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Everything posted by dapettit

  1. Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

    1. JamesL


      raises an eyebrow...

    2. mcallahan
    3. August


      hahaha are you watching Duck Dodgers and Marvin the Martian Dave??

  2. dapettit

    PC Bulbs

    I have to agree with Mark. I have to back off my photo period to 4 hrs and add an hour weekly until I have reached my original photo period. The corals will let you know if your moving to fast. Dave-
  3. I have a Koralia Nano that been sitting in vinegar since Saturday. The coraline is melting away.
  4. My order will get me free shipping so I may order as early.
  5. Who is setting this up?
  6. White Vinegar is your friend.
  7. I'd be interested. Depending on pick up point and day delivery is set up. Best day for us (if we need to go south) is Friday.
  8. dapettit

    Yumma Yumma Yumma

    Dude you snuck this on in. VERY NICE!
  9. DANG IT! Left my phone at home again!

    1. mcallahan


      what are you going to do when you fall and can't get up?

  10. needs to figure out how to remove the center fan in his hood. It's to heavy for Robin to help me lift.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KaceyJ


      when all else fails, try a mallet :D

    3. mcallahan


      wanna cool your house with your canopy?

    4. dapettit


      Well I need to keep it cool some how. . .

  11. I do by weekly water changes. This was my semi-annual take things apart and clean them.
  12. dapettit


    I agree with JamesL. Awesome shot.
  13. dapettit

    The Watchman

    85 views and counting!
  14. Just another manic Monday!

  15. Finished the yardwork, ran some errands, grilled some chicken and corn on the cob. Time to soak in the hot tub!

  16. Another great Saturday!

  17. I've used it for almost a year. I used about a quart when we transfered our rock to the new 58. We also used 15 gallons from the old tank and mixed new salt water to complete the job. I waited 2 days and transfered the livestock to the new tank. We were dreading a cycle but it never happened. I have "used" it, meaning it was added during a water change, during 3 days of darkness. Again I saw no adverse effects. Robin uses it once a week in the seahorse tank with no ill effect. I use it during water changes. Helps to clear up the water. Other than that I don't dose on a regular basis. I'm not sure it eats all the bad stuff but it does clear up the tanks. I also run my skimmer. I can't say if it is skimming more or less. Looks the same to me. I might try it with the skimmer off for 15 minutes to see if it is beneficial to.
  18. Is the ballast still plugged into the power strip? If possible move the ballast connection to its own power source. Not sure but you may be getting power fluctuations from the strip and/or other equipment connnected to the strip. Or remove all the equipment, except the ballast, from the power strip; add each on individually (may need to let the equioment run for a bit, to see which one may be causing the issue.
  19. Take it off the power strip.
  20. Could be the bulb. See if you can borrow a DE bulb (I usually keep used ones just for this purpose but all mine a SE) to test your theory.
  21. I am doing my 6 month maintenance and just finished cleaning my Koralia 4s. The strange thing is the backend inside the power heads were full of sponges. I have used these for 3 years and never ever have come across this. I love this hobby!
  22. A full day of water changes and tank maintenance

  23. Just stumbled across "The Undersea World of Jacques Coustea" On Turner Classic Movies

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