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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. I am pretty sure its fin rot because the fin was cool for the first day and then it was frayed. I am going to be monitoring the fish closely. Hopefully it will heal on its own. If not it is time for the QT tank.
  2. We got a niger trigger on Sunday. It is kind of a nervous fish, but is eating like a pig. Well tonight I noticed its top fin is frayed. I am pretty sure it is fin rot. What do I do? It seems like fresh water fish get it a lot. I have found many conflicting opinions on treatment. Most of what I have read says it comes from stress or poor water. The water is: 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 0 Nitrates, and 8.2 PH. Sure does look perfect to me. I really want to stop the rot before it gets worse. Please give me your suggestions. I will get a picture shortly.
  3. If you have a BIG drum to carry the water. You could back a truck into River City and they would fill it up for you. Make sure you have a way to get the water back out of the drum because lifting it out of the truck will be impossible without a crane. LOL I would be willing to let you borrow some water buckets, but I live in south Austin.
  4. Have you been to: Barrel City USA 15000 S I H 35 - (512) 295-8539 They are real close to the HEB in Buda.(thanks Caferacermike)
  5. Just cut the mushroom off the rock with a razor blade. Then tie it some how to where you want it to stay. We use a needle and thread and sew through the foot and the around the rock. It is actually kind of fun. We do it all the time at the house. I would say we have about a 75% survival rate. Thanks Ace for the ID on those mejano anemones. We have two and I think they are super cool.
  6. My initial reaction was to bring it back ASAP. Information is no good unless it is organized. Then I thought we could some how host it here on ARC like RC does with some articles. Possibly attracting more traffic to our site. You bring up a good point about printed material and this hobby. I rarely turn to magazines unless they are brand new for information. The problem is the opinions of what techniques are best and the acceptable methods of implementation change. It is hard for print media to keep up with the latest trends. The big question here is, can people even find the magazine you are indexing? I still think you should talk to starfire, Andrew, about making the index at least a sticky in a forum if not a full fledged page here on ARC.
  7. Can't wait to see! Nothing like an excuse to go to the fish store.
  8. Check this out: The city of Austin is selling cheap 75 Gallon barrels. From the picture it even look like they come with a spigot. I thought these might make good RO/DI holding tanks. http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/watercon/rbsales.htm Just tell them it is for "collecting rain"
  9. Also check horizon. They have a tank with tons of different macro. We have gotten several different types from steve. The aquadome(down south) has a tank with some cheato up stairs. Ezra, works the saltwater and he is super nice. I wish I could give you some, but right now it doesn't seem to be growing that fast. Silly macro...some times I just don't know. BTW 5ppm is lower then most people run. I wish our tanks would stay at 5ppm. Has far as the PH goes. I wouldn't be to worried unless it is super high 9ish or super low 7ish. If you start running the fuge and tank on opposite photo periods it should help. When ever we make big changes or set-up a new tank the PH is low. It seems to work itself out. You might want to test your alkalinity because it acts as a buffer for your PH. RCA sold us a PH/ALK buffer that works pretty well. Just make sure you are testing PH at close to the same time of day because it can swing with your light cycle.
  10. I feel you. I think we are going to have to do the same thing in the 110. Bare spots right in front suck! BTW Did it solve your problems? Sweet aspect ratio on the picture.
  11. I was hoping he was just nervous. He actually is already eating frozen krill(major selling point). He was eating out of the LFS workers hand, but a skewer is a great idea and a reason to Bar-B-Q.Think I will stop on the way home and pick some up! thank you James
  12. Man that is what I was afraid of. I guess I will be working on a improving the top tonight. It has egg crate, but I guess I will add some window screen. We did buy him from an open top tank. Your story is sad. Why can't fish figure out they need to stay in the water? LOL
  13. We just got a snow flake eel. When we woke up this morning and he was in the sump. How do we keep him in the display at night? The drain for the tank is a 2" durso in an internal over flow box. I just don't want the eel to get injured. The other fish seem to understand what to do. Does anyone have a suggestion? thanks james
  14. They are interchangeable. If you buy a super light one you might have the problem with it holding up really heavy lenses later down the road. For your size camera any tripod will work. BTW I heard that particular camera takes great macros. I was actually considering buying it. How do you like it?
  15. I don't have any right now, but I know the dome always has a bunch. RCA also has some right now.
  16. The pics and the tank look great. You have got some really nice colors. We were using home made tripods for a long time. I finally bought one at wolf camera in the mall. It isn't super fancy, but it was only like $30. Well worth the investment.
  17. Thank you. I will try the kalk paste and see what happens. I will let you know.
  18. On our 110 we have a euro-reef skimmer. The thing is great! It pulls all sorts of thing out of the water. The only issue is, it stinks up the entire garage. I know most people have big skimmers in the house. How do y'all deal with stinky skimmate? I remember reading some where you could use kalkwasser in the cup or maybe it was baking powder. I can't remember and I can't find in thread again. thank you james
  19. Search nano-reef.com for catfish reviews. A lot of people on that site have tried them.
  20. Your tank looks great! I am glad to hear things are going better.
  21. Check out this thread http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?sh...&hl=chiller
  22. We finally got all the tanks going. Until we decide to change, LOL. I took some shots of the twenty gallon this morning. It contains the contents of two different 12G nano's we had. It has four fish: a scooter blenny(eating frozen mysis), engineer goby, orange spot hi-fin goby, and you heard it here first a frozen mysis eating mandarin. I am going to stop adding fish because I don't want to add any more competition for the mandarin. It was very tough for me to take this particular fish because common thinking is a 20G is no place for a mandarin, but he seems to be fat and happy. I of course will be monitoring his appearance and if I think his health is turning for the worse I will find a different home for him. The tank also has a 10G fuge so there are a considerable number of pods. Happy Memorial Day weekend! FTS You can see the reflection of the window on the tank. I don't mind so much because the euphyllia love the natural sun light. Speaking of: Oh soooooooooooo sexy: Some zoos: The fish(Minus the mandarin and engineer that like to hide)
  23. Thank you. I did see that triger. The bigger pink tails just seem to get extremely pretty. They had a great one at RCA just recently, but the tank wasn't cycled. I know they get really big. I think goat fish can get pretty big too. If space becomes an issue we will definitely do something about it. I don't like seeing crowded big fish. That is why we are not getting a bat fish. The bulbs in the lights are just screw in PC from home depot. They are brighter then I thought. The color temp isn't the sweet blueish white of 10k with actinics, but the fish don't care.
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