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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. My Scopas Tang swims around a lot in my 75 gallon. And he gets along just fine with my Flame Angel.

    And +1 to the 6 Line wrasse. While not as large, mine explores every nook and cranny of the tank. I have to be careful when I turn off my Korlias for feeding. I have caught him checking out the inside of them!

  2. Glad to be of assistance. :) The Painted Buntings I guess are somewhat common around Texas. We have 2 males and three females that come around here. The females are all green.

    Here are some pictures of them yesterday.


    Male and female:



    And a not-so-nice looking visitor we had:


  3. Free Toadstool for B-Day?! Kidding! Sorta.

    Don't forget to let me know when it's ready!

    Hmm... maybe :lol:

    They are sliced and diced, and are healing ... I saw some polyp extension today on most of the pieces. I need to keep an eye on them as one of the samllest ones came unglued. I might have to tie them down if it happens to the larger pieces.

  4. i just put in phoenix bulbs in my light, i love it such great light, a friend recoed the phoenix 14k or the radium 20ks. i couldnt find a DE in the radium so i went with the phoenix and its wonderful.

    That is good to hear ... looking forward to them next week.

  5. Will definitely post how I like them. And I echo Daniel's question. I was switching down to 14K's to get more growth... and specifically picked the Phoenix's because they are supposedly one of the bluest 14K's.

    Good suggestion on reducing the photo period... will do that. So you think just cutting the photoperiod is enough, and that I wouldn't need to filter the light additionally?

  6. Does anyone use brightwell products?

    I am using some of there products right now... let me dig up the list.





    If I remember correctly, Brightwell is ran by some former Kent employees.

    The Zoo and Phyto seem nice ... though I think once they are gone I will just use Reef Roids.

  7. I have a dual bulb Coralife fixture, which has glass plates over each of the bulb sockets, which I believe are UV protected. In addition I have glass lids on the tank (which I doubt have any real UV protection).

    But that is good information to know for the future.

  8. Ok all you iPhone owners out there.... any of you using an aquarium maintenance/log type program? I did a quick search the other day and it looked like there was only one out there, but didn't have that good of reviews.

    I know one of the automation devices has an app to monitor your tank. But I am looking for something to record when I dose, feed, etc.

    (Yes, I could write one .. and that is a possibility, but don't have the time right now as I am busy with other projects)


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