and RCA. Your wallet may not like it though. Hey Mike, How's the hawk with the inverts? I'd love to have one, but worry for my shrimps, all 1 of them but I want more.
  21. Anthias require multiple feedings throughout the day to be at their best.
  22. My TSB goes into my K2 when it's off. Last time I took it out to clean it, the blenny jumped out right into the sink. Never saw him in there. Fortunately, the sink was dry and the hole was closed up.
  23. I'd be a bit worried about a hippo in a 75. Unless you plan on upgrading and can get a small one. If you can feed a lot you might consider some anthias.
  24. Chromis, 6 line, royal gramma. All fairly common. I have all of these, plus 2 Clarkii clowns, a tail spot blenny, lawnmower blenny in my 58 and I have plenty of activity. I had an Eibli angel, a great looking fish, but he took a liking to my Trachyphyilla brain so he left. When I get around to setting up my 75 I hope to add a few more. I'd like a tang, maybe a yellow or scopas, and a Genicanthus sp angel.
  25. Google image 'feather duster worm' and see if that's it. Does it pop up out of a tube? Suck back in quickly if light hits it?
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