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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. Toadstools are super hardy corals. I have had mine go weeks without any polyps emerging.

    Like Robb mentioned, toadstools go through shedding phases, though normally the the polyps are nott out at that point, and they get very shiny looking.

    I would suggest possibly moving it in the tank. It might be looking for more water flow or light.

    In terms of feeding, they mainly feed on light. I have never really seen the tentacles grabs anything, though I do add phytoplankton and other like food in the tank.

  2. That is a nice sized anemone. I am surprised the clowns didn't run right for it.

    What type of lighting do you have over the tank? As I recall, carpet anemones generally like more intense light.

  3. I survived my first attack from Mr. Have To Protect My Anemone. I think the anemone is resigned to the fact that it has to put up with the abundance of love this clownfish is giving it.

    Caught the clown trying to feed the anemone part of an algae sheet (when I was feeding my tangs and angel), and getting frustrated that the anemone was not eating it. :)

    I dare you to touch my anemone:


    Showing off his back side:


    And he isn't afraid of no clownfish:


  4. Well, he hasn't tried to bite me (yet). :) The anemone is a little perturbed with all of the lovin' it is getting from the fish, but I think they will come to a mutual understanding here soon.

    Ok, that statement is now false. The little booger went after me today while I was cleaning the inside of the glass. At least I was expecting it this time and didn't scream like a little girl ;)

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