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Everything posted by Viet-tin

  1. mag 9.5 is spoken for calcium reactor still available.
  2. Viet-tin


    No I didnt... but will let you know when Im ready for fish. Im just looking for any healthy captive raised fish people may have and want to sell before going to the lfs.
  3. Viet-tin


    If your ever interested in selling either or let me know! I wont be ready for a couple weeks but would love some when I am. What kind of horses are they?
  4. Try 150 gallons and everything else inside spilling out due to the front pane falling and crash landing all over...that was quite a mess. Then a 60 gallon being broken by your little nephew who decides he likes throwing D sized batteries at fish...
  5. very interesting. Would love to see how this turns out. I love ogo! used to eat the stuff all the time in hawaii along with poke and opihi same with palahalaha or ulva. would be interested in buying from you if you ever needed to thin out.
  6. interesting. My anemones always grew large within short periods of time. I had a ritteri double in size within 3-4 months and didnt split until 2 years later. Would be nice to have an anemone stay small.
  7. anyone need a calcium reactor?
  8. Viet-tin


    Crackhead here forgot to mention Im looking for either percs or ocellaris clowns.
  9. Viet-tin


    I have a 100 gallon with 200lbs of rock. It used to be an established reef but I went ahead and rebuilt my whole system.
  10. Viet-tin


    My ammonia is starting its decend so my cycle should be complete within the next week or so. Was wondering if anyone here raises baby clownfish or sea horse that theyre willing to sell? Pretty much looking for anything captive bred.
  11. A small bit of rust wouldnt be enough to cause a problem. Ferric oxide is what they use in phosphate removers such as phosban so I would think a little bit of rust would be ok unless it was copper in that case all your inverts would be dead. I wouldnt recommend leaving chunks of metal in your tank but I dont think it will do any harm. Most pumps have screws that are exposed to saltwater and will rust and I havent seen any ill effects as Ive also found a rusty screw in my tank with thriving coral. Now ive seen hermits flip snails and eat them which is why I dont carry too many of them in my tank.
  12. Viet-tin


    Im gonna have to hit you up again! I ended up rebuilding my tank so I sold everything and will need to restock my tank. After my cycle of course
  13. I just rebuilt my tank and had some stuff laying around I wont be needing. I bought a calcium reactor but never set it up. The media chamber has a crack and the previous owner tried to silicon it. It should be resiliconed as the old stuff peeled off otherwise it should be ran insump. It comes with a co2 tank with solenoid and regulators. Asking 200 obo. Also have a mag 9.5 that I used for 2 years. Asking 50 obo. A Seio 820 I broke the holding bracket so you'll have to buy another one. Asking 20 obo
  14. If you just got him it might just be stressed, which may explain why it split.
  15. Theres no telling how old the anemone is It could possibly be a clone from another as well but congrats on the split! Always interesting to watch the process go on. It should heal the next few weeks so wait on feeding until then.
  16. Order just sent in! Thanks for putting this group buy together. I was just about to order alone...good thing I checked here first.
  17. Viet-tin


    yellow tang is gone! cardinals and anemone pending.
  18. Viet-tin


    will be available all day today.
  19. I have a small ritteri that split from my clone im willing to let go for $20. Its golf ball size
  20. Viet-tin


    also have a small ritteri anemone maybe golf ball size ill let go for $20. Split off from my clone from Aquatek
  21. Viet-tin


    Yellow tang and banggais are spoken for
  22. Viet-tin


    Just let me know when you want to pick them up! Trying to catch the lil buggers right now...
  23. Viet-tin


    Tomorrow would be fine Im off all day today and tomorrow. Just give me a call when your on your way. My number is 916-595-1942
  24. Viet-tin


    will let you know if he passes
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