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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. awww right! Wanna come early and help me do a water change?! Maybe we should have it at my house so people can do water changes on my tank
  2. But seriously, I feel your pain. My Pakistan Butterfly started eating everything in the tank. I end up netting him after destroying half my rockwork.
  3. Merged the two topics together.
  4. I do believe my calendar says I am clear that day. So RSVP'ing yes (at least till I check with my official plan maker ).
  5. Actually, I am going to change my vote. I totally missed the stocking list showing that you had a nudibranch. You are right, my nassarius do more of a zig/zag pattern, and not spiral. It does look like a flatworn after re-looking at the picture.
  6. pbnj is right. Take a look at this thread posted by RCA. Looks like they are selling plain 75g tanks for $75!
  7. Most likely those are nassarius eggs. If I remember correctly, ceruth lay them in long lines, also on the glass. My nassarius have started laying eggs also. I thin it has to do with a recent temperature change I had in my tank.
  8. Only premium members can edit their posts after an hours time. So you will have to continue to provide updates in subsequent posts like you did.
  9. Talk to @prof, he normally has lots of dry base rock.
  10. Yes...the one from AquaDome is the picasso and the other is the fire clown from Aquatek...I had to get the fireclown because Carson pointed out that he has one "tear" on the side of his cheek....I know...sappy analogy.... Oh-oh.. that clown has a tear tattoo? Sounds like trouble to me!
  11. Is going to join the heaterless crowd.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. pbnj


      but regardless of how cold it gets outside, don't you keep your house at a consistent temp range inside?

    3. fishypets


      My cudda pump acts as my heater. Chiller runs 4-5 hours a day year round. It sucketh.

    4. JamesL


      Our house holds heat pretty well, so should not be a problem.

  12. JamesL

    RO/DI Unit

    Besides checking with our local sponsors, I got a Water General unit from ebay. Has worked pretty good.
  13. That is not a naked clown. Mama called it a fire clown, which looks to be a variant of the cinnamon clown.
  14. Hmm.. could have swore I had already moved this to the WTB section. Must be a glitch in the Matrix. Moving again.
  15. Wow! That looks awesome! I like how you left a spot for the powerhead.
  16. Moving this out of emergency and into the normal reef keeping discussions. I for one like the palys. But like others said, it just depends on your goals for the tank.
  17. With ARC down, I actually got an iPad app done ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mcallahan


      *cough* rip it off James and I'll market it for you

    3. JamesL


      All of my development time is sunk into finishing Mega Match 8 right now.

    4. mcallahan
  18. I think mmy Pakistan Butterfly is eating the orange ball anemones I have (which is a good thing!)

  19. Sounds like a sea monkey kit
  20. Talk to Mark, seems like (from Twitter at least) he is going into Pod farming And where to get a bunch of clams? Talk to our sponsors of course!
  21. Top down makes it really hard to put little things in there and see them. I think most people use their sumps as a timeout zone for bad fish/inverts that they take from the main display. With that said, you probably could do some of the non-reef safe starfish. Or like you said, a lobster (though they hide a lot). I am unsure of the requirements for something like a horseshoe crab (though I suspect they might outgrow 50g).
  22. Dealt with the duplicate posts, and correct coral name to Xenia
  23. Looks like the AC died... thankfully attic fan can cool us tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JamesL


      You forget who you are talking to.. I have to do much larger w/c due to time intervals ;)

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      The AC guys recommend pour some bleach down, once a month IIRC, to prevent further issues.

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      The AC guys recommend pour some bleach down, once a month IIRC, to prevent further issues.

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