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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. Ok, the results are in:

    Mg: 1125 ppm

    Ca: 450 ppm

    Alk: 3 meq/L

    pH: 8.2

    Amm: 0 ppm

    Nitrite: 0 ppm

    Nitrate: 20 ppm

    So while not super low, my Mg is a bit low. The bottle of Mg I have been dosing with suggests a range between 1290 and 1320 ppm.

  2. Interesting read, but no real conclusions :)

    Well, I have a MG test kit (from reef_pug) that I am gonna use tonight. Will report back later.

    BTW, the picture of the red acan was pre-demise. I will try and take a current picture tonight.

  3. You can trade your kid though. Prof lives on the east side so he can flip those kids for cash QUICK!

    Hey! Don't let my wife hear that, as I am supposed to be bringing the kiddo along with me so she can have some quietness around the house :)

  4. Ah, I think I see the problem. The album is marked private.

    In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click the drop down box with your user name and select "My Gallery".

    On that page click "Edit My Albums" on the left side.

    For your Discount Electronic album, click on the drop box and select "Edit".

    Click on the "Public Album" check box and then click on "Edit Album" button.

    This should make it viewable to the public. (It doesn't look like I can do it for you)

  5. seahorse-

    I have a Mg test kit and I'll be in the Oak Hill/moPac/71 area today if you want to meet up.

    Also, if you order stuff online, LMK as I might want to pickup an item or two.

    Sure, that would be great. Anyplace in particular you will be in that area?

  6. I don't have a MG test kit, will order one (need to get a few other things anyways).

    And thanks reef_pug for the offer, but I might want to hang on to them for a while more. If I have some parasite/virus/whatever, don't want to spread it to your beautiful colonies.

  7. I think I see something pink growing on the skeleton of your frags. I always chalked that up to coraline algae, but one of the acan collectors on another forum that I frequent claims that it's a red flag. The guy was pretty adamant that it's parasitic (I don't know if that's a guess or if there's at least anecdotal evidence to support that claim).

    Hmm.. I was wondering about that. I still have that frag skeleton in the tank, but I think I might take it out now.

  8. Make sure the air intake nozzle and air mixing nozzle at the powerheads are clean and clear. On mine, I had "gunk" build up after a few months on the inside where the air tube meets the powerhead, and that was reducing how much air was coming in.

    I hope that made sense.

  9. How about some light info?

    BTW, I think you need another Koralia or two.

    Added lighting info.

    And yes, I did originally go overboard with powerheads :D . I was afraid of dead spots, and ended up creating a rip tide in the tank. I have pull back and now only have one Koralia in the tank (in the middle).

  10. I have been quite busy lately, so my tank has not gotten a lot of attention other than feedings, dosing, and a biweekly water change. Everything is doing great in the tank ... everything but my Acans :D

    I have lost this one, and at first I just blamed it on random coral loss (it didn't look the hottest when it arrive via mail):


    And now this one is is not as inflated any more, and has become a more translucent red:


    And a frag from Mark is not fairing too well either :D

    The only one looking OK is:


    (BTW, the above pictures are all from about a month ago)

    They have always been on the sand, under 300W total MH light (2 150W lights).

    I don't think it is light shock, as the rest of my corals are doing great. In fact I have a favia that is going bonkers on expansion. But just to be safe, I moved the Acan's to a shadier spot. They had been eating fine when I first got them. Now, I think only the brown/green one is still eating.

    Am I missing something in keeping these? Or are these going to be a coral I just can't keep for some odd reason? (In I previous tank I could not keep xenia ... yet this tank it is growing fine).

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