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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. I had good results with the Elos and Sera brand. So you never had a color change on the 2nd go around to subtract from the first?
  2. I read the original as cooling fans. Question though, if the Mags run so hot, would you need or use a heater much?
  3. I think there was a thread on this just recently. Look under reefkeeping forum. Edit: sorry, it was on RC. Mag 7 or 9, Eheim 1260 get the most votes. For the fans issue, see here: http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?showtopic=6365
  4. Pretty cool! Aren't you worried about those hose clamps though? Rusting or leaching nasties into your water. Maybe zip ties would be better.
  5. So, I did some more research and came up with a max height of 8". This should allow 4" of overflow, which I hope I won't have, and a high margin of safety. Thanks for you help Mike.
  6. No more room under my tank. I could go a bit longer but that will use up space I was going to use for ATO. My skimmer only occupies a 4"x4" space so I figured I was good. I was under the impression that having the largest possible return section was a good thing, for evap and backflow. The water will level out between all 3 chambers in the event of a power outage right? I'm not opposed to tweaking figures if it's the right thing to do. What would you suggest tweaking heights and chamber sizes to?
  7. I'd venture to guess they were looking for credit cards, based on John's statement about the FBI getting involved. And that will probably prevent Matt from talking about it more. Let's get Alex Jones involved and get to the truth!
  8. Welcome! (Central and South american cichlids aren't boring, but you probably don't want to keep them in a nano.) Those Neo Nano's sure are nice, if a bit pricey. Check out River City and Aquatek; they both have them and I think Aquatek has one running. I know RCA has one setup.
  9. MUCH better. This is a great deal I think.
  10. Saw that you were back up earlier today, minus some pics. I ran my virus and malware/spyware programs yesterday and didn't get anything.
  11. I getting my 75g going and will be using a 30g long as my sump/fuge. Dimensions are: 36"x12"x16". The bottom lip inside the tank is 15.75". The internal overflow in the 75 is ~1.5" from the bottom of the trim so I'm guessing ~2" of drainback. My skimmer is a Tunze 9010 and will need 6-8" of water ideally, though it can run in 4-10". Here is a paint picture of my intended layout. sump_idea_v5_20.bmp Thoughts?
  12. Robb in Austin

    WTT: grouper

    black on white? Panther grouper. Cool fish. I don't have room for one so I'm of no other help.
  13. First off, be thankful it isn't spreading. Pull it off, cut it with a Xacto or scalpel if you have one, scissors, etc. To attach to rock; cover xenia and rock under a holey tupperware. Or get some netting from Walmart and cover it all up. I used rubber bands and made a netting baggie around a piece of rock and a few heads of xenia.
  14. We've used Johnny Rooter for a few years now and have never had a complaint, good folks. I wouldn't use ABC. We got good results, but had some issues with the way they did financials.
  15. Great! I've visited 3 or 4 times during that time frame. Ugh. Time to run Spybot/Adaware/antivirus. Thanks for the headsup and for calling him John!
  16. I tried going to the site today and am getting security warnings from Google. States it is an attack site. If anyone knows him, you might shoot him a message and let him know he's been hacked/visited/etc.
  17. Custom would be ideal but try one of those furniture in the raw type places too. There is one at Burnet and 183, by the Trudy's.
  18. I'd love to do this too! 'Course, my only free days are during the week. Austin or SA Zoo would be fun, flowers...meh. Sort of.
  19. BTA's, whether red or green, have the best chances of any anemone to make it. Most are captive clones and are better adapted to our little oceans. As far as mature tanks go, that is good advice. Size I don't think is too important, but anything less than one of the large biocube style is probably too small.
  20. Been a while huh?! Congrats! Locally?
  21. Poop! There it is! That is a good thing.
  22. This might be the thread I saw. Found it this am while browsing, wasn't looking for it. Serendipity baby! http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...hreadid=1050101
  23. Cute kitty, even cuter name! Good luck and if I can help in any way let me know!
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