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Everything posted by ACampbell

  1. My float valve has done marvelous. Highly recommend them. http://www.austinreefclub.com/blog/5/entry-358-how-to-avoid-flooding-your-garage/
  2. Added a tweetdeck global filter for LOST so I can start reading tweets again. Now if I could just put a global filter on my coworkers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. absolut_racer


      Haven't caught up yet! I think I'm at least 3 episodes behind...

    3. JamesL


      Still worth the watch, as I don't think the final was cut and dry.

    4. dapettit


      a tweetdeck?

  3. Fixed your post for the video to show. Very nice Vid!
  4. ARC chat back online.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Whew! Just in time. I was fixing to check into Shoal Creek. Thanks!

  5. Everything is doing good. The protein skimmer did its job and pulled out most the organics. Thanks everyone for the offers to help!
  6. Notice anything different about this status?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ACampbell


      Was expecting a different result. :/

    3. cmanning


      Nice...add comments, change status, view comments, delete them..wow what else did you add on. Being busy haven't you.

    4. dapettit


      How about a spell check feature?

  7. It was bound to happen eventually. 5 years is a pretty good run. Dave, I may take you up on that.
  8. My 5 year old RBTA met the Tunze last night. Noticed on my way out the door. Everything looked pretty rough. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to properly take care of the situation. I cleaned off the pump and emptied the skimmer cup. Wouldn't be such a big deal, except it's a small tank. We'll see how things look when I get home. May try for a WC and some carbon. (Crossing fingers)
  9. This Austin Reef Club Update should update my FB and Twitter.

  10. Woking hard on ARC!

    1. ACampbell


      Be Sure and delete your cookies and browser cache!

    2. Chrispar


      gotta love this new Fishbook thing, Maybe it will catch on.

  11. The argonauts are a group of octopuses unlike any other. The females secrete a thin, white, brittle shell called the paper nautilus. Nestled with their arms tucked inside this beautiful, translucent home, they drift through the open ocean while other octopus species crawl along the sea floor. The shell is often described as an egg-case, but octopus specialists Julian Finn and Mark Norman have discovered that it has another function - it's an organic ballast tank. An argonaut uses its shell to trap air from the surface and dives to a depth where the encased gas perfectly counteracts its own weight, allowing it to bob effortlessly without rising or sinking. Finn and Norman filmed and photographed live animals in the act of trapping their air bubbles, solving a mystery that has been debated for millennia. View the full article.
  12. Try to keep you bioload as small as possible. I recommend ONE fish for that size tank. Any of these would be a good candidate: Blue Neon Goby Clown Gobies Eviota Gobies Panda (Clown) Goby Redhead Goby Trimma Goby Yellow Neon Goby Citron Goby Green Banded Goby Spikefine Goby
  13. My spikefin gobies are getting big!

  14. Sorry to hear about that cyrus. Was it just a bad seem?
  15. ACampbell

    My new Sea Hare

    Great photo for the theme!
  16. Please vote for your favorite photo from the May 2010 photo contest submissions. Poll closes at midnight on 5/31.
  17. Welcome Rod from Rod's Food! Thank you for sponsoring ARC!
  18. That is a cool website. Wayne, not sure if you still need anything for your article, but I can take simple screen shots and make them presentable jpegs for you.
  19. These ponies really are something. I really enjoy seeing them in the recent images of the board index. Any chance you will shoot a movie of them for us?
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