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Everything posted by dapettit

  1. Well another great meeting! Jeremy & Whitney thanks for allowing a bunch of reef junkies invade your home. Prof, Dave, thanks for sharing your knowledge concerning ROCK. If was very informative.
  2. Thanks Mark, Jeremy and Laura. Had a great time last night!

  3. I just want to thank Mark, Jeremey, Whitney and Laura for making this evening memorable. Had a really great time and lots of laugh. Jereme and Whitney your son is a doll! Thanks again to all.
  4. Take your pills and come on to the meeting. There will be plenty of people to help hold you up.
  5. Do you think we'll recognize him. . .
  6. Chips, the only place I have had spears is the Alamo Draft House. Again with Callahan's kid. What's up with that!
  7. Fried pickels and ranch dressing are de bombdigity!
  8. Hey cold beer, fried pickels and good friends that's what it's all about.
  9. HEY! How did this get changed from my b'day celebration to Mark's kid. . . Just kidding!
  10. Andrew - I have 5 gallons of RED SEA PRO mixed and ready to go if you need it. Keeping my fingres crossed!
  11. Robin is in Tennessee until Wed. so party on!
  12. WOW. I'm glad I was bored and found this post or I'd be sitting at home tonight. What a surprise. Thanks Mark and I hope to see some of you tonight.
  13. Sounds good Jeremy. I'll try to bring some munchies.
  14. If it has a long pointy end to it you can also use aquarium air tubing.
  15. dapettit


    Depending on the time year and, believe it or not, the time of day mine runs anywhere from 116-150 from the source. I don't have my other TDS meter set up at the ro membrane but I get 0 out of the DI chamber.
  16. In my opinion the salt content is to high to use for anything other than weed control. The cost to recyle the water, being so far inland, would be cost prohibitive. Again just my opinion.
  17. Lowe's carries a variety pak of O-rings.
  18. I'm reasdy now after incorporating the "Tank Maintenance Work out." I'm really buff now!
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