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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. Happy Caturday eve!
  2. Man sounds like you are doing things right. Tank moves are always so much more work then you think. I hope Robin is ok. That should be a real nice tank when it is up and running.
  3. I am very serious. We already have the container and I have built the stand for it. It looks like the weather might be clearing up so I can start this weekend. We are going to put it in front of the fireplace we don't use. It should be super sweet.
  4. You must love: live music, 5K runs, and big box retail
  5. If you know what size pieces you need. It doesn't cost very much to have regal cut it for you. Sometimes it is actually cheaper.
  6. No the pond is going to be in the living room. Isn't that where everyone puts their ponds?
  7. Be patient. Zoos can take a while to feel comfortable. Especially if they have just been fragged.
  8. We just got a porcupine puffer. He has tons of personality. He is like a little puppy in the tank. He has been eating well and behaving normally. The plans are to build a pond/refugium for him. I haven't started on this yet because the weather has not been friendly. Hopefully by this weekend we will at least get some breaks in the rain, so I can start cutting 2x4s. The best thing about the puffer is he is just has hard to photograph has all the other fish. Here is the best pic out of many.
  9. I am in South Austin. I can meet you any time tonight.
  10. Now we need pics! Congrats on the new tank!
  11. I noticed the same thing. TM seems to mix more evenly. I have mixed it for ten minutes and it worked fine. I usually mix for 24hrs.
  12. I live pretty far south. I don't know if you want to drive down to get them, but I have two 20 gallon rubbermaid things and some five gallon containers.
  13. Alamo glass on Lamar at Airport. They are nice and cheap.What double post? LOL You can use my table saw if you want
  14. You could go Acrylic, but I really want to know the answer to this question.
  15. ...and I miss them Gabriel. Feather dusters are animals too!
  16. Is there live rock involved? Do you need big rubbermaid containers?
  17. I forgot about that fact. I was referring mainly to the brine you can buy live at the LFS.
  18. They eggs float. So, you can drain the baby brine out of the bottom of the container. You can buy the eggs at almost any pet store. I believe http://livebrineshrimp.com/ has higher quality eggs. Hatching is easy. You can get the hatching kits at pet stores as well. Tt just takes a container with a valve in the bottom(to get the shrimp out), an airtube, and some old tankwater. Pretty much combine those things and the eggs. Wait 24-48 hours and you have baby brine. You then open the valve on the bottom and drain the water into a brine shrimp net. The shrimp will get caught and the water will go through. Mandarins love baby brine! I have to say Willow sounds like the brine expert.
  19. We feed pretty much the same thing as everyone else. About twice a month I will hatch some brine shrimp. I feed them, minus shells, to the tank about 36 hours after I start the batch. The small fish and seahorses seem to like it. When brine shrimp are freshly hatch the are super nutritious. When they are bigger, they are more like potato chips.
  20. Only place to buy (IMO): Dracomarine.org. We have their seahorses and they are great. Place to find out more: Seahorse.org The 25 tall is a great seahorse tank. You might stay away from kudas they get REAL big, but a nice pair of erectus would be sweet. What kind of filtration are you planning? I would definitely go with a sump and a nice skimmer. I also find running carbon with the horses cuts down on problem algae. Be aware that pipefish can bring in parasite and other bad stuff that can harm your seahorses. Some people have luck mixing pipes and horses, but the general consensus is it is risky. Also try not to mix breeds for the same reason. We learned the hard way. BOOO! Don't believe the hype! Seahorses like flow!
  21. Sounds awesome. Super Sweet. Depending on how long the tank has been set up you might want to wash the sand bed out and save a cup or two to reseed it. I would offer my assistance moving, but it is Jennifer's and my anniversary. If you need any buckets or water containers give me a call at 653-4057. I would go three 250s! thanks James
  22. Welcome to the club!
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