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Everything posted by Viet-tin

  1. Viet-tin


    also have a small ritteri anemone maybe golf ball size ill let go for $20. Split off from my clone from Aquatek
  2. Viet-tin


    Yellow tang and banggais are spoken for
  3. Viet-tin


    Just let me know when you want to pick them up! Trying to catch the lil buggers right now...
  4. Viet-tin


    Tomorrow would be fine Im off all day today and tomorrow. Just give me a call when your on your way. My number is 916-595-1942
  5. Viet-tin


    will let you know if he passes
  6. Viet-tin


    Theyre real passive fish. Dont bother anyone or anything. Theyre more of a nocturnal fish but are quite interesting. They are mouth brooders and the males will carry eggs in his mouth till they hatch. These havent spawned yet and not sure of their sex but they've been living peacefully together for about 4 months
  7. Viet-tin


    In the process of rebuilding my tank so need to get rid of a few fish. Blue Tang 5-7" $60 yellow tang 4" $15 Pair of banggai cardinals $10
  8. let me talk to my friend as he may be interested in this
  9. Viet-tin

    Free Clown Fish

    Those black spot are normal my pair have those freckles as well.
  10. I have a H.ritteri from aquatek that split a while ago. its a decent size and has recovered well from the split. I might be willing to part with it if I can get it out of its hole.
  11. Would like to see some pics. I have a small acan colony that I might be willing to part with.
  12. Viet-tin


    all pms replied
  13. Viet-tin


    large green pagoda cup asking $50
  14. Reminds me of a cherry blossom tree
  15. Viet-tin


    Millis are spoken for atm
  16. I got some blue zoos for sale. Paid 10/polyp so asking the same. Frag has 5 polpys
  17. looking for anything in particular?
  18. Viet-tin


    I'll have to swing by this weekend I had some clown gobies destroy the most the frags I got from you earlier
  19. Viet-tin


    I'll have to swing by this weekend I had some clown gobies destroy the most the frags I got from you earlier
  20. Viet-tin


    anyone want anything? I need room!
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