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Everything posted by dapettit

  1. I'd not dip so much, could cause unneeded stress. I found this from a previous post by mframe who had the disease: "Posted 23 April 2012 - 08:21 PM In the last three years I have lost three very large, previously very healthy torch colonies to brown jelly. Here's what I have learned: If you have other corals of the Euphyllia family or similar corals (frogspawn, hammers) - REMOVE THE INFECTED TORCH IMMEDIATELY. brown jelly is highly contagious and will wipe them all out. When you remove the infected coral in order to either frag off the sick heads or to remove it as a whole, place a ziploc bag into the tank and cover the coral with it before trying to move it. Otherwise the jelly will drift off like mucous and land throughout your tank. You want to contain as much of it and remove it as possible. Frag off any sick heads at the branch of the skeleton. Any heads that are "iffy" should go as well, it's not worth the risk. You can break the skeleton easy with a pair of wire cutters. Do not put the healthy frags back into the same location in the tank. The original coral was made vulnerable either by too much or lack of flow, and the jelly is most likely still in the water column. A small QT tank should be used just for the healthy heads and new salt water should be used in the tank versus using existing tank water. I wish you the best. I have tried dipping with a variety of different projects, and the most success I had was with Lugol's solution." Dave-
  2. Another great meeting! Thanks Dave & Kendra for allowing us to invade your home. And, thank you Dr. Miller for sharing your knowledge concerning quarantining.
  3. Why does this always happen to our EXPENESIVE livestock!
  4. did you lose your original card or are you wanting to renew?
  5. ARC May meeting in four days. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Harry Miller, retired veterinarian – Dr. Miller has taken courses on fish pathology and diseases but is technically not a fish specialist by veterinarian standards. However his insight into quarantining, disease transmission and possible basic treatment protocols will be most informative.

  6. ARC May meeting in for days.

  7. I have plenty of soda left over from Brian's graduation party, so we are coverd there. Anybody else coming?
  8. Saturday May 19th @ 3 pm ARC meeting. It's were all the cool kids will be!

    1. o0zarkawater


      So Robb won't be there then?

  9. Saturday May 19th @ 3 pm ARC meeting. It's were all the cool kids will be!

  10. +1 Weldon 4 I used it to repair my sump and the main tank overflow.
  11. This just in: Cerameco Raffle This raffle will be for the Arches group consisting of 6 peices. $5 per ticket, 5 tickets for $20. We will sell 50 tickets for the group, the drawing will be held at the first meeting after all tickets are sold, need not be present to win. Tickets will be available at meetings and on the website.
  12. Worst day ever!

    1. DerrickH


      Mondays usually are. What happened?

    2. dapettit


      Installing new CMS system. Training started today. Two user's couldn't log in. HR PISSED!

    3. Richard L

      Richard L

      Please tell me you got your TPS reports in on time.

  13. Worst day ever!

  14. Here's my design entry. Sorry I couldn't resist!
  15. dapettit


    From the album: Contests

  16. Still haveing issues uploading photos, no upload button, IE8 going to Firefox now.

    1. mFrame


      Firefox? Chrome, baby, Chrome!

    2. dapettit
  17. I'll take 2 of each, but prefer the wicking. Size would be dependent on material
  18. Gonna close & unpin. use this thread if you are attending Official ARC Sea World Trip 2012
  19. last call for Photo of the Month winners for 2010 & 2011

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dapettit


      Please send thme to the address in the PM. I can resend it if needed.

    3. pbnj


      Please resend.

    4. dapettit
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