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Everything posted by Sherita

  1. I see status on my laptop, but not on my ipad. Of course, the ipad is what I use the most. Naturally. I'm going to see if status works on my iPhone. Ok, status does not show up on iPhone either. And the same problem with loading pictures is on the iPhone as well. There's bound to be some kind of work around, considering how many people use apple products.
  2. I wonder if grog is using an ipad. I am. Wonder if this could somehow be ipad specific?
  3. Sherita


    Mine is gone too. You are not the only one.
  4. Cleaner shrimp/cleaner gobies do nothing for ich. The parasite is not on the surface of the skin, but rather burrowed into the skin and cannot be reached by cleaners. So, while they are cool to watch, they won't help with ich. Your inverts cannot harbor ich, the parasite requires a piscine host. It cannot survive on anything but a fish. It is quite possible to have an ich free system, but it's not easy. It requires a rigorous qt procedure for anything that goes into your tank. One slip up can undo all your hard work. I currently have three tanks with tangs in them, all three tanks are ich free. Getting there wasn't easy, I had to learn the hard way. Some people will tell you that ich can be found in all marine aquariums, but that's simply not true. That being said, many folks manage ich successfully in their tanks. So hopefully you can too. Little tangs are difficult to keep alive in my experience. They seem very fragile and prone to disease and sudden death. I wish you the best of luck with your little guy.
  5. Thanks Mike. I still don't have a status update either, just in case they need to know that. I can get a screenshot if its needed.
  6. Mike, I tried changing the theme. Didn't seem to do anything And I still don't have a status update either. Too weird. Any more ideas? I tried clearing the cache again, but no joy there either.
  7. Sherita

    Tanks for sale.

    Is the 240 a leaker, or does it just need new silicone on the inside seams?
  8. I can't post pictures anymore from my ipad When I try, the bar that contains the controls is gone (I don't know the name for it. It's where you can make text bold, italic, etc. it also has the buttons for pics, videos, etc) it's not grayed out, it's just flat gone I've cleared the cache and history. Nothing seems to be working. The problem is in my ipad2, latest version of safari. I'm just about to give up on this. Really frustrating.
  9. Belinda, yes. It's that one in my sig.
  10. I will when I get home. Typing on this phone is for the birds, LOL
  11. Within the next two weeks, I will be breaking down my 72g custom reef (going bigger). Details - this is a USED tank. There are scratches. Most are not visible as long as you keep the glass clean. This is a full system, plug and play. Included are: 72g rimless tank (has center brace), 36"L, 22"t, drilled with internal overflow stand (wired for power, great for your skimmer) canopy mh/vho lighting skimmer return pump and all plumbing three chamber sump w/refugium (reverse lighting for fuge included) ato custom side cabinet that hides your ato and electrical. side cabinet is wired for power, with two switched outlets for ease in controlling return pumps and reactors. Side cabinet has upper storage, a tile work surface, a large lower drawer for test kit storage. Built to match the stand and canopy. Cabinet, stand and canopy are painted, but are cabinet grade. No junky wood here. The tank is jumper proof, with screen tops. It also has a custom foam/live rock background. Black silicone. I will post up pics this evening. I can deliver to Austin for the cost of gas. I will also help you set it up and get it running. No live rock, livestock or sand. What's listed above is what you get. Asking $950, but will entertain reasonable offers. No trades.
  12. Sherita


    I would be interested in him if we can get something worked out. He would do great in my very active reef tank. Pm me!
  13. Busy day. 16' of new workbench built in the shop. And Saturday the new storage building arrives. Now I got a place to put mah stuffs.

    1. Grog


      Love it! Need to finish cleaning/rearranging my garage. Sounds like a huge work space.

    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Pics or it didn't happen!

  14. FedEx truck has my fishes.....hurry up and get here!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sherita


      LOL@Belinda. If he does, I will be forced to go find him. Want my fishies!

    3. Sherita


      They are HERE!

    4. mFrame


      Alright, get them acclimated and then we want some pics!

  15. Disaster struck today. My main frag tank crashed while I was at work. About $3000 in corals gone just like that.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Sherita


      My first clue was the monti's. The setosa went from bright orange to pale orange and covered in slime. The bulletproof orange cap did the same thing. Zoas closed up, acros rtn'ed.

    3. Sherita


      BTW, it wouldn't have likely bit me, since I always have on dry, rubber soled shoes when working in the tanks. Since it couldn't have completed the circuit using me, I most likely wouldn't have even felt a thing. The corals were what clued me in that I had a major issue.

    4. esacjack
  16. I think they are looking much better. But I would say still too blue to be true to life colors. Here are some green zoas in my tank Are you using custom wb or are you using awb? Also, if using custom are you adjusting manually or by using a piece of white material in the tank?
  17. Rob, I'm not using a macro lens. I want one something awful, but not quite ready to pony up the $$$$ yet. these were shot using a 35-80 lens and stacked magnification filters, using a photo barrel mounted on the lens to allow me to shoot top down. Camera is a Canon Rebel XTI, auto white balance, flash off.
  18. Had the camera out yesterday, snapped a few good pics that I thought folks might like...... My 140g predator tank. It's still in the "ugly" stage, since it's fairly new. But I'm seeing some coralline popping up on the background, so it will color up soon. One of the two condy nems that reside in the predator tank And, some random coral shots, mostly sps
  19. I hit up the Dfwmas swap on Saturday, and I came home with awesomeness. Utter chaos Raven Candlelight shroom Acans Metallic red chalice And my raffle luck continues to hold out. I bought$20 in tickets and brought home these goodies Skittles stylo Eshopps s-150 skimmer, retail $350.00
  20. Note to self. Four people aint' enough to unload a 210g beast. Turns out she weighs nearly 500lbs. No wonder I was struggling to hold onto my corner.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FarmerTy


      I moved a 125-gallon all by myself, and set it up on the stand as well. Dumbest thing I ever did... though I did give myself crafty points for doing it. One slip away from staying with a 65-gallon.

    3. FarmerTy


      Forgot to mention the best part... 206 lbs, moved in from the garage and lifted on to a 2.5 foot high stand. Leverage is your friend.

    4. Sherita


      I *will* be getting more people when its time to put in on the stand. 42" tall stand I won't attempt with 4 ppls.

  21. I've had it up to HERE with Adobe Flash. Get it right people, or get rid of it.

    1. (Bio)³


      whats wrong?

    2. jestep


      It's flash...

    3. Sherita


      The last two times the thing has updated, it has made a mess of things. I'm just about over dealing with it.

  22. I already had all the supplies here, and I used leftover scraps, so really it cost me nothing except the 0.99 for the screws. However, the acrylic tubing is expensive, you can only get it in 6' lengths from Regal. But, I remember seeing much shorter pieces on ebay, for a lot less money. I don't like the size of the porthole. That 7" diameter would be aggravating to me. However, you might find it to be ideal.
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